Sooper Drupal Themes: What Is Drupal? Explained for Beginners

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What is Drupal? As the world goes digital, marketers and entrepreneurs are searching for ways to increase their online presence.  One of the best ways to go about this is to have a website that stands out from the crowd. After all, it is the first thing that visitors notice about your brand before doing business with you. 

Even though you can never run out of options whenever you want to build and maintain websites, not many options outdo Drupal.  Open-source software made available under the GNU Public License, Drupal will come in handy when looking forward to building and maintaining your website globally.

There is a huge chance you have used Drupal before without your knowledge. That is because many top businesses, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and government organizations leverage Drupal.  But before you join the bandwagon and give it a try, it is in your best interest that you know what Drupal is and why you should give it a try. 

What is Drupal?

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First things first, what is Drupal? In a nutshell, Drupal is a free and Open Source Content Management System (CMS) that allows users to create and manage content over one or multiple websites. 

Being open-source software, anyone can download Drupal, work on it, and share it with others hassle-free.  Furthermore, it boasts numerous inherent benefits including, accountability, security, and flexibility. No wonder it is among the most popular CMS’ currently available at your disposal.

You might wonder what makes Drupal superior compared to other content management systems out there. In a nutshell, many users find Drupal easy to use when creating a more customized website, unlike other free CMS systems like WordPress.  Better, Drupal tends to be versatile, giving you the freedom you need to build and maintain your website.

What makes Drupal worth leveraging as opposed to other CMS' is that almost anyone can contribute to the site with no HTML experience. Things are not any different for editors, writers, and website administrators without any coding experience.  That is possible thanks to the What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) feature that enables writing, editing, and adding content without the hassle. 

Why would I choose Drupal as my CMS?

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Drupal is popular for accommodating unlimited content types. Some of the most popular ones include media and text available in highly customizable forms. To ensure users have a remarkable digital experience, Drupal retrieves, filters, and presents the content in powerful, but simple-to-use tools. 

Furthermore, Drupal contains intuitive content creation tools and powerful in-place editing tools that ensure you get things done without the hassle. To give you the tip of the iceberg, Drupal is full of features and highly customizable, unlike other CMS systems out there.  To really get Drupal, you should be aware of what is Drupal used for before you finally give it a try.  

What is Drupal used for?

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Examples of Drupal in use are scattered around the web and can be found in all countries, languages, and industries. Drupal powers over 1.7 million websites. Off the top 10,000 most visited websites, about 11% are built on Drupal

Who uses Drupal?

Drupal sites are used in all sectors, from Fortune 500 companies to NGOs, governments, educational institutions, and more. Here's a list of Drupal users by industry:

  • Entertainment: Sega, Warner Music Group
  • Financial services: Fannie Mae, Nasdaq
  • Food and beverage: DAVIDsTEA, Hennessy, Perrier, Sodexo
  • Government: The City of London, Government of Australia, Government of India, Government of South Africa, U.S. Internal Revenue Service
  • High tech and telecom: AMD, IBM, Panasonic, Verizon, Vodafone
  • Higher education: Princeton University, University of Oxford, University of Toronto
  • Manufacturing: Fuji Film, Lamborghini
  • Media and publishing:, India Today, NBCUniversal
  • Nonprofits and NGOs: Doctors Without Borders, Musée d'Orsay, Oxfam, UNESCO
  • Pharmaceutical and chemicals: Bayer, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Novartis, Pfizer, Solvay
  • Travel and hospitality: Centara Hotels & Resorts, Japan Airlines
  • Retail: Arc’teryx, Canada Goose, J.Crew,, Vera Bradley

Top Advantages of Drupal over Other Content Management Systems

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Before we dive deeper into what Drupal does, it is essential that you know about the advantages it boasts over other Content Management Systems. After all, this is the only way you stand a good chance of reaping maximum benefits from the system.  With that in mind, below are some of the most notable benefits Drupal brings to your business or organization.

