LN Webworks: How To Create Hooks Vs Event Subscribers in Drupal 9

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In Drupal development, understanding the differences between hooks and event subscribers is essential for building robust and flexible modules. Hooks are a fundamental part of Drupal's architecture, allowing modules to interact with and modify various aspects of the system's behavior. Moreover, event subscribers are a more recent addition to Drupal, introduced in Drupal 8 as part of its transition to a more modern, object-oriented architecture.

Hooks in Drupal

Hooks are specially named functions that a module defines and calls at specific times to alter, add, or modify the data.

The Drop Times: Harmony in Code: Irina Zaks' Open Source Journey

In a compelling interview, Irina Zaks, co-founder and CTO of Fibonacci Web Studio, shares insights on bridging quantum physics with web development, simplifying Drupal migrations, and advocating for open source in academia. Ahead of her Stanford WebCamp 2024 session, Irina discusses the impact of her work on the academic sector and her vision for the future of web technology.

LN Webworks: PHP Attributes In Drupal Development: All You Need To Know

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Drupal is moving ahead with PHP attributes. Introduced in PHP 8.1, this feature is changing how developers define plugins and manage their metadata. But there’s a lot more that comes with it. 

First and foremost, PHP attributes are a native feature of PHP 8.1. It eliminates the need for external libraries like "doctrine/annotations." This simplifies the development process by keeping code clean and concise. 

Furthermore, modern IDEs offer better support for attributes. They provide features like code completion and validation, making your workflow significantly more efficient. And because attributes are a core part of the PHP language, you can rest assured that they'll receive ongoing development and support in future PHP versions. All of this ensures that your code remains compatible and up-to-date as Drupal evolves.

However, one question that comes up very often is why PHP attributes in the first place. Well, let’s understand this by knowing the limitations of annotations. 

The Drop Times: 2024 Drupal Developer Survey Seeks Global Input to Shape the Future

The 2024 Drupal Developer Survey is now open, inviting developers worldwide to contribute their experiences and shape the future of Drupal. With a focus on new questions and broadened language accessibility, the survey aims to capture diverse perspectives from the global Drupal community. Results will be revealed at DrupalCon Portland 2024 and are set to influence the ecosystem's direction, benefiting contributors, tool makers, and users alike.

Horizontal Digital Blog: Improving the authoring experience and editorial workflow with ECA

Image removed. I recently was presented with a relatively simple problem, and decided to explore ECA as a possible solution. The initial problem was a pretty simple use case, and could have been accomplished with a bit of custom code. With the move of this blog to Drupal, we built a simple editorial workflow to give our marketing team some guardrails and control over the publishing process. Since the launch, we've decided to expand this workflow from Draft -> Review -> Published, to include a new state - "Technical Review".

The Drop Times: EvolveDrupal Atlanta: Industry Experts Share Future of Web Development—Part 1

Embarking on exploring the forefront of web development, EvolveDrupal Atlanta's industry experts offer insights into sessions covering inclusive design, Drupal 7's end-of-life, scalable software products, Drupal theming, and seamless migrations. Readers are invited to join for an exclusive peek into the future of web development.

The Drop Times: EvolveDrupal Atlanta: Exploring Website Evolution and Digital Innovation—Part 2

Gain exclusive insights from renowned industry experts John Cloys, Penny Kronz, and Steve Persch as they unravel the intricacies of website evolution and digital innovation at EvolveDrupal Atlanta—Part 2. Discover what's shaping the future of web development in this must-read exploration.