LN Webworks: Drupal for LMS: Pros of the Industry Giant

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The internet has brought a paradigm shift in the world of education. Distance learning caused quite a stir during the mid-19th century when its first echoes were heard by people worldwide. Over the years, it continued to progress slowly, but the pandemic made it witness exponential growth and pushed it to a whole new dimension. Overnight, all educational institutions and business organizations transitioned to online learning to educate students and train remote employees. Within days, every school, university, coaching center, and business organization had its learning management system (LMS) like Drupal to cater to the educational needs of their pupils and employees. Drupal development for LMS integration is one of the best possible choices in the content management system (CMS) market for creating and managing an effective LMS. No doubt, we are no longer confined by lockdowns today, but the changes induced by the pandemic have been irreversible.

LN Webworks: Drupal Website Personalization: Leveraging Content Grouping for Personalized Digital Experiences

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People of this generation expect websites to provide personalized digital experiences that speak to their individual needs and preferences. To back this up, Salesforce did a study and found that 66% of customers expect brands to understand their needs and expectations. As a Custom Software Development Services provider we are aware of the fact that personalized website content can keep users engaged, boost conversions, and foster long-term loyalty. It's now a breeze to achieve this by using content groups to organize your website's content based on shared traits or user interests.

In the article, you will learn how to slither into the world of leveraging content groups for a personalized Drupal experience. Brace yourself for the next level of personalization on your website - it's unarguably the best choice to make!

Jacob Rockowitz: How is the Schema.org Blueprints module different from a Drupal Distribution and Recipe?

Behind every Drupal website are the modules and configuration settings that define the website's content model, authoring experience, presentation, and integrations. This post will explain and explore how the Schema.org Blueprints module handles configuration compared to a Drupal distribution and a Drupal recipe.

A Drupal distribution provides a predefined list of modules and configuration that define an entire website solution. For example, distributions offer a starting point for building a commerce, government, or intranet website. The Drupal community has acknowledged that distributions can be too opinionated and can become challenging to maintain.

There is now a Recipes initiative whose goal is to provide a modernized approach for distributions. A 'recipe' is a composable piece of site functionality and features bundled together. For example, a 'recipe' would provide an event registration system with an Event content type, a calendar view, and an online registration webform.

After installing a distribution or recipe, developers and site builders must alter and reconfigure what is installed to meet their organization's unique requirements. The 'Recipe' initiative and the Schema.org Blueprint module share the goal of providing a better starting point for building out a website's features and functionality. The big difference between these two solutions is the Schema.org Blueprints module does not ship with a predefined content model and configuration. Instead,...Read More

Peoples Blog: node_get_recent() is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.x

node_get_recent() is unused in core and is now deprecated, developers can use views or EntityQuery to get the nodes which are recently modified or added. Earlier drupal developers used to use the function node_get_recent() to get the recently changed nodes like seen in below example $latest_updated_nodes = node_get_recent(10); Now from Drupal 10.1.x onwards, developers need to use entity q

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #398 - Drupal at your fingertips book

Today we are talking about The D9 Book with Selwyn Polit.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/398

  • What is the Drupal at your fingertips book
  • When did you start the book
  • How long did the first draft take
  • Why is it online only
    • Have you considered printing it
  • How often do you work on it
  • Most interesting tidbit
    • Most obscure
  • What was it like using git for a book
  • Any plans to use Drupal for editing
  • Do you plan to update it for Drupal 10
  • Any AI tools
    • Chat GPT
    • Github copilot
  • Any plans to expand to other technologies
  • How can you contribute to the book
Resources Guests

Selwyn Polit - selwynpolit.github.io/d9book @selwynpolit


Nic Laflin - www.nLighteneddevelopment.com @nicxvan John Picozzi - www.epam.com @johnpicozzi Jordan Graham - @jordanlgraham

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Cloudflare Worker Purge Allows your site to use the Purge module to do tag-based cache invalidation on Cloudflare using Cloudflare Workers.

The Drop Times: Be Future Ready

One thing most of us have in common is the thought about the future. The future, in essence, is an uncertain time for which we have certain plans. We only recently had a tryst with this irony during the pandemic. It was an experience nonpareil for most human beings.

The pandemic sure taught us about the uncertainty levels that the future can hold. At the same time, it also handed us valuable lessons to wade through such tough waters. No matter how hard we resist, times change. The most important thing is to be a changing human. In these times, many are wary about the changes brought in by AI and other related technological advancements. It is sure that such new things will change the world as we see it. But, as human beings, we are equipped with the capability to surmount such challenges by using our unique intellects.