Drupal pros and cons

Drupal Pros

  • Open source
  • Easy integration with other platforms and ecosystems
  • User satisfaction can be greater versus other CMS after investment in training and platform customization
  • Great security track record
  • Scalable to millions of visitors, pages, translations, etc.
  • Strong in accessibility, SEO
  • Lower costs compared to other enterprise-grade systems like Sitecore, Adobe Experience Manager

Drupal Cons

  • Steep learning curve, not easy-to-use out of the box. Both for developers and end-users.
  • Higher costs compared to cloud-based solutions like Wix, Squarespace
  • Drupal comes with a lot of features you may not need, for some projects a framework like Symfony or Laravel is better suited. (Drupal itself is built on Symfony)

Top Drupal Benefits

Flexible Integration  

One of the biggest selling points of Drupal is the ability to help users create and manage a host of content types.  Some of the most popular content types include statistics, podcasts, blogs, videos, and many more. For this reason, you will have an easy ride when looking forward to creating content-rich websites for different markets such as commerce and media. 


CMS security is something that you can't risk skimping on at any given time. Drupal does not disappoint in this regard as it offers unshakable security to all users. Drupal is highly secure and provides regular patches.  That explains why it works wonders for enterprise clients.

However, you need to implement and maintain it properly to serve you as the most secure CMS. The good news is that Drupal happens to have the best security team you can count on, not forgetting advanced hosting providers.  For this reason, it is common to come across large organizations that leverage Drupal as the main CMS for powering their web applications or websites. 


Scalability is undeniably one of the tremendous strengths of Drupal over other Content Management Systems out there. As long as you have an idea of what does Drupal do, you will have an easy time growing the number of your web pages without the need to change anything.  Better, it serves you perfectly whenever you want to alternate between periods of high traffic spikes. 
Current Version Features 

Drupal 9 provides a host of features that make it way easier to use than was the case with its predecessors.  For instance, users can now take advantage of the new field locations and new fields.  If this is not enough, it relies on the CKeditor to make posting content similar to editing a document on Word.  Other popular features that will make you fall in love with Drupal 9 include the Quick Edit feature, helpful Tour button, and additional four key modules. 

Ways Marketers Can Leverage Drupal

Drupal 10 has undeniably turned into a marketer’s dream thanks to the new features and core enhancements it offers. And this doesn’t come as a surprise as it allows marketers the chance to personalize content based on their target audience, device type, and language.  Keep in mind content is king when looking forward to improving SEO, driving organic traffic to your website, and creating leads.

If you have done your homework on what is Drupal used for, you probably know that it draws on the innovations of thousands of marketers, designers, and developers.  With that in mind, below are some of the ways marketers can leverage Drupal to their advantage.

Mobile Responsiveness  

The responsiveness of your website or web applications on mobile devices speaks volumes about whether or not you’ll attain your digital marketing goals.  Not only does it impact Google rankings, but it also helps drive immense traffic to your website. That does not come as a surprise since more and more people now use smartphones for almost everything in their personal lives. 

Fortunately, this is something that won’t give you sleepless nights since Drupal takes mobile seriously.  You might be wondering what does Drupal do when it comes to mobile responsiveness.  In a nutshell, Drupal comes with built-in themes that are mobile responsive together with web services built into the core. Thanks to these new features, users can access content from any device of choice. 

Creative Freedom 

The competition will always be there regardless of the industry you choose.  To win over a huge share of the market and drive business growth, you must make an effort to stand out from the crowd.  And this not only implies how you do business, but it also refers to the way you run your marketing campaigns.

With Drupal, you won't worry about giving your competition a run for their money.  That is because it seamlessly incorporates the existing marketing and sales technologies of your venture.  That’s possible since the cutting-edge Drupal modules give your marketing team creative freedom to handle tasks at their desired pace and convenience. 

As long as you have a good understanding of Drupal’s architecture, you can launch your website with ease when compared to other CMS’ out there.  That’s what your marketing team needs to lay the foundation of a strong digital marketing strategy. Before you know it, your business is a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

Makes Your Website Faster 

The vast majority of businesses lose visitors to their websites due to speed. Keep in mind many web users expect your website to load in 2 seconds. If your website takes longer than this to load, be rest assured you will lose conversions from visitors to your website. In short, faster pages make money for your business. 

