Drupal.org blog: Best Drupalcon Portland 2024 sessions to learn Drupal for the first time

I have gone through all the Drupalcon sessions in Portland and selected those that I think are perfect for someone learning Drupal, here is the result.

Did I miss any that you think it should be highlighted here? Please let me know 😊.

Have fun, learn and meet the community

Trivia night
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 18:30 to 21:05
Why: General culture about Drupal

Birds of a Feather
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 08:00 to 17:00
Why: Learn and interact with the discussions

Learn how Drupal is used in the real world 

Harvard College: Don't Call it a Redesign
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 14:20 to 14:45
Why: learn about current trends and on going work from real agencies in the real world

Creating Nimble Drupal Systems for Government: Transforming MN’s Dept of Health in 6 Months
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 13:10 to 13:45
Why: Learn about current trends and on going work from real agencies in the real world

How Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Revolutionized the Web Utility Experience
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 11:30 to 11:45
Why: Learn about current trends and on going work from real agencies in the real world

How Drupal Rescued Georgia Tech’s International Students During and Post-Pandemic
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 11:30 to 11:45
Why: Learn about current trends and on going work from real agencies in the real world

How Acquia and Drupal Power Robust, Modern, and Secure Digital Experiences
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 11:00 to 11:25
Why: Learn about current trends and on going work from real agencies in the real world

From Many to One: Migrating 70+ Disparate Local Government Websites onto a Cohesive Drupal Platform
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 13:30 to 14:20
Why: Learn about Drupal’s multisite capabilities

Get trained

TRAINING | Evolving Web
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 09:00 to 16:00
Why: Introduction to Building Sites with Drupal

TRAINING | Evolving Web
When: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 09:00 to 16:00
Why: Drupal Theming with SDC and TailwindCSS

First-time contributor workshop
When: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 10:30 to 17:00
Why: Learn to give something back while you learn something new

General Contribution
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 16:10 to 17:00
Why: It’s not necessarily a place to get trained, but a place where you can start contributing while volunteers will help you on how to do it.

Learn about Drupal capabilities

Access Control Strategies for Enterprise Drupal Websites
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 16:10 to 17:00
Why: Learn how the powerful Drupal access control works

Using Layout Builder: Practical Advice from the Field
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 15:00 to 15:50
Why: Learn about the powerful Layout Builder

Protecting your site with Automatic Updates
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 15:00 to 15:50
Why: Learn to stay secure

Secure, Performant, Scalable and Green: The big wins of a static Drupal website
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 15:00 to 15:50
Why: Learn to build static websites while leveraging the power of Drupal 

Unleashing the power of ECA: No-code coding for ambitious site builders
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 13:50 to 14:40
Why: Learn some low code capabilities in Drupal

Learn about teamwork and collaboration
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 16:10 to 17:00
Why: Because teamwork is the name of the game

Getting started using Personalization
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 11:30 to 12:20
Why: I personally believe that personalisation is the next big thing in Drupal and the web

Navigation changes in Drupal’s Admin UI
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 15:00 to 15:50
Why: Learn about the new navigation interface 

Drupal's next leap: configuration validation — it's here!
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 15:00 to 15:50
Why:  Configuration is a powerful but complex topic in Drupal worth to explore

Lightening Talk: 5 new free things you get from CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 13:05 to 13:15
Why: Learn more about the editor in the core of the Drupal editorial experience

Mastering Consistency: Expanding content across multiple sites and touch points
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 09:00 to 09:50
Why: Learn how flexible is Drupal when it comes to content shareability

Learn strategy and where Drupal is heading

Drupal Project Initiatives Keynote
When: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 09:00 to 10:00
Why: Learn about Drupal future

Lightning Talk: Is the Redesign Dead?
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 15:55 to 16:05
Why: Learn new trends in development

Drupal.org Update
When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 15:00 to 15:50
Why: The engineering team will give you insights on what’s happening and what’s coming soon

So I logged in, now what? The Dashboard initiative welcomes you
Monday, May 6, 2024 - 13:30 to 14:20
Why: learn how the new interface will welcome you in the near future.

When: Monday, May 6, 2024 - 10:45 to 11:45
Why: Do we need to explain why the most important session in Drupalcon will give you insights in the immediate future of Drupal?

Mario Hernandez: Integrating Drupal with Storybook components

Hey you're back! 🙂 In the previous post we talked about how to build a custom Drupal theme using Storybook as the design system. We also built a simple component to demonstrate how Storybook, using custom extensions, can understand Twig. In this post, the focus will be on making Drupal aware of those components by connecting Drupal to Storybook.
If you are following along, we will continue where we left off to take advantage of all the prep work we did in the previous post. Topics we will cover in this post include:

  1. What is Drupal integration
  2. Installing and preparing Drupal for integration
  3. Building components in Storybook
  4. Building a basic front-end workflow
  5. Integrating Drupal with Storybook components

What is Drupal integration?

In the context of Drupal development using the component-driven methodology, Drupal integration means connecting Drupal presenter templates such as node.html.twig, block.html.twig, paragraph.html.twig, etc. to Storybook by mapping Drupal fields to component fields in Storybook. This in turn allows for your Drupal content to be rendered wrapped in the Storybook components.

The advantage of using a design system like Storybook is that you are in full control of the markup when building components, as a result your website is more semantic, accessible, and easier to maintain.

Building more components in Storybook

The title component we built in the previous post may not be enough to demonstrate some of the advanced techniques when integrating components. We will build a larger component to put these techniques in practice. The component we will build is called Card and it looks like this:

Image removed.

When building components, I like to take inventory of the different parts that make up the components I'm building. The card image above shows three parts: An image, a title, and teaser text. Each of these parts translates into fields when I am defining the data structure for the component or building the entity in Drupal.

Building the Card component

  • Open the Drupal site in your code editor and within your code editor navigate to the storybook theme (web/themes/custom/storybook)
  • Create two new directories inside components called 01-atoms and 02-molecules
  • Inside 02-molecules create a new directory called card
  • Inside the card directory add the following four files:
    • card.css: component's styles
    • card.twig: component's markup and logic
    • card.stories.jsx: Storybook's story
    • card.yml: component's demo data
  • Add the following code snippet to card.yml:
--- modifier: '' image: <img src="https://source.unsplash.com/cHRDevKFDBw/640x360" alt="Palm trees near city buildings" /> title: level: 2 modifier: '' text: 'Tours & Experiences' url: 'https://mariohernandez.io' teaser: 'Step inside for a tour. We offer a variety of tours and experiences to explore the building’s architecture, take you backstage, and uncover the best food and drink. Tours are offered in different languages and for different levels of mobility.'
  • Add the following to card.twig to provide the markup and logic for the card:
{{ attach_library('storybook/card') }} <article class="card{{ modifier ? ' ' ~ modifier }}{{- attributes ? ' ' ~ attributes.class -}}" {{- attributes ? attributes|without(class) -}}> {% if image %} <div class="card__image"> <figure> {{ image }} </figure> </div> {% endif %} <div class="card__content"> {% if title %} {% include "@atoms/title/title.twig" with { 'level': title.level, 'modifier': title.modifier, 'text': title.text, 'url': title.url, } only %} {% endif %} {% if teaser %} <p class="card__teaser">{{ teaser }}</p> {% endif %} </div> </article>

Code snippet for building card

  • Copy and paste these styles into card.css.

  • Finally, let's create the Storybook card story by adding the following to card.stories.jsx:

import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import card from './card.twig'; import data from './card.yml'; import './card.css'; const component = { title: 'Molecules/Card', }; export const Card = { render: (args) => parse(card(args)), args: { ...data }, }; export default component;

Let's go over a few things regarding the code above:

  • The data structure in card.yml reflects the data structure and type we will use in Drupal.
    • The image field uses the entire <img> element rather than just using the image src and alt attributes. The reason for this is so when we get to Drupal, we can use Drupal's full image entity. This is a good practice for caching purposes.
  • card.twig reuses the title component we created in the previous post. Rather than build a title from scratch for the Card and repeat the code we already wrote, reusing the existing components keeps us DRY.
  • card.stories.jsx in the Storybook story for the Card, notice how the code in this file is very similar to the code in the title.stories.jsx. Even with complex components, when we port them into Storybook as stories, most times the code will be similar as what you see above because Storybook is simply parsing whatever is in .twig and .yml files. There are exceptions when the React code may have extra parameters or logic which typically happens when we're building stories variations. Maybe a topic for a different blog post. 😉

Before we preview the Card, some updates are needed

You may have noticed in card.twig we used the namespace @atoms when nesting the title component. This namespace does not exist, and we need to create it now. In addition, we need to move the title component into the 01-atoms directory:

  • In your code editor or command line (whichever is easier), move the title directory into the 01-atoms directory
  • In your editor, open title.stories.jsx and change the line
    title: 'Components/Title' to title: 'Atoms/Title'. This will display the title component within the Atoms category in Storybook's sidebar.
  • Rather than have you make individual changes to vite.config.js, let's replace/overwrite all its content with the following:
/* eslint-disable */ import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import yml from '@modyfi/vite-plugin-yaml'; import twig from 'vite-plugin-twig-drupal'; import { join } from 'node:path' export default defineConfig({ root: 'src', publicDir: 'public', build: { emptyOutDir: true, outDir: '../dist', rollupOptions: { input: { 'reset': './src/css/reset.css', 'styles': './src/css/styles.css', 'card': './src/components/02-molecules/card/card.css', }, output: { assetFileNames: 'css/[name].css', }, }, sourcemap: true, }, plugins: [ twig({ namespaces: { atoms: join(__dirname, './src/components/01-atoms'), molecules: join(__dirname, './src/components/02-molecules'), }, }), // Allows Storybook to read data from YAML files. yml(), ], })

Let's go over some of the most noticeable updates inside vite.config.js:

  • We have defined a few things to improve the functionality of our Vite project, starting with using src as our app root directory and public for publicDir. This helps the app understand the project structure in a relative manner.

  • Next, we defined a Build task which provides the app with defaults for things like where should it compiled code to (i.e. /dist), and rollupOptions for instructing the app which stylesheets to compile and what to call them.

  • As part of the rollupOptions we also defined two stylesheets for global styles (reset.css and styles.css). We'll create these next.


    This is as basic as it gets for a build workflow and in no way would I recommend this be your front-end build workflow. When working on bigger projects with more components, it is best to define a more robust and dynamic workflow that provides automation for all the repetitive tasks performed on a typical front-end project.
  • Under the Plugins section, we have defined two new namespaces, @atoms and @molecules, each of which points to specific path within our components directory. These are the namespaces Storybook understands when nesting components. You can have as many namespaces as needed.

Adding global styles

  • Inside storybook/src, create a new directory called css
  • Inside the css directory, add two new files, reset.css and styles.css
  • Here are the styles for reset.css and styles.css. Please copy them and paste them into each of the stylesheets.
  • Now for Storybook to use reset.css and styles.css, we need to update /.storybook/preview.js by adding these two imports directly after the current imports, around line 4.
import '../dist/css/reset.css'; import '../dist/css/styles.css';

Previewing the Card in Storybook

Remember, you need NodeJS v20 or higher as well as NVM installed on your machine
  • In your command line, navigate to the storybook directory and run:
nvm install npm install npm run build npm run storybook

A quick note about the commands above:

  • nvm install and npm install are typically only done once in your app. These commands will first install and use the node version specified in .nvmrc, and will install all the required node packages found in package.json. If you happen to be workign on another project that may use a different version of node, when you comeback to the Storybook project you will need to run nvm use in order to resume using the right node version.
  • npm run build is usually only ran when you have made configuration changes to the project or are introducing new files.
  • npm run storybook is the command you will use all the time when you want to run Storybook.

After Storybook launches, you should see two story categories in Storybook's sidebar, Atoms and Molecules. The title component should be under Atoms and the Card under Molecules. See below:

Image removed.

Installing Drupal and setting up the Storybook theme

We have completed all the prep work in Storybook and our attention now will be all in Drupal. In the previous post all the work we did was in a standalone project which did not require Drupal to run. In this post, we need a Drupal site to be able to do the integration with Storybook. If you are following along and already have a Drupal 10 site ready, you can skip the first step below.

