Web Wash: Add Theme Suggestion to Menus using Menu Block in Drupal

Menu Block gives you additional functionality around managing the display of menus in block regions. Drupal core allows you to add any menu such as main navigation, footer, etc… into any region and you can control how many menu levels should be displayed. Menu Block gives you additional options such as setting a fixed parent item, changing the block title, and more.

But the one feature of Menu Block I want to show you in this tutorial is the ability to add a custom theme hook suggestion to menus.

Nonprofit Drupal posts: November Drupal for Nonprofits Chat

Join us TOMORROW, Thursday, November 17 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, as we resume our normally scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits. (Convert to your local time zone.)

No pre-defined topics on the agenda this month, so join us for an informal chat about anything at the intersection of Drupal and nonprofits.  Got something specific on your mind? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc: https://nten.org/drupal/notes!

(We'll return to visual regression testing soon!)

All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.

This free call is sponsored by NTEN.org and open to everyone. 

  • Join the call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81817469653

    • Meeting ID: 818 1746 9653
      Passcode: 551681

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      +16699006833,,81817469653# US (San Jose)
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      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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    • Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kpV1o65N

  • Follow along on Google Docs: https://nten.org/drupal/notes

View notes of previous months' calls.

Chapter Three: Four Ways to Make Drupal Fun Again

How do we make Drupal the cool kid again?  Did you know that about 60% of Drupal sites are still on D7, even with D10 about to be released in December? There’s been chatter that many folks are waiting on whether to stick with Drupal or slow roll their upgrade because D7 has been more challenging than anticipated. We know upgrading to D9 (or now D10) results in a much better experience than D7, but for those still unsure where they’re headed, we’d like you to consider this: Drupal Can Be Fun. No, super fun, at least in the developer and content editor sense. Read on, please. Drupal's Future Can Be Fun So, how do we make Drupal fun and exciting to work on? Here are four ideas to spice things up!  Focus on the Native API Platform Using Next-Drupal as a TWIG replacement 

Tag1 Consulting: Performance Tuning using Drupal Web Profiler with Luca Lusso

Why was Web Profiler spun out of the Devel module? Will there be differences between the D9 and D10 versions? What new features will the Web Profiler module have in Drupal 10? Listen to a fascinating chat between our Michael Meyers, Fabian Franz, and Luca Lusso, Lead Developer at SparkFabrik, as they take a dive into one of Luca's latest module contributions. Luca is a maintainer of both modules, Web Profiler, Devel along with 32 others. In this Tag1 Team Talk Luca demonstrates how Web Profiler is currently working in the latest D10 beta, as well as what new features, like the inclusion of Google's Core Web Vitals, that he's polishing up for the Drupal 10 version of Web Profiler, expected in December. You'll also take away a sense of the human developer behind all these contributions as Luca talks about what brought him to the Drupal community and what help he is looking for to support the latest version. Check out this and more in the Tag1 Team Talk: Performance Tuning with Luca Lusso using Web Profiler. ## Related content: - Web Profiler page on Drupal.org - [Devel module page...

Read more phoenix@tag1co… Wed, 11/16/2022 - 07:19

Promet Source: How to Prepare Your TEAM for a Drupal Migration

As the 12-month countdown for Drupal 7 end of life nears, we’re seeing more and more articles, presentations, and blog posts (a few have even appeared on this site) concerning how to prepare your site for a Drupal migration. This is, of course, important information, as the right prep work can significantly streamline and fast track migration to the most up-to-date version of Drupal.  What no one seems to be talking about though, is how to prepare your team for migrating a website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 or 10. 

Evolving Web: The Accessibility Challenge: Creating A Web for Everyone

Image removed.The Accessibility Challenge: Creating A Web for Everyone

Making web content accessible to everyone has been a major topic of discussion since the dawn of the Internet. World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee himself was explicit on this issue, stating that “the power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.”

Despite the urging of Berners-Lee and other early web pioneers, real accessibility remains elusive, three decades after the invention of the internet. According to a 2021 finding, 90% of websites are inaccessible to people with visual, hearing, and cognitive disabilities or anyone reliant on assistive technology (AbilityNet), and a staggering 98.1% of home pages had detectable WCAG 2.0 failures (WebAIM), which are considