Golems GABB: Boosting Productivity in Drupal with Composer 2

Boosting Productivity in Drupal with Composer 2 Editor Fri, 04/19/2024 - 16:10

Composer 2 is an effective solution for increasing productivity when working with Drupal. Everyone knows the situation when simple operations take a lot of time. Using Composer in Drupal makes developers' lives easier.
To speed up workflows, web developers often use the same code many times in many projects. This code can be written not only by other people; that's not the point. Regarding programming, rewriting code is a concern for many developers. Composer allows you to get rid of this problem. You can save parts of PHP code and use them for other projects.

LN Webworks: Drupal Configuration Synchronization: A Simplified Guide

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When you're adding a new feature, like connecting your contact form to Mailchimp, on your Drupal website, you'll want to make sure it works the same way when you move it from one stage to another. Luckily, Drupal has a handy feature called Configuration Synchronization for this. 

This feature helps you easily export and import all the settings and setup between different copies of your Drupal website. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at how Configuration Synchronization works and some tips for using it effectively. We will also understand the best ways to make sure your Drupal development stays consistent across different environments.

The Drop Times: Drupal Developer Days Announces Featured Speakers Gábor Hojtsy and Cristina Chumillas

Drupal Developer Days announces featured speakers Gábor Hojtsy and Cristina Chumillas for their upcoming event in Burgas, Bulgaria. Get ready to dive deep into Drupal 11 updates and Admin UI changes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry experts and connect with the Drupal community!

The Drop Times: Christoph Weber to Explore Private LLMs for Technical Documentation at LagoonCon 2024

Join Christoph Weber at LagoonCon Portland on May 6 as he discusses utilizing private large language models to enhance developer access to technical documentation, ensuring data sovereignty with the Lagoon open-source platform. Learn how this integration protects customer data while advancing AI innovation.

Drupalize.Me: Tuning Drupalize.Me Search Results with Solr Query Re-Ranking and Search API

Tuning Drupalize.Me Search Results with Solr Query Re-Ranking and Search API

During the Drupal 7 era, we created tutorials on a variety of topics such as Views, Drush, Form API, and theming. When Drupal 8 was released, we updated this content for Drupal 8, 9, and 10. The significant changes between Drupal 7 and modern versions necessitated maintaining two versions of each tutorial on our site: one for legacy Drupal and another for modern Drupal.

Today, we still maintain both versions. The use of our legacy Drupal content has steadily decreased, yet it still has a substantial presence in search results. This often leads to confusion, especially when members trying to learn about features in modern Drupal find themselves on a legacy Drupal tutorial.

In this article, Joe Shindelar writes about his coding experiments to tune search results on Drupalize.Me to favor Drupal 10 content, and demote Drupal 7 content.

joe Thu, 04/18/2024 - 15:44