That’s where Drupal proves beneficial to marketers as it makes websites faster. Of course, this is without the need to bring in a lot of technical expertise.  If you only know what is Drupal but have no idea about its working mechanism, then it might prove difficult to understand this. 

To help clear some of the doubts in your mind, Drupal makes use of Cache Tags to make caching way more efficient. Furthermore, it allows for context-based caching thanks to its Cache Content API feature.  For this reason, your website will load faster while making sure visitors only make do with the latest version of your site. 

Costs of Drupal

Now that you know what does Drupal do and the numerous benefits it will bring to your organization, it is time to give it a try.  But before you make the switch, it is also essential that you find out the average cost of the structure. After all, you don’t want to take a toll on your business finances just because you want to use Drupal.

The good news is that you don’t have to break the bank to take advantage of Drupal. Either way, it depends on the type and size of the business you're running.  For large enterprise sites, you will have to spend way more when compared to medium-sized websites.  Remember, the average cost structure of a Drupal build include strategy, design, and implementation. 

The Bottom Line 

There you have it; some of the things that touch on what is Drupal used for.  Keep in mind there is more to Drupal than meets the eye. That's why you should never make the mistake of creating a Drupal website without having the slightest idea of what it entails. Most business leaders and marketers who do that end up regretting their decision in the long run. 

But what if you’re struggling to build pages on your Drupal Site? In this case, there is nothing to worry about since you’re not alone. Most marketers have no idea on whether to wait for a developer to help them out or try to build with Drupal single-handedly. Luckily, you don’t have to assign that webpage to a busy designer since some service providers allow users to unleash their creativity instantly.

Before you build whatever you want, ensure you know what is Drupal and how it can help change your company or organization for the better. That way, you can build sites faster and easier without leaving any room for mistakes. So, what are you waiting for before you finally leverage Drupal!

Further reading

Want to learn more about Drupal and dive deeper into specific use cases? Here are links that will help you become an expert on this subject.

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #373 - Performance, Privacy, and the Open Web

Today we are talking about Performance, Privacy, and the Open Web with Andrey Lipattsev & Tim Lehnen.

For show notes visit:

  • What is the Open Web and what does it have to do with performance and privacy
  • What do we mean by web performance
  • What are the core vitals
  • What are the non core vitals
  • What is the benefit of performance
  • Performance is usually granular for a developer, what is different when looking at industry trends from a browser side
  • What does d.o do
  • DA and Google at DrupalCon
  • What is privacy
  • What is the privacy sandbox in chrome
Resources Guests

Andrey Lipattsev - @AndreyLipattsev Tim Lehnen - @hestenet


Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Randy Oest - @amazingrando

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Entity Autocomplete Anchor Nominated by matthieu, who has been a guest on the show and is himself a maintainer of a number of useful modules Provides a widget that allows users to add anchors to entity reference links

Sooper Drupal Themes: Drupal 10: Top 10 New Features and Improvements

Drupal 10 release is December 14 2022

32 Days07 Hours31 Minutes34 SecondsDrupal 10 countdownImage removed.

1. A new text editing experience with CKEditor 5

With Drupal 10 we're upgrading from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5. While the two versions are mostly very similar, version 5 looks more modern and refined. The interface is simplified, and certainly in UX design simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Version 5 does not rely on right-click menus, making it more touch-device friendly than version 4.

When editing links and images in CKEditor 5 you have fewer options than in version 4. CKEditor 5 is clearly more specialized for the content editors' audience and not for the site-builders audience. If you ask us this is the way forward.

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2. A new look for Drupal 10: Meet Olivero theme

The Olivero theme takes on the important job of representing Drupal to new users and giving Drupal a face, and a brand. The theme looks more modern than its predecessor.

As Drupal core sets the standard for contrib it's great to see Olivero has excellent accessibility features. Unlike earlier Drupal core themes it has a clever dropdown menu system that ensures menu items don't disappear beyond the edges of the browser. Check out this Smashing Magazine article to learn more about these features.

The only thing we don't fancy is the RSS link that shows in the "Social bar" by default. Who still uses an RSS reader?