A lot lies to be learned from the human experiences of the pandemic: The way businesses diversified their product lines, how people switched careers, how re-skilling and up-skilling turned out to be vital, and how preserving our health—both physical and mental—is the foundation of all success. I think it is suitable for all of us to periodically rethink the pandemic experience and re-learn the lessons that it handed down. It would help us re-orient our journeys towards success in the future. It helps us to be ready for the future.

Let's look at the important stories published in the past week.

Over the last week, we published several interviews with our distinguished community members. Two of them were speakers at the MidCamp 2023. Ashraf Abed, the founder of Debug Academy, spoke to The Drop Times (TDT) about Drupal, Debug Academy and Drupal TV. Shani Maurya, another speaker at the MidCamp, and a staff engineer at Axelerant shared his thoughts with us.

We had a video interview about DrupalSouth with Owen Lansbury, co-founder of PreviousNext and elected Chair of the Drupal South Steering Committee.

Akseli Miettinen, a speaker at DrupalCamp Finland and an IT Consultant at Silli Solutions, spoke with TDT about his career and how to mould new Drupal developers.

TDT also published an interview with Mike Gifford, Drupal's Core Accessibility Maintainer and a Senior Strategist at Civic Action. He deliberates on the measures and methods to improve accessibility.

Founder and Project Lead of Drupal Dries Buytaert's recent LinkedIn post reveals that the prize money has been raised to $70,000 (USD) for the Drupal Pitch-burg innovation contest.

Look at the courses Debug Academy is offering this May and June. Evolving Web has published a blog that compares Drupal Media Library and Acquia DAM by Widen. Drupal migration is an ever-interesting topic. The blog post by LN Webworks throws light on the importance of migrating to newer versions. The article also clears the misconceptions about migration.

CKEditor 5 is the modern replacement for the CKEditor module. Evolving Web's blog post explains the points to keep in mind while activating the latest version of Drupal 10. Specbee has published on how to build a Drupal website on Pantheon hosting. Make Drupal Easy has published a blog post on the new changes that made Drupal more attractive. Drupal 9 is powerful in creating multilingual websites. Read the blog post by LN Webworks on how to get it done.

ComputerMinds has a way to solve the Query String Parameter Issue in Drupal 9.

Dates are finalized for Pune Drupal Meetup. It is scheduled for August 5 and 6. Backdrop CMS is hosting office hours on May 10. Drupal Meet Tokyo is scheduled for May 11. The organizers of Decoupled Days have extended the date to submit session proposals. Interested community members can now offer sessions until 11:59 pm PDT on May 12.

If you are attending DrupalSouth 2023 in person in Wellington, we need your help. We seek volunteers to cover the community's excellent work. We need your help to ensure we capture all the crucial moments of the conference.

That is all for the week,
Your's truly,
Thomas Alias K, 
Sub-Editor, TheDropTimes

LN Webworks: Why Drupal is Best Choice for Non-Profit Websites?

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Right from its inception, Drupal has remained the top choice for distinguished companies around the world, thanks to its cutting-edge features and excellent performance in the Drupal development field. Its glitter has never faded but rather has only brightened over the fifteen years of its phenomenal existence. On a 10-point scale, this ingenious content management system (CMS) has consistently secured number 10, never dwindling even for a microsecond. This bespeaks Drupal’s excellence. Its persistent upgradation in congruence with the ever-changing world of the internet, it has also become a popular choice for eCommerce development.

Peoples Blog: Best way to add additional estimates upon the original estimate for a Story in a Sprint?

When additional work or requirements are identified for a Story during a Sprint, it is important to ensure that the impact on the Sprint's scope and timeline is understood and communicated to the team and stakeholders. Here are some steps that can be followed to add additional estimates to a Story in a Sprint: Review the original estimate: First, review the original estimate for the Story an

LN Webworks: Must Follow Considerations When Starting a Drupal Based Project

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As a cutting-edge content management system (CMS), Drupal acts as a crucible that forges your website for phenomenal performance. With its ingenious features, it has transcended all its competitors to emerge as the global leading CMS. Scalability, mobile compatibility, phenomenal cybersecurity, multilingual interface, you name it, and Drupal already has it all. As a provider of Drupal Support and Maintenance Services USA we can tell you, Whether it is a content-heavy website or a simple one, Drupal’s viability is unquestionable. Its remarkable modules and themes make it capable of supporting the needs of every website imaginable.

It has been the trusted companion of world-renowned NGOs, government bodies, and Fortune 500 companies. The Australian Government, Pinterest, Twitter, Harvard University, the Emmy Awards, eBay, and NASA all rely on Drupal. If we consider facts, Drupal is the most preferred CMS in Belgium and the second most popular in Hungary.