  1. Build a basic Drupal 10 website (I recommend using DDEV).
  2. Add the storybook theme to your website. If you completed the excercise in the previous post, you can copy the theme you built into your site's /themes/custom/ directory, Otherwise, you can clone the previous post repo into the same location so it becomes your theme. After this your theme's path should be themes/custom/storybook.
  3. No need to enable the theme just yet, we'll come back to the theme shortly.
  4. Finally, create a new Article post that includes a title, body content and an image. We'll use this article later in the process.

Creating Drupal namespaces and adding Libraries

Earlier we created namespaces for Storybook, now we will do the same but this time for Drupal. It is best if the namesapces' names between Storybook and Drupal match for consistency. In addition, we will create Drupal libraries to allow Drupal to use the CSS we've written.

  • Install and enable the Components module
  • Add the following namespaces at the end of storybook.info.yml (mind your indentation):
components: namespaces: atoms: src/components/01-atoms molecules: src/components/02-molecules
  • Replace all content in storybook.libraries.yml with the following:
global: version: VERSION css: base: dist/css/reset.css: {} dist/css/styles.css: {} card: css: component: dist/css/card.css: {}
  • Let's go over the changes to both, storybook.info.yml and storybook.libraries.yml files:

    • Using the Components module we created two namespaces: @atoms and @molecules. Each namespace is associated with a specific path to the corresponding components. This is important because Drupal by default only looks for Twig templates inside the /templates directory and without the Components module and the namespaces it would not know to look for our component's Twig templates inside the components directory.
    • Then we created two Drupal libraries: global and card. The Global library includes two CSS stylesheets (reset.css and styles.css), which handle base styles in our theme. the Card library includes the styles we wrote for the Card component. If you noticed, when we created the Card component, the first line inside card.twig is a Twig attach library statement. Basically card.twig is expecting a Drupal library called card.

Turn Twig debugging on

All the pieces are in place to Integrate the Card component so Drupal can use it to render article nodes when viewed in teaser view mode.

  • The first thing we need to do to begin the integration process is to determine which Twig template Drupal uses to render article nodes in teaser view mode. One easy way to do this is by turning Twig debugging on. This used to be a complex configuration but starting with Drupal 10.1 you can now do it directly in Drupal's UI:

    • While logged in with admin access, navigate to /admin/config/development/settings on your browser. This will bring up the Development settings page.
    • Check all the boxes on this page and click Save settings. This will enable Twig debugging and disable caching.
    • Now navigate to /admin/config/development/performance so we can turn CSS and JS aggregation off.
    • Under Bandwidth optimization cleared the two boxes for CSS and Javascript aggregation then click on Save configuration.
    • Lastly, click the Clear all caches button. This will ensure any CSS or JS we write will be available without having to clear caches.
  • With Twig debugging on, go to the homepage where the Article we created should be displayed in teaser mode. If you right-click on any part of the article and select inspect from the context menu, you will see in detail all the templates Drupal is using to render the content on the current page. See example below.


    I am using a new basic Drupal site with Olivero as the default theme. If your homepage does not display Article nodes in teaser view mode, you could create a simple Drupal view to list Article nodes in teaser view mode to follow along.

Image removed.

In the example above, we see a list of templates that start with node...*. These are called template suggestions and are the names Drupal is suggesting we can assign our custom templates. The higher the template appears on the list, the more specific it is to the piece of content being rendered. For example, changes made to node.html.twig would affect ALL nodes throughout the site, whereas changes made to node--1--teaser.html.twig will only affect the first node created on the site but only when it's viewed in teaser view mode.

Notice I marked the template name Drupal is using to render the Article node. We know this is the template because it has an X before the template name.

In addition, I also marked the template path. As you can see the current template is located in core/themes/olivero/templates/content/node--teaser.html.twig.

And finally, I marked examples of attributes Drupal is injecting in the markup. These attributes may not always be useful but it is a good practice to ensure they are available even when we are writing custom markup for our components.