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3. A modern admin theme: Claro

Perhaps more importantly, Drupal 10 also comes standard with another new theme that you'll actually be using. Whereas the Olivero theme is merely a placeholder in most projects, the new admin theme is where you'll be spending a lot of time at.

Verdict: Claro is a big upgrade both in user experience and in making Drupal look like a modern product. The "Seven" theme Claro replaces looks dated in 2022 and the new admin theme is a welcome change. Just look at the side-by-side comparison above.

Want to know a little secret? The team that designed claro maintains a sub-theme of Claro called "Gin". The Gin theme features cutting-edge modern features that are too hot for Drupal core. Check out the Gin project and see for yourself.

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4. Find modules from inside your website with Project Browser

Another initiative where Drupal is looking out for small-business users is the project browser initiative. The project browser adds an interface to your Drupal website for discovering and installing contributed modules and themes. WordPress has had this functionality for a long time now but Drupal is trying to do a better job by checking for dependencies and incompatibilities automatically.

This would be a great win for Drupal since a major frustration for WordPress developers is the clashing and crashing of WordPress plugins. 

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5. Drupal 10 is easier out of the box

The chart above is based on a UX research project that showed Drupal has the lowest approval rating among new users but the highest rating among expert users. This prompted Drupal's founder Dries Buytaert to come up with an initiative to address the "beginners" audience.

The initiative bundles the three modules - Media, Layout Builder, Claro - that together, present a more user-friendly software to beginner users. These modules already existed in Drupal 9, but in Drupal 10 they are considered stable enough to be turned on by default.

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6. Automatic Updates

Automatic updates have always been a controversial topic for Drupal. Big enterprise sites don't want it, small users don't want to endlessly spend time and money on weekly updates for Drupal core and the many additional modules that get added to a typical Drupal site.

This initiative is not going to be ready in time for the Drupal 10.0.0 release. This is probably the most complex Drupal 10 improvement both in terms of technology and in getting alignment in the Drupal community. Development of these features takes place in a contrib module that you can try today! Unfortunately, it's currently of limited use because it merely promises to update the Drupal core without breaking your site. Updating other modules and themes is still considered experimental.

Given the fact that many websites simply never install (security) updates, having automatic unattended updates could be a big security advantage for small-business Drupal websites. 

7. Easier migration from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 with Drupal Rector

Major Drupal version updates used to be something to be feared. This is no longer the case. Part of the reason is that after the update from Drupal 7 to 8, the Drupal community decided to make updates easier in the future. The architecture in Drupal 8+ is sophisticated enough to make this possible.

The other part is Drupal rector. Drupal Rector was already available when Drupal 9 came out but the reason we include it here is that the tool has matured. Drupal rector is much more effective now and will automatically generate most of the changes needed to migrate your custom modules to Drupal 10. This will save precious developer hours and makes this major update smoother than ever.

8. Better front-end performance by removing jQuery

Finally, Drupal has done away with jQuery. For a long time, jQuery was a front-end developer's best friend. jQuery made Javascript less intimidating and let us do more heavy lifting with fewer lines of code.

Since jQuery's release in 2006, Javascript has improved tremendously, as one would expect after 16 years. jQuery is no longer needed because most of its features are incorporated into Javascript itself. Removing jQuery means that much of the heavy lifting it was doing will be done more efficiently by native functions. 

The new starterkit theme we are working on is not going to serve as a base theme to be subthemed, but rather a theme to be copied on a new theme's creation.Lauri Eskola, starterkit initiative lead

9. New workflow for theming Drupal 10

This is a big improvement for Drupal front-end developers, especially for developers who are new to Drupal. The first thing you want to do with a new CMS is to customize it to match your design and branding requirements. Yours truly has about 2 decades of experience customizing the front-end of CMS software and remembers when theming was a truly painful experience.

The change with Drupal 10 is that rather than sub-theming the Classy theme in Drupal 10 you are copying the starterkit theme and customizing it. That advantage is that you don't rely on a stuffy old base theme anymore that's frozen in Drupal core. I think it's also great for themers because they don't have to search the classy theme and copy files into their own theme, instead all the files are in their custom theme folder, in one convenient place.

