Promet Source: How to Get Started with Drush

Drush often serves as a utility knife for Drupal developers. It can be used to set up drupal,  maintain it and deploy it.  Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. It runs update.php, executes SQL queries, runs content migrations, along with utilities such as cron or cache rebuild.  The word Drush is a combination of two words: Drupal + Shell. A shell is a command line tool for simplifying the management of websites by writing commands.   Why Use Drush Here are the main advantages of using Drush:

LN Webworks: How Drupal Can Drive Business Success in Enterprise Web Development

Modern businesses must provide customers with an engaging web experience to keep up with rising customer expectations. Mobile-first strategies and fast response rates have become standard practice, making a robust content management system (CMS) vital to businesses. Therefore, Drupal web development stands out as a suitable option for enterprises seeking to develop robust apps tailored towards meeting customers' requirements.

 Drupal's open-source CMS architecture combined with advanced security features has made it the platform of choice for well-known establishments such as Twitter and BBC. Businesses using Drupal can enhance customer experiences while increasing productivity; its advanced features also make it ideal for enterprise web development where tailored and engaging experiences are key.

LN Webworks: Drupal Commerce Vs Magento 2: The Battle of E-Commerce Platforms

Your business's success is heavily reliant on selecting the appropriate platform for creating an online store. There are tons of solutions out in the market, and finding the right platform can seem overwhelming. These two names appear as one of the top solutions for building your E-commerce business: Drupal Commerce and Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, and we’ll be exploring them in detail.

Don't worry if you're having difficulty deciding on a platform for your company. This article's got you covered! It explains everything you need to know about E-commerce platforms and helps you make the best decision.

Evolving Web: Drupal Media Library vs DAM for your Digital Assets

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Releasing quality content is still the end goal of organizations, but as digital assets start to pile up and fly across your design, marketing, and content teams, how will you know when it’s time to adopt DAM (Digital Asset Management) as your source of truth for rich media over your standard Drupal Media Library?

I’ll walk you through the key differences between Drupal Media Library and Acquia DAM (Widen) to help you make the right call for your content management, organization, and publishing workflows. 

See also: “Managing your Content Smarter (Not Harder) with DAM” 

Acquia DAM by Widen 

The Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform is designed to manage a brand's vital assets throughout the content lifecycle. 

Acquired by Acquia in 2021, the Widen DAM product was one of the pioneers of DAM technology. Now known as Acquia DAM, it serves as a central hub and primary source of truth that facilitates the efficient management, organization, and distribution of digital assets with speed, intention, and control.

When asked what DAM does most effectively for day-to-day content and branding workflows, Nathan Holmes (Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Widen) attests to the impact of implementing DAM for your media-rich content: 

 "There's a lot of questions when it comes to working with creative files. Where is it? Do we have the rights to use it? What audience is this for? DAM is designed to answer these and many other questions for our teams."

Drupal Media Library 

Drupal Media Library is a module in the Drupal content management system that provides a central repository for storing and managing media assets such as images, videos, and audio files. 

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It provides an easy-to-use interface for selecting and inserting media assets into content, as well as basic editing functions. It also integrates with other media management tools for added flexibility and customization.

Why DAM and Drupal Make Sense Together

If you’re using Drupal as your CMS and Content Editor, then you’re already halfway to using Acquia DAM since it’s such an easy integration. 

Acquia DAM makes integrating assets into your Drupal web pages seamless, ensuring that multiple teams have access to the same assets from a centralized location. Goodbye to those back-and-forth messages in search for the correct file. 

Here’s what you can do with Acquia DAM + Drupal: 

  • Search and select assets from DAM in the Drupal WYSIWYG editor
  • Position and align images from DAM through embed codes
  • Track and manage which assets are being used where across your Drupal site(s)
  • Configure and govern granular permissions to manage access to assets in Drupal
  • Save storage space in Drupal by storing your assets as media entity references linked back to DAM
  • Support requirements for SEO, site responsiveness, and accessibility

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What the DAM module looks like in the WYSIWYG Editor

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Formatting an image in the DAM module for Drupal’s WYSIWYG Editor 

To DAM or Not To DAM? 