Create a template suggestion

By looking at the path of the template in the code inspector, we can see that the original template being used is located inside the Olivero core theme. The debugging screenshot above shows a pretty extensive list of templates suggestions, and based on our requirements, copying the file node--teaser.html.twig makes sense since we are going to be working with a node in teaser view mode.

  • Copy /core/themes/olivero/templates/content/node--teaser.html.twig into your theme's /storybook/templates/content/. Create the directory if it does not exist.
  • Now rename the newly copied template to node--article--teaser.html.twig.
  • Clear Drupal's cache since we are introducing a new Twig template.

As you can see, by renaming the template node--article--teaser (one of the names listed as a suggestion), we are indicating that any changes we make to this template will only affect nodes of type Article which are displayed in Teaser view mode. So whenever an Article node is displayed, if it is in teaser view mode, it will use the Card component to render it.

The template has a lot of information that may or may not be needed when integrating it with Storybook. If you recall, the Card component we built was made up of three parts: an image, a title, and teaser text. Each of those are Drupal fields and these are the only fields we care about when integrating. Whenever when I copy a template from Drupal core or a module into my theme, I like to keep the comments on the template untouched. This is helpful in case I need to reference any variables or elements of the template.

The actual integration ...Finally

  1. Delete everything from the newly copied template except the comments and the classes array variable
  2. At the bottom of what is left in the template add the following code snippet:
{% set render_content = content|render %} {% set article_title = { 'level': 2, 'modifier': 'card__title', 'text': label, 'url': url, } %} {% include '@molecules/card/card.twig' with { 'attributes': attributes.addClass(classes), 'image': content.field_image, 'title': article_title, 'teaser': content.body, } only %}
  • We set a variable with content|render as its value. The only purpose for this variable is to make Drupal aware of the entire content array for caching purposes. More info here.
  • Next, we setup a variable called article_title which we structured the same way as data inside card.yml. Having similar data structures between Drupal and our components provides many advantages during the integration process.
    • Notice how for the text and url properties we are using Drupal specific variables (label and url), accordingly. If you look in the comments in node--article--teaser.html.twig you will see these two variables.
  • We are using a Twig include statement with the @molecules namespace to nest the Card component into the node template. The same way we nested the Title component into the Card.
  • We mapped Drupal's attributes into the component's attributes placeholder so Drupal can inject any attributes such as CSS classes, IDs, Data attributes, etc. into the component.
  • Finally, we mapped the image, title and teaser fields from Drupal to the component's equivalent fields.
  • Save the changes to the template and clear Drupal's cache.

Enable the Storybook theme

Before we forget, let's enable the Storybook theme an also make it your default theme, otherwise all the work we are doing will not be visible since we are currently using Olivero as the default theme. Clear caches after this is done.

Previewing the Article node as a Card

Integration is done and we switched our default theme to Storybook. After clearing caches if you reload the homepage you should be able to see the Article node you wrote but this time displayed as a card. See below:
Image removed.

  • If you right-click on the article and select Inspect, you will notice the following:
    • Drupal is now using node--article--teaser.html.twig. This is the template we created.
    • The template path is now themes/custom/storybook/src/templates/content/.
    • You will also notice that the article is using the custom markup we wrote for the Card component which is more semantic, accessible, but in addition to this, the <article> tag is also inheriting several other attributes that were provided by Drupal through its Attributes variable. See below:

Image removed.

If your card's image size or aspect ratio does not look as the one in Storybook, this is probably due to the image style being used in the Article Teaser view mode. You can address this by:

  • Going to the Manage display tab of the Article's Teaser view mode (/admin/structure/types/manage/article/display/teaser).
  • Changing the image style for the Image field for one that may work better for your image.
  • Preview the article again on the homepage to see if this looks better.

In closing

This is only a small example of how to build a simple component in Storybook using Twig and then integrate it with Drupal, so content is rendered in a more semantic and accessible manner. There are many more advantages of implementing a system like this. I hope this was helpful and see the potential of a component-driven environment using Storybook. Thanks for visiting.

Download the code

For a full copy of the code base which includes the work in this and the previous post, clone or download the repo and switch to the card branch. The main branch only includes the previous post code.

