Sooper Drupal Themes: Interview Invite: Be a Part of DXPR's Drupal Multilingual UX Study

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At DXPR, we're always looking to learn more about Drupal, especially when it comes to how different languages are handled on the platform. We're starting a project to study this and we're inviting people with experience in this area to help us.

We've set up a 30-minute interview for Drupal practitioners who've had their hands on the ropes in setting up multilingual CMS or doing content translation. These conversations will add a lot to our study and they'll also help us all understand these important areas better.

The best part? If you take part in this, you'll get early access to DXPR's latest developments. Our team has been working hard to make improvements to the translation experience for Drupal content editors and translators. By being part of this project, you'll be among the first to check out these cool new features.

Interested in being part of this study? Reach out to us to set up an interview at a time that works best for you! Please also write a short introduction about your experience and/or ambitions with respect to web content translation.

Lullabot: Lullabot Podcast: Unlocking the Power of Structured Content with Drupal on

Host Matt Kleve discusses a recent Lullabot Drupal project and its transformative impact on government websites. In this episode, we have an exciting conversation with a representative from the Office of the CIO from the state of Iowa and the Director of Strategy at Lullabot, as we explore the importance of structured content and its role in the groundbreaking work being done on, powered by Drupal.

ImageX: A Guide to Extending Drupal Views with the Modules Contributed by Our Developers

When you think of the most powerful tools in Drupal, it should come as no surprise that Views are always at the top of the list. Built into the Drupal core since 8.0.0, Views, together with their companion module Views UI, enable website administrators, site builders, and developers to display content listings on their websites in any format they need. 

Matt Glaman: Using DDEV snapshots to speed up GitHub Actions workflows

My projects all use DDEV for local development. Regarding end-to-end testing, as part of my continuous integration process, I also use DDEV! This way, my scripts for running Cypress are the same locally and in my CI. Leveraging DDEV in your CI is especially useful if your project has multiple domains, which is harder to replicate using good old php -S -t web. Recently I wanted to speed up my end-to-end tests by avoiding full site installs for each job. A full site install could take a few minutes with the default content creation. But I knew a database restore could take a fraction of that time. Luckily, DDEV provides snapshots that can be used to restore your environment from a backup!

The approach was this: blog: Top 5 Benefits of Hiring Drupal Maintenance Services

Top 5 Benefits of Hiring Drupal Maintenance Services kanapatrick Thu, 07/06/2023 - 13:58 Image removed.

Effective management of a Drupal-based website requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and security. By enlisting the expertise of Drupal maintenance services, you gain access to a host of benefits that extend beyond routine upkeep. In this article, we will delve into the top five advantages of entrusting your Drupal maintenance to professionals.

LN Webworks: Drupal: The Cutting-Edge CMS Now a Digital Public Good

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April 24, 2023, was a remarkable day in the history of Drupal as it got certified as a digital public good. Its proposal was finally approved by the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA), and Drupal got added to the Digital Public Good Registry. Accomplishing this milestone isn’t easy. After all, aspiring software products have to adhere to the stringent Digital Public Good Standard. However, Drupal triumphed after undertaking a tedious journey filled with struggle and strife, and hence, validated its enormous potential again.

Getting established as a digital public good (DPG) has opened new avenues for Drupal development. It is now drawing the interest of more and more governments and nonprofit organizations across the globe. If you wonder why so much hype about Drupal becoming a DPG, this blog will help you satiate your curiosity.