Let’s start off with what kinds of questions we need to ask ourselves when considering whether to stick with Drupal Media Library or integrate DAM into your workflow. 

1. How many people need access to your assets? 

Depending on how granular you need to get, combined with the number of assets you’re dealing with, DAM can make sense, especially if you have longer workflows and multiple types of roles, from asset creators and approvers to content publishers. 

Acquia DAM can accommodate even the most fine-grained permissions. Via the Admin settings, you can assign specific permissions for adding, editing, and managing categories, metadata, and more within an intuitive interface. 

You can also provide access to users inside or outside of your organization via Portals, sharing selected assets with consultants, branding agencies or any other collaborators with a link, an access code, or a user login for added security. 

With clear channels of collaboration and full control over permissions, outside collaborators could even upload project files and final versions to an asset group for easy access and governance. 

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Creating & managing user roles with associated permissions in Acquia DAM’s administration panel

2. How fast do you need transformation? 

If your teams are regularly publishing assets to multiple platforms, from social media channels to print campaigns, you’re probably spending more time converting, resizing and testing your assets for quality. 

With Acquia DAM, you can convert assets on the fly by selecting from a number of predefined formats (for example, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) as well as defining your own dimensions. Drupal can do some of that, but expect to rely on additional contributed models via source plugins, as these extra formats are not part of the Drupal core.

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Conversion Formats for assets in DAM to maximize usability across platforms 

Source: Widen Community

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Dynamic embed codes in DAM for programming tasks such as changing file formats, adjusting the size, setting the crop ratio and background colour.

3. Do you know how your assets are being governed across departments? 

If you’ve ever hit “Publish”, only to realize that your content contained an out of date asset, you’ll know the importance of strong version control. We’ve all been there!

Version Control is built into Acquia DAM, and includes the option to either store multiple versions of assets, ensuring the most recent one is available for use, or to simply replace assets with the same file name to avoid conflicts or the infamous naming conventions “color-logo-DO-NOT-USE”. 

Even better, by allowing you to select which users can view versions, you can prevent content mixups and ensure that your publishing team only has access to approved or finalized assets, saving everyone time and headaches.

Furthermore, DAM administrators can also monitor asset use to gain valuable insights on the number of views, plays, average time watched, and geolocation data (among others).

“When your goal is to craft better content and campaigns, DAM is better to understand and measure the value, impact and engagement of individual assets to drive data-informed decisions.”

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Real-time asset insights within DAM 

4. Is your storage busting at the seams? 

Depending on the volume of assets you’re managing, storage costs and performance times can become an issue when you’re relying solely on Drupal’s Media Library. 

Because Acquia DAM relies on embed codes in Drupal, serving them through a content delivery network (CDN), you can reduce storage space - not only for assets, but for all associated metadata, versions and accompanying information. 

Embed codes mean that there is no additional storage space required in Drupal, and you can benefit from the full suite of DAM functionalities available in Acquia’s product.

If you find yourself weighing your options for whether to just pay for more storage space or invest in DAM, consider some of the ways that DAM helps cut down on storage costs: 

  • It reduces duplicate asset storage costs by helping you identify duplicate files and store the highest resolution version, and transform as needed.
  • It enables a centralized repository of accessible assets across your organization rather than duplicating storage in shared servers. That way you’re only investing in one storage location within the DAM system. 
  • Acquia DAM’s storage costs are competitive with what’s out there since they prioritize the value of the system versus high volume of assets and storage 

The Flexibility of Drupal, the Power of DAM

Whether DAM is the right call right now or in the future, the good news is that the benefits of leveraging Drupal’s scalability and flexibility as an open source technology include its seamless compatibility with the power and control of Acquia DAM (Widen). 

Making the call between using Drupal Media Library or switching to Acquia DAM boils down to the needs of your organization and just how much content needs to be managed, organized, and governed across your content teams.

Ready to know more? We’re here to help.

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+ more awesome articles by Evolving Web

Sooper Drupal Themes: Important DXPR Theme Update: Are You Risking a €250,000 Fine for Using Google Fonts on Your Website? and More

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We understand that website design isn't just about aesthetics; it's also about complying with privacy laws and regulations. Our latest DXPR Theme update takes care of both design and privacy concerns, including the following enhancements:

Better Privacy for Google Fonts

The old way of loading Google fonts is not compliant with privacy laws in Europe. In fact, German courts have ruled that loading fonts from Google CDN equates to leaking PII (Personally Identifiable Information), such as the user's IP address, and have fined websites €100 for loading Google fonts this way. One of our clients was recently threatened with legal action due to their use of Google CDN in DXPR Theme, which prompted us to take action.

The German court's ruling threatens a fine of €250,000.00 for each case of infringement or, alternatively, six months imprisonment if the site owner does not comply and continues to provide Google with IP addresses through their use of Google Fonts. At DXPR, we take data privacy very seriously, which is why we've modified our DXPR Theme to serve Google fonts from the local public file system, avoiding any leakage of PII.

Security Update or Compliance Update?

Technically, leaking PII is considered a security bug. Because DXPR Theme is hosted on, the Drupal security team governs what is and isn't considered a security update. The team decided they see no benefit in marking this update as such. However, as an Amsterdam-based company, we do consider this issue a security issue because EU law does consider leaking IP addresses to 3rd parties without user consent as a security problem. Therefore, we published the Google Fonts update on all branches of the DXPR Theme, including the Drupal 7 branch.

More Color Schemes and Enhanced Theming

In addition to better privacy for Google Fonts, our DXPR Theme update also includes eight new color schemes, including "dark mode" palettes. We've also enhanced the theming of tabs, tables, and collapsibles to work better with color palettes. This update ensures that our client's websites are visually appealing and offer a great user experience.

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Check out all color schemes on

Bug Fixes

Our DXPR Theme update also fixes several bugs, including the issue with vibrating pages when using a sticky header and page content height close to or equal to the viewport height. We've also fixed the issue with full-screen search and breadcrumb styling not working in DXPR Theme 5.x  (Bootstrap 5) sub-themes. Finally, we've improved the styling for threaded comments.

Risks of Using @font-your-face Module

It's important to note that if you're using the popular @font-your-face module to load Google fonts or other fonts from a CDN, you're still risking the fine. It’s essential to make sure your website is fully compliant with privacy laws and regulations, and our DXPR Theme update ensures just that.

About DXPR Theme

DXPR Theme is a low-code Drupal theme that allows you to customize over 200 settings for your website design. It offers mobile optimization and improved SEO to ensure your site is accessible on any device. Additionally, DXPR Theme comes with comprehensive documentation and customer support to help you every step of the way. Give DXPR Theme a try on our online admin demo site to simplify your Drupal website creation process and launch your ideal website.

Chromatic Insights: Drupal 7 End-of-Life Podcast - Episode 05

Tim Lehnen joins us! Tim is the Drupal Association’s Chief Technology Officer and is one of the voices in the room when it comes to decisions around Drupal 7’s End-of-Life. We talk with Tim about that as well as how he thinks about sites still on Drupal 7, modern Drupal’s growth being better than the usage graphs show, and even still being on Drupal 7 (for now)!

Drupal Association blog: Investment in Innovation: Going to Pitchburg!

The Drupal Association is excited to host "Pitch-burgh", an innovation contest, at DrupalCon Pittsburgh and to invite community members to propose their ideas for innovating Drupal, with the top ideas receiving funding.

Beyond just hosting the contest, the Drupal Association is committing funds to make a direct financial investment in the best ideas and will provide management resources to support taking pitches from idea to implementation. Additionally, we will work with other “sharks” to put together the necessary resources to make these ideas a reality.

Information about how to participate and submit your ideas can be found here.

The brainchild of Dries Buytaert, “Pitch-burgh” is the first of a series of initiatives that the Drupal Association will be undertaking to speed up innovation of Drupal as part of a strategic plan created by the Association’s Board of Directors To maintain Drupal as the best CMS in the world and an impactful champion of the Open Web, we need to continually explore where it needs to go next. What better way to do that than to tap into our very creative and very dedicated global community?

Let the pitches begin!