Download the code

Drupal Association blog: Elevate Your Marketing Game at DrupalCon Portland 2024

In the digital age, staying updated with the latest marketing strategies and tools is crucial for every marketing professional. DrupalCon Portland 2024 might not be an event that was on your radar as a marketer, but this year is different. DrupalCon Portland 2024 has worked hard to curate some of the best speakers in the content management space for its new marketing track. This conference is transforming from a developer-focused conference to a full blown web conference, providing marketers an opportunity to enhance their expertise, network with industry leaders, and gain insights into the latest trends and technologies. Here's what you can gain from attending, along with a sneak peek into some of the key sessions that promise to enrich your marketing prowess.

Comprehensive Learning Opportunities

At DrupalCon Portland 2024, the focus is on actionable insights and strategies that can be applied immediately. Whether you're a content strategist, a digital marketer, or lead a team of developers, the conference offers a diverse range of sessions tailored to meet your interests. These sessions will cover everything from content consistency across multiple platforms to the integration of AI in web and marketing strategies.

Session Spotlight:

AI + Atomic Content:  Managing Personalized, Omni-channel Content at Scale: Explore how to manage personalized, omni-channel content at scale, a vital skill in today’s customer-centric marketing environment.

Networking with Peers and Industry Leaders

One of the primary benefits of attending DrupalCon is the opportunity to connect with peers and thought leaders from across the globe. These interactions provide a chance to share ideas, challenges, and solutions, fostering a valuable exchange of knowledge that can lead to future collaborations and innovations.

Session Spotlight:

DrupalCon's Next Top Content Model: Delve into advanced content strategy tools that clarify requirements and enhance mutual understanding within your marketing team.

Gaining a Competitive Edge

The marketing track at DrupalCon Portland 2024 is designed to equip you with cutting-edge skills and insights that will help you drive your organization forward and set you apart in the competitive job market. Learn how to leverage Drupal and other technologies to maximize your digital presence and effectiveness.

Session Spotlight:

Transforming Drupal into a MarTech LeadGen Machine: Learn the secrets to turning your website into a lead generation powerhouse, ensuring that your digital efforts translate into tangible results.

Insight into Future Trends

Staying ahead in marketing means anticipating changes and adapting quickly. DrupalCon provides a forward-looking perspective on the future of marketing, particularly how emerging technologies like AI are reshaping the landscape.

Session Spotlight:

Navigating Tomorrow: The Future of Websites in the Age of AI and Content Proliferation: Understand the seismic shifts in website management and content creation driven by AI and the insatiable demand for new content.

Practical Takeaways for Immediate Application

Every session at DrupalCon is crafted to provide practical knowledge and strategies that you can immediately implement in your work. From enhancing your content strategies to integrating sophisticated tech solutions, the takeaways are designed to have an immediate impact on your marketing effectiveness.

Session Spotlight:

The 30-Minute Content Strategist: From Concept to Plan: Equip yourself with a rapid, effective content strategy formulation that you can apply the moment you return to the office.

A Tailored Experience

DrupalCon Portland 2024 offers a uniquely tailored experience, allowing you to customize your itinerary based on your specific interests and professional needs. Whether your focus is on technical SEO, content management, or user experience, the sessions are structured to provide deep dives into each area.

Attending DrupalCon Portland 2024 is more than just an educational experience; it's an investment in your professional future. With sessions designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice and opportunities to connect with industry leaders, the benefits of attending extend well beyond the conference itself. Ready to transform your approach to digital marketing? Join us at DrupalCon Portland 2024 and be part of shaping the future of web and marketing.

Talking Drupal: Skills Upgrade #9

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is the final episode, 9.

  • Review status of Chad's Smart Date test
  • Panel discussion
    • Chad, What was your biggest takeaway?
    • Mike, How do you approach this type of one on one mentorship differently than your courses?
    • AmyJune, do you think there are other types of focused mentorship like this that would be valuable to the community?
    • Chad, what was the most surprising thing you learned in Modern Drupal vs Drupal 7?
    • Michael, what did you learn through this process?
    • How do you think people will use this journey to help their learning process?
    • Chad, what are your plans for your next contribution?

Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes

The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification-catalog/


Nic Laflin - www.nlightened.net AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick


Chad Hester - chadkhester.com @chadkhest Mike Anello - DrupalEasy.com @ultimike

Tag1 Consulting: 4 Important Improvements to Drupal Core Performance

Curious about Gander and its potential impact on your workflows and site performance? This testing framework was instrumental in four important improvements made to Drupal core performance. Let’s break down each bottleneck and the solutions that led to these improvements. Learn more about this framework that provides a sophisticated way to detect and correct performance issues.

janez Wed, 05/01/2024 - 09:03

Agaric Collective: Come to the Healthcare Summit at DrupalCon 2024 next week in Portland, Oregon!

Join us for an interactive day devoted to Drupal in healthcare— a relaxed and friendly close to DrupalCon with learning, networking, and discussing. Whether you are in a pharmaceutical company, a state department of health, a non-profit hospital, a public health organization, or anyplace else in the broad healthcare space, there are unique needs in ensuring security, accessibility, compliance, and availability of important information and tools.

Healthcare is a crucial, dynamic space for web development today. Online communication and emerging technologies promise improved access and capabilities for patients and professionals. Crafting inspiring and useful digital experiences, however, must be built on a solid foundation of accessibility, security, and compliance. Come listen to industry leaders share their experience solving these challenges in healthcare.

Get tickets to go to DrupalCon and the Healthcare Summit!

What You Will Get by Attending

  • Andy Waldrop will talk about scalable healthcare content in Drupal— with lessons from building WebMD!
  • Georgiana Masgras and Jesse Meece will talk about using Drupal to makes it easy to maintain our sites.
  • Jon Stewart will talk about how to leverage Drupal for web application development— the Open Web in healthcare!
  • Two table talk sessions will give everybody a chance to dive deeply into key topics, including the application of large language models in healthcare and biggest takeways from DrupalCon and the summit. Bring your needs and we will embark on facilitated peer-to-peer problem solving with others who are affected and tech and healthcare industry experts.
  • Our sponsors, Evolving Web and Acquia (by way of their partner Phase2), will have special presentations
  • We will be closing the day with lightning talks. Invited topics include: Future of Drupal at your company (and how to improve it), multisite platforms, knowledge bases, provider directories, and the healthcare take on layout builder becoming experience builder versus paragraphs.

We will be all wrapped up by 4pm.

Attend DrupalCon and the Healthcare Summit!

Who Should Attend

Everybody interested in hearing and discussing how companies and the community are creating rich digital experiences in the healthcare space. All levels of colleagues in the pharma, medical, clinical, hospital, payers, caregivers, advocates, and healthcare professional space should go to DrupalCon and the Healthcare Summit!

COVID-19 Safer Space

The Oregon Convention Center controls all rooms per ASHREA 62.1 standards, using sensors to monitor occupancy based on CO₂ levels and bring outside air into the space accordingly. They report at the most levels at 800–1000 ppm during normal occupancy, and use MERV-13 filters for any filtration, which is appropriate for COVID-19.

Agaric will have high-quality N95 masks available to anyone who wants them and will have our own CO₂ monitors.

More about the Healthcare Industry Summit

The Healthcare Summit at the 2024 Portland, Oregon DrupalCon is organized by Jeanne Cost, George Matthes, and Pooja Jeeva. I am glad to be playing a part in coordinating this summit as well, especially given Agaric's involvement in and commitment to health and science communities.

Healthcare is a complex, regulation-filled industry that poses great challenges to building vibrant and compliant digital experiences for patients. Whether you are a pharma working towards the next product, a hospital treating someone with cancer, or an insurance company making sure a patient has access to information and proper care, there is much for you to gain from this summit. 

Hear from experts on areas of accessibility, compliant patient experiences, new regulations and standards that can affect your teams and customers, success stories, and much more.

Sponsored by: Acquia and Evolving Web

Sign up to go to the Healthcare Industry Summit at DrupalCon Portland, OR 2024 this coming May 6th through May 9th for the summit

Read more and discuss at agaric.coop.