Symfony 6 is just Symfony 5, without all the code that has been deprecated for two years. There is no new feature, no main change specific to version 6 because everything is already in Symfony 5.Nicolas Grekas, Symfony core team

10. Better backend performance with PHP 8.2 and Symfony 6

Considering that the upgrade of the Symfony PHP platform is the reason we need to increment the major version number of Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 you'd expect some new features. Alas, Symfony 6 is just a spring cleanup.

Symfony 6 tosses out a lot of old deprecated code. This means we have to update our modules and themes that use dated Symfony APIs. Once we're all done with our spring cleaning our sites are taking advantage of the latest PHP and Symfony improvements and can be expected to perform better, providing a snappier experience to our end users. 

Drupal Association blog: One Month until Drupal 10 is expected to be released

We’re getting even closer to the launch of Drupal 10 as we hit the one month countdown mark! With Drupal 10 expected to be released on 14 December, we’re gearing up to update in order to take advantage of all of the benefits such as Olivero theme, CK Editor 5, and new Claro backend. 

Prepare now with Upgrade Status 

  • If you’re on Drupal 9, use Upgrade Status on your Drupal 9 site to get an estimate of the work needed. Install the Upgrade Status module, check your environment readiness and start by making that compatible. Then, proceed with the to-do list shown on the UI. 

Fix Code with Drupal Rector

  • Automatic code fixes are available in Drupal Rector. The plan provided by Upgrade Status will tell you where to use drupal-rector to update your own custom code. Upgrade Status will also help you find the best way to contribute to projects that are not yet compatible!

Hosting a Drupal 10 party? Share it with the community!

Be sure to check out the all of the new features now on the Drupal 10 page.

Thank you again to everyone who has been working to complete the requirements and strategic initiatives needed for Drupal 10! Do you have questions about the upcoming launch of Drupal 10? The Drupal 10 readiness team holds meetings every Monday at 18:00 UTC in #d10readiness on #Drupal Slack. Join the channel to discuss other questions about Drupal 10 anytime! 

Stay tuned throughout the months leading up to the 14 December release target for more updates and information on Drupal 10, and make sure to follow us on Twitter @DrupalAssoc and @Drupal to stay up-to-date on all of the latest Drupal 10 news.

Pixelite: Drupal and the Open Web in the Australian Government - 2022 edition

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This is the complementary blog post for my DrupalSouth Brisbane 2022 session.

Have you ever wondered how popular Drupal is in your local state and at the Australian Federal Government level? This blog post will help to answer that question, using open source tooling. The hope is that you gain some insight to the relative popularity of Drupal and appreciate more the impact you and Drupal have in Australia.

Existing solutions

There are a number of websites that will claim to be able to give you this information. However they all will likely want you at some point to pay them money.

“I wanted an open way to do this”

As it turns out, you can plug a few things together to scrape the technologies in use

Problem #1: How to get a list of all Australia Government domains

If anything, there are too many sources of this information:

A crawling method could also be done, loads of suitable seed sites, e.g.:

The main issue is that just having a list of sites, does not convey the importance of the site relative to another site.

Enter DomCop to which publishes a list of the top 10 million domains on the internet, including a rank and Open PageRank.

Image removed.DomCop's top 10 million websites with a filter of applied.

On top of suppling 5,795 Australian Government domains, there also is an "Open Page Rank" field. The PageRanks are calculated based on the Open data provided by Common Crawl and Common Search.

Problem #2: What is PageRank?

PageRank is a system for ranking web pages that Google's founders developed in 1996. A PageRank score of 0 is typically a low-quality website, whereas, a score of 10 would represent only the most authoritative sites on the web. It is logarithmic (with a base of 5).

A site with PageRank 3 is 5 times more authoritative than a site with PageRank 2.

Australian Governments sites are never static, they are constantly evolving. Sometimes several sites merge into 1, or sometimes 1 site splits into move sites.

Image removed.DHS Victoria is now closed. 3 sites now replace this 1 site.Image removed.DESE is also now closed. 2 sites replace this 1 site.

