Jacob Rockowitz: Organizing an Organization using the Schema.org Blueprints module for Drupal

My principal client, a healthcare organization, is working on leveraging Schema.org to develop a reusable, understandable, and API-first website. As the team works towards rearchitecting the website, we face the ongoing challenge of determining how our existing content model and relationships can be aligned with and migrated to a Schema.org-based content model.


Schema.org is a vocabulary that provides a standardized way of describing things on the web. It is used by search engines and other applications to understand the content of web pages.


Schema.org defines a vocabulary with 803 Types and 1465 Properties, which is a lot to take in. It can be easy to miss how your existing content types can be aligned with Schema.org. However, the Schema.org specification has been carefully thought out and developed with input from various organizations. For example, the Role type allows organizations to add additional specificity to any relationship. This is often used to define the role of members and employees within an Organization.

Despite my team's efforts, we occasionally need assistance aligning with Schema.org. This challenge led me to realize that instead of focusing on my organization's specific use case, I should look at how Schema.org can define an organization's content and information model. As a result, I created the Schema.org Blueprints Starter Kit: Organization module.

This starter kit leverages inverseOf relationships for member, employee, subOrganization, and department to arrange an organization's hierarchy and define individual roles within an organization using the Read More

LN Webworks: Drupal 9 to 10 Migration: Concerns and Strategies to Address Them

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Drupal 10 is unarguably the most advanced version of Drupal CMS. It was released on December 14, 2022, and its cutting-edge modules, themes, and features make it irresistible for organizations from all industrial domains. However, despite possessing a strong desire to avail of Drupal migration services to upgrade to Drupal 10, a majority of companies refrain from doing so. This is because they are bothered by some challenges and concerns related to the process. 

This blog sheds light on the various challenges and concerns associated with Drupal 9 to 10 migration and ways to overcome them. Once you know how to slew every Drupal 9 to 10 migration challenge that comes your way, you can fearlessly upgrade to Drupal 10. 

LN Webworks: Upgrading from Drupal 8 to 9 Migration: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Drupal, a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS), has won the hearts of web developers and site owners alike. With the release of Drupal 9, upgrading from Drupal 8 has become a crucial step to ensure enhanced features, security, and long-term support. 

In this blog, we present a step-by-step guide to facilitate a smooth and successful Drupal migration from Drupal 8 to 9. But before we get down to the steps of the Drupal 8 to 9 migration process, let’s understand why migration is important in the first place. 

5 Reasons for Migrating from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9

While Drupal 8 has been a reliable and feature-rich platform, Drupal 9 offers a host of compelling benefits that make the upgrade worthwhile. Let's understand the 5 reasons that make Drupal 9 Migration a must! 

Oomph Insights: Oomph's Client Lifespan Wins Nielsen Norman Group Award for Top Ten Intranets of 2023

We are thrilled to share that our client, Lifespan, has been named to the Nielsen Norman Group 2023 list of the ten best employee intranets in the world. Award winners are recognized worldwide for their leadership in defining the field of UX. NN/g is dedicated to improving the everyday experience of using technology. The company has evaluated thousands of websites and applications and consulted for leading brands in virtually every industry since 2001 to select the 10 best intranets annually. A Collaborative Process Lifespan collaborated with our team on strategy, stakeholder management, UX…

Drupal Association blog: ReDiscovering Discover Drupal

The Discover Drupal program aims to professionally and economically empower people from historically marginalized communities through careers in Drupal. This 12-18 month initiative provides training, mentorship, and hands-on experience. Through the support of Drupal mentors and strategic partnerships, this year's cohort was a huge success, further developing the skills and talent of our graduates.   

Over the past 12 months, Discover Drupal students dedicated their time and effort to this extensive program. They completed their respective comprehensive training program, DrupalEasy or Evolving Web, regularly met with their mentors, participated in weekly office hours with Ryan Price and monthly professional development workshops led by Drupal Community members. Students also attended DrupalCon Pittsburgh, where they were able to network with other Drupalers, present their final projects and take part in a recruitment fair. We are grateful for their commitment to the program. Join us in celebrating the 2022-2023 cohort!

