Drupal Association blog: DrupalCon Pitch-burgh Updates (10.2023)
Policy based access
First, let's start with the most exciting part of the updates. The dedicated team working on Policy-Based Access has successfully completed the work. Kristiaan Van den Eynde has been a pleasure to work with and has always been very responsive. Here is Kristiaan's own update:
The Access Policy API is ready to be committed and was integrated into core with zero test fails. It will revolutionize how contribution access modules are able to interact with the access layer.
While we wait for core maintainers to have a thorough look at it, we still have budget left to follow up on the merge requests until completion
The core committer team is already informed, so it’s just a question of waiting and, if necessary, responding to any reviews.
We have received an extensive update from Brad, which I’ll reproduce next.
The initiative to implement JSON data storage and introduce an MVP for core field schema support is proceeding on schedule, perhaps even a little ahead. While I had initially intended to work mostly on schemas in the first half of the project, I gained early momentum on JSON data type and ran with it. This is the most complex part of the project, so it’s promising to be more than halfway done with the truly “hard stuff.”
Of specific interest to those who are looking forward to JSON data type support is our handling of database indices. (Thank you to @daffie for his early guidance on this.) I also received some excellent suggestions by a community member who wishes to be a silent helper. As a result, I was able to include auto-magical creation of generated columns for indexing frequently-used jsonpath expressions, which will then be used as indices. It turns out there is quite a bit of variation between core’s supported database drivers on indexing, but we are largely abstracting away this complexity.
The use of jsonpath expression in query conditions necessitates that we add a new condition method, ::jsonCondition(), to the DB abstraction layer. I would love to get more community feedback on the ergonomics of this new syntax.
As I’ve spent the bulk of the first half of the project deep in the weeds of the database API, I haven’t worked as much on schemas, but have switched focus around our project mid-point. The bulk of this work will be in contrib-land, with the exception of the addition of a “schematic normalizer” interface to core.
I welcome community help and suggestions on all the above and appreciate the advice and support by those who have already contributed. - Brad Jones
Decoupled Layout Builder
PreviousNext has been regularly sharing updates on their project. Below, we have highlighted their recent progress. For a quick summary in video format, we recommend watching their demo to get an overview of the current status at this link.
September updates:
- Evaluation of JSON:API
- Design of API and Open API specification
- Persistence layer complete
- Local development setup
- API for formatters in React
- API for Block plugins in React
- API for Layout plugins in React
- Evaluation of React drag and drop libraries
- Drag and drop support for blocks and sections
- NEW API for Widget plugins in React
- NEW Reducers for blocks to trigger mutating state
- NEW Proof of concept of inline editing of simple text and rich text (CKEditor inline editor)
October updates:
- Finalized the API
- Added an API for React Widget components plus a Widget manager
- Added a settings tray
- Added support for settings form to React Block components
- Added a document outline with drag and drop support
- Added a footer component that shows breadcrumbs
- Plain text widget
- Rich text widget powered by CKEditor
- Edit and select document modes
- Drag and drop to add new section or block
For a more in-depth understanding of their progress, be sure to check out their blog posts:
Drupal API
Brian Perry, lead of this initiative, shared the following update:
We're making good progress on our vertical slice Proof of Concept (POC)
As of right now half of the issues under that meta issue are complete, and all of the remaining issues have open PRs. That puts us slightly behind schedule, but we seem to be closing the gap a bit.
Mentor the mentor
The slide deck for the First-Time Contributor Workshop is now drafted and scripted, designed with accessibility in mind. It serves as a flexible template that can be tailored to suit the specific requirements of the event where it will be presented.
The Mentoring team presented this version on Tuesday, 17 October, at DrupalCon Lille, after which they will make any necessary iterations.
Gutenberg in Drupal
The team has started working on the starter theme, and a demo with the work in progress is scheduled soon. At the moment, the Drupal Association is helping arrange meetings with Automattic and beginning to plan workshops that will take place in the next few months.