Just show me the graphs


  • This is based on Sept 22, 2022 data
  • The scoring is based off PageRank data, so the percentages are not raw counts of websites, but an approximation of how important the respective sites are compared to others (assumes a logarithmic base of 5).
  • Wappalyzer detection is not perfect (see the end of this blog post for upstreamed PRs), and there is still a fairly large portion of sites where the CMS cannot be identified
  • MoGs make this tricky (PageRank relies on incoming links, which break due to MoGs)
  • Only * domains considered (some Government sites use other TLDs)
  • Unlikely newly created websites are in the top 10 million just yet (due to how PageRank works)

All sites (*

Image removed.All sites (*

Federal sites (not state based domains)

Programmes like GovCMS are having an impact here.

Image removed.Federal sites (every non-state based domain)

Victoria *

The Single Digital Presence (SDP) programme makes a mark in Victoria.

Image removed.Victoria (*

New South Wales *

Large Drupal sites like and help to make Drupal dominant in NSW.

Image removed.New South Wales (*

South Australia *

Image removed.South Australia (*

Western Australia *

A lot of unknown CMSs in WA, including sites like which I still have no idea what the CMS used is.

Image removed.Western Australia (*

Tasmania *

The lowest usage of Drupal for any Australian state or territory and the highest percentage of Wordpress.

Image removed.Tasmania (*

Queensland *

Image removed.Queensland (*

Australian Capital Territory *

The highest percentage of Squiz compared to any other Australia state or territory.

Image removed.Australian Capital Territory (*

Northern Territory *

Image removed.Northern Territory (*

Open Source Software (OSS) CMS vs Proprietary CMS

For the CMS' that can be identified, splitting them into 2 categories, OSS and Proprietary.

Image removed.Open Source Software (OSS) CMS vs Proprietary CMS

Drupal sites by major version

For sites reporting as Drupal, Drupal 9 and 7 are the most popular.

Image removed.Drupal by major version

Observations and other unusual findings

#1 - Drupal usage

“Drupal powers roughly 27% of all digital experiences that you use in the Australian government”

#2 - Top contender

“Squiz Matrix is the top contender with 15%, and has a clear state led mandate in certain states/territories”

#3 - TLS coverage

TLS coverage is not 100% - 129 domains found with no TLS



Page Rank

















Image removed.The second most trafficked site in the Australian Government does not support TLS. Instead this awkward redirect page is used. And a sad face emoji. Sad face indeed.

#4 - If in doubt, add a number

19 domains found with ww[number] as a subdomain.



Page Rank

















Image removed.When you run out of subdomains, just add a number.

#5 - You cannot kill Dreamweaver

15 sites found in 2022.

Extending this for the future

  • Crawl other domain spaces, e.g. the New Zealand government domain space *
  • Make a website and publish this data quarterly (DomCop's data updates around this frequency)
  • Measure trends over time

Upstreamed enhancements

These are all to make the detection of CMS' and Javascript frameworks more accurate for Australia Government sites.

Raw data

If you want to do your own analysis, here is a link to a full CSV dump.


I am keen to hear feedback on this data, and what can be done to improve the scoring. Also, if you can help fill in some of the 'unknown' data, let me know, I am happy to craft another PR into Wappalyzer.

#! code: Drupal 9: Using PHP_CodeSniffer To Inspect Custom Code

Drupal has a number of coding standards and best practices that govern the way code should be written. This has many benefits but can allow for a consistent and maintainable code to be created.

All Drupal modules and themes are written with coding standards in mind and that allows Drupal developers to look at any project and see a similar style of code. If you ever submit code to Drupal or a contributed project you will be required to adhere to these coding standards, so it makes sense to get used to knowing about them.

The main tool that is used to test coding standards in Drupal is PHP_CodeSniffer, which is a widely used static analysis tool for testing PHP coding standards. It comes with a set of coding standards built in, but it is possible to add the Drupal coding standards for the tool to use.

In this article we will look at installing PHP_CodeSniffer and adding the Drupal coding standards to it. We will also looking at some of the more common coding standards violations that might be encountered and how to solve them.

Installing PHP_CodeSniffer

There are two ways in which to install PHP_CodeSniffer, globally and as a dependency on the project you are working on. Each of these approaches has different pros and cons, so we will address those whilst looking at how to install each.

Read more.