LN Webworks: Top Drupal LMS Features for Your Ed-Tech Business

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Since its inception as an open-source Content Management System (CMS) in 2001, Drupal has grown into a technology that is trusted by many major corporations and governments around the world. The platform is constantly updated with the latest digital technologies by a community of more than 124k contributors. Drupal is not just a platform; it's a community made up of individuals who are passionate about open-source development. With Drupal Development Services, businesses can leverage the capabilities of this platform to develop custom solutions to fulfill specific requirements. This dedication has led to alternative solutions such as Learning Management Systems that are built on Drupal's backbone. We will examine the features of Drupal LMS for edtech businesses in this article.

Salsa Digital: Drupal defense in depth — a Drupal security protection framework

Image removed.Drupal defense in depth — a comprehensive guide for securing Drupal, even after End-of-Life Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS). Like most open source CMSs, and open source software in general, the responsibility lies with the site owner to patch and/or upgrade the software.  When Drupal versions become End-of-Life, the software is no longer supported.  There are many risks and challenges this represents, with the biggest risk being security . For example, Drupal 7 and 9 will be End-of-Life on 1 November 2023. This means no more security updates will be developed. If the site remains on these versions after this date, the chances of being hacked by a cybersecurity attack considerably increases, potentially risking costly reputational damage to the brand.

Lullabot: Questions to Ask When Choosing a Drupal Hosting Platform

Every website needs a host, and a fantastic website on a mismatched hosting platform can become a terrible website. You've spent a lot of time and money on your website (or websites). Deciding where to host should not be an afterthought. 

Complex websites with content management, media management, and authenticated users have more complex hosting requirements than simple static websites. If your project warrants a CMS like Drupal, you need to ensure your hosting platform matches.

LN Webworks: Top 7 Drupal LMS Features for Your Ed-Tech Business

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Since its inception as an open-source Content Management System (CMS) in 2001, Drupal has grown into a technology that is trusted by many major corporations and governments around the world. The platform is constantly updated with the latest digital technologies by a community of more than 124k contributors. Drupal is not just a platform; it's a community made up of individuals who are passionate about open-source development. With Drupal Development Services, businesses can leverage the capabilities of this platform to develop custom solutions to fulfill specific requirements. This dedication has led to alternative solutions such as Learning Management Systems that are built on Drupal's backbone. We will examine the features of Drupal LMS for edtech businesses in this article.

Matt Glaman: Upgrading my site from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5

My site runs on Drupal 9.5. I started preparing to upgrade to Drupal 10 right after 10.0.0 was released, but then I got hit with CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5 blockers. The Linkit, CodeSnippet, and Entity Embed modules supported Drupal 10 but didn't support CKEditor 5. I could have updated to Drupal 10 and leveraged the CKEditor 4 contributed module, but I wanted to wait.

I will say, though. As we approach Drupal 10.1.0, more users will find a much easier upgrade path to Drupal 10 and CKEditor 5.

Drupal Core News: New Drupal core branching scheme introduced

Drupal core is moving towards using a main branch. As an interim step, a new 11.x branch has been opened, since Drupal.org infrastructure cannot fully support a Drupal core branch named main currently. This will bring Drupal in line with many other projects.

Before: Moving development branch

Drupal core previously opened a new minor branch (like 10.2.x) each time the previous minor released its first alpha (like 10.1.0-alpha1). This ensured that developers could immediately work on the next minor development version, but it made the most recent branch a moving target that changed every six months.

From 10.1 onwards, we will change our branch naming strategy, for the following reasons:

  • Make it easier for developers to choose the correct branch for issues.
  • Remove noise on issues from the automated comments created when a branch is opened.
  • Remove the overhead from issue bulk updates for branch changes.
  • Reduce merge conflicts and merge request permission problems caused by target branch changes.

After: Introducing the 11.x branch

This new 11.x branch will be used as the main development trunk until Drupal.org supports the main branch name. Future feature and API additions will be targeted against the 11.x branch. All outstanding issues filed against 10.1.x will be automatically migrated to 11.x.

The 10.2.x branch will be opened from 11.x prior to 10.2.0.

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Comparing the old and new branching model. View a bigger version.

From now on, all patches and merge requests should be submitted to 11.x. Changes will be cherry-picked or backported from 11.x to minor branches as required. Backport versions of patches and merge requests can still be posted against specific branches.

Despite the branch name, Drupal 11 development is not yet open. The 11.x branch will still accept only minor-version allowed changes until Drupal 11 development begins.. When Drupal 11 development begins, we will branch the next Drupal 10 minor branch prior to the Drupal 11 alpha development phase, and only then will 11.x will allow Drupal-11-specific changes.

There is currently a 'stub' 11.0.x branch for holding 11.x-only issues that can't be worked on yet. These issues will also be moved to the 11.x branch, and we will use an [11.x] title prefix and 'Major version only' issue tag to distinguish them. 11.0.x will then be opened properly when we're ready to tag an alpha release.

We will rename the 11.x branch to main when possible.

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: DrupalCon Survival Guide: Making the Most of Your Conference Experience

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Why DrupalCon?

DrupalCon is the premier 3-4 day conference for the Drupal community. It brings together developers, content creators, site builders, and business leaders from around the world to learn and share their Drupal knowledge. You will have the chance to attend sessions, workshops, and keynotes led by some of the most innovative and successful Drupal leaders. The best part of DrupalCon (in my opinion) is participating in community events, networking opportunities, and social events with the vibrant community of Drupal enthusiasts. Check out this video below from the Drupal Association to learn more.