  • Haroms Terfassa
  • AV Lee-A-Young
  • Cindy Garcia
  • Selvin Sahn
  • Anastasiya Kazakova
  • Briggitte Ayerves Valderas

For the upcoming 2023-2024 program year, Discover Drupal will pause the fellowship to create a strategic plan. This plan will be based on feedback from past students and mentors. The feedback has shown that there is a need to focus on equitable learning environments, where students can engage and learn from people who may have a shared identity. In “The Value of Intentional Cross-Identity Mentorship” written by Philip Wilkerson, III and Samara Reynolds, they stated, “Marginalized groups often benefit professionally when they have a mentor that shares elements of their identities. Having a mentor who shares similar identities has been shown to lower instances of imposter syndrome.” If you would like to learn more about the importance of shared identity in mentorship and workforce development, check out the following articles:

While we recognize the impact the program has made so far, we hope that the strategic plan will create further opportunities for marginalized folks to take on leadership roles in the program. We believe that it is important to uplift the voices of those who are historically underrepresented so that programs such as Discover Drupal are led by the needs of those most deeply impacted. It is our hope that through this level of intentionality, the program will not only serve as a resource for those who need it but it will also be an opportunity for us to highlight the talent and voices of current marginalized leaders in the Drupal community.

Over the next year, we will work with Drupal community experts and leaders to do the following:

  • Develop a robust curriculum
  • Deepen relationships with our strategic partners
  • Cultivate new connections for internship placement and employment for Discover Drupal Graduates

Once we have developed a new curriculum and established strong relationships with key partners, applications will open for the 2024-2025 cohort in June 2024. We are excited to take this journey and look forward to sharing more!

If you would like to be a part of reimagining Discover Drupal, either as a facilitator, mentor, fiscal supporter, or career placement entity, let us know! You can reach out to Joi Garret at joi@association.drupal.org. We hope to partner with you.

Golems GABB: Serverless Computing and its Impact on Web Development

Serverless Computing and its Impact on Web Development Editor Fri, 08/04/2023 - 12:35

Serverless computing is one of the main trends in cloud systems. Since the emergence of this approach to software development in 2014, its popularity has constantly increased, which means that this technology has significant potential for future widespread use.
According to GlobeNewswire, firms primarily move to the cloud to cut their business costs. Experts at Multisoft Virtual Academy have calculated that small businesses can save 40% on IT costs by using cloud computing. Learn about serverless computing, its elements, strengths, and weaknesses.

Sooper Drupal Themes: DXPR Theme 5.1.1 Release: Facelift For Our Low Code Design Interface

We're thrilled to share an exciting update with our DXPR Theme community - the redesigned low code design interface. This transformation isn't just about a fresh look, but a serious boost to usability and intuitiveness.

Every detail of the interface has been thoughtfully reconsidered, from design elements to input types. This meticulous redesign ultimately makes theme customization more accessible for users of all technical levels.

Simplicity is at the core of our newly designed low code design interface. Its purpose is to democratize design, making it an accessible tool for all. As a team, we at DXPR firmly believe in the power of evolution and continuous improvement to provide the best open-source CMS software experience.

We invite you to test out the new interface through our online demo. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us. Your feedback is a vital part of our development process and helps us continually enhance user experiences.

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LN Webworks: Drupal 10 Migration: Unbeatable Security Features to Safeguard Your Website

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Did you know that 2.8 billion malware attacks affected businesses in 2022? With the ever-increasing and incessant threat of cyber frauds looming over our heads, cybersecurity is of utmost importance today. So, the important question that arises under such circumstances is how can you protect your business website against malicious cyber crimes. As Drupal 10 is power packed with cutting-edge cyber security features, Drupal migration is a magic bullet that can unarguably safeguard your site against cyber crimes to a great degree. 

Right from its inception, Drupal has consistently maintained its position among the most secure Content management systems (CMSs) without dwindling even once. With the advancements in technology, Drupal’s cybersecurity features also kept enhancing further and today everyone is awestruck by the security features of Drupal 10. 

LN Webworks: Exploring Continuous Integration and Testing in Drupal: What You Should Know

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In the ever-evolving landscape of CMS, Drupal stands out as a powerful and rapidly growing platform. With a staggering user base of 1.3 million, Drupal has solidified its position as a leading choice for creating diverse websites, intranets, and web applications. Drupal stands out due to its smooth incorporation with Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing tools. 

In this blog, we will explore the power of Drupal and the transformative potential of Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing in elevating your development endeavors. But first, let’s have a quick overview of the importance of CI/CT in Drupal development. 

Matt Glaman: Improving Simplytest's maintainability

Things have been pretty quiet on the Simplytest front. But I want to bring a fresh round of changes that will make it an easier project to maintain. 

The Simplytest development workflow

In 2021, I spent time helping Adam Bergstein complete the project's modernization off of Drupal 7. We migrated the code from a self-managed virtual server owned by Adam to sponsored hosting by amazee.io on Lagoon.