LN Webworks: Why Fortune 500 Companies Use Drupal? And Importance of Drupal Technology

There are no second thoughts when it comes to Fortune 500 companies being the most prestigious organizations in the world. These largest companies from the United States have fabulously established themselves globally and earned the enormous stature that all other organizations envision accomplishing. If we dig deeper into their success stories, we’ll realize that it is a product of the intersection of multitudinous small fragments. Employing an incredible management team, deploying a user-centric strategy, using cutting-edge tools, and having a strategic focus are some of them. When it comes to the list of top-notch tools employed by a majority of these organizations, Drupal tops the list. It is basically a content management system (CMS) and e-commerce software solution. 

Matt Glaman: Lessons learned from helping port the top contrib projects to Drupal 10

My talk "Lessons learned from helping port the top contrib projects to Drupal 10" from MidCamp is now on YouTube. You can also download the slides. In this session, I talked about lessons learned from Acquia's Drupal Integration Team (my team) effort to track 180 contributed modules for Drupal 10 compatibility. 

Consensus Enterprises: Aegir5: Queue Architecture

Previously in this series, we looked at the Aegir5 front-end interface architecture, as well as the lower level entities, Tasks and Operations that provide building blocks. As mentioned in the first part of the series, our most recent work on Aegir5 itself has been reworking the queue system. In this post, we explore this topic in more detail. The Aegir5 queue is implemented using Celery, which is a full-featured Python-based task queue, built atop RabbitMQ.

LN Webworks: Drupal E-Commerce Websites Challenges And Benefits

Today, having an e-commerce website is indispensable for making your business move in an upward spiral of growth. Drupal Commerce, a powerful e-commerce framework built on Drupal, is undoubtedly the most preferred content management system (CMS) across the globe. Online shopping has become so prevalent that if you stick only to your brick-and-mortar store, you are going to miss out on something that can fast-track your business’s growth. According to research, 67% of Millennials and 56% of Gen Xers prefer to shop online rather than buy from traditional stores.

MidCamp - Midwest Drupal Camp: It's MidCamp Week!

It's MidCamp Week!

MidCamp week is upon us and there’s so much happening! Our last post laid out the schedule for the week, and we have a few hot-off-the-press updates:

Health & Safety

Please exercise COVID-safety precautions before and on your way to camp. 

MidCamp takes the safety of its sponsors, speakers, volunteers, and participants very seriously. Please review our Health & Safety Policy before attending. We’ve added a section detailing what to do if you become sick or test positive and request that you anonymously report your case .

Drupal Association blog: Drupal officially achieves recognition as a Digital Public Good

PORTLAND, Ore., 25 April, 2023 – The Drupal Association is thrilled to announce that Drupal, the most powerful open source content management system in the world, has been approved as a Digital Public Good (DPG) by the Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA). Drupal's registration as a DPG is a recognition of the positive global impact that Drupal has had in promoting equity as an open source technology.

“Registration as a Digital Public Good is an acknowledgment of the important role that Drupal and the Drupal Community plays in advancing the Open Web.” commented Tim Doyle, CEO of the Drupal Association. “We are proud to be a part of the registry and support the efforts of the Alliance in prioritizing open source digitalisation for the improvement of public service delivery.”

Drupal is now listed on the Digital Public Goods Alliance DPG Registry. For Drupal, being recognized as a Digital Public Good—defined as open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards, and open content that adhere to privacy and other applicable laws and best practices, do no harm, and help attain the SDGs—is an honor and an important step for Drupal’s future. The official designation gives further confidence to public sector, educational, and social-impact organizations that Drupal is the best choice for building their digital presence.

The goal of the DPGA and its registry is to promote Digital Public Goods in order to create a more equitable world and help attain the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. DPGs represent an opportunity to enable countries to access cutting edge features, drive their own digital transformation processes, and grow their local ecosystems. As open source solutions, DPGs can be the basis for community building, knowledge sharing, and joint approaches. Local adaptations and iterations can be shared back with Drupal to help continuously improve it and ensure its long term sustainability. To become a digital public good, all projects are required to meet the DPG Standard.

Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, has been referring to open source and Drupal as a public good for several years (see: Balancing Makers and Takers to Scale and Sustain Open Source) Formal recognition as a Digital Public Good is a further step in highlighting the benefits of open source, but also the challenges that exist in sustaining it.

Thank you to all of the community members who collaborated with us on Drupal's application and who helped make the DGP title official!

About Drupal and the Drupal Association
Drupal is the open source content management software used by millions of people and organizations worldwide, made possible by a community of 100,000-plus contributors and enabling more than 1.3 million users on Drupal.org. The Drupal Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating the Drupal software project, fostering the community, and supporting its growth. Learn more, and please consider supporting Drupal’s mission.

About the Digital Public Goods Alliance

The Digital Public Goods Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative endorsed by the United Nations Secretary-General, working to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in low- and middle-income countries by facilitating the discovery, development, use of, and investment in digital public goods.

For more information on the Digital Public Goods Alliance, please reach out to hello@digitalpublicgoods.net.

Matt Glaman: Are you ready for Drupal 11 in 2024?

Drupal 11? Yes! Drupal 11 is going to release on August 2024 or December 2024. That's only a year and a half away when writing this blog post. So, when should we start preparing modules and sites for Drupal 11? Now! Preparing for the next major version of Drupal should not be a mad dash but a consistent process.

I'll be presenting at MidCamp tomorrow about lessons learned from this past Drupal 10 readiness effort. While strenuous, the Drupal 10 readiness work for contributed modules went well. It definitely went faster than Drupal 9. And that is because we have better tooling and processes. Those tools and processes need more refinement as we prepare for Drupal 11.