Gábor Hojtsy: Upgraded my blog from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 in less than 24 hours with the open source Acquia Migrate Accelerate

Upgraded my blog from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 in less than 24 hours with the open source Acquia Migrate Accelerate

After 16 years, I was back in Brussels for another FOSDEM last weekend. Back then, as the lead maintainer, I presented about the brand new Drupal 6 version. Now I revisited the pieces that made the Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative super successful (dedicated post about that coming soon). That reminded me how much I used this website and other custom websites to support initiatives I worked on, and how I neglected to take care of the site in recent years. I wanted to move a bit forward, and kind of got carried away in the best way possible.

Gábor Hojtsy Fri, 02/09/2024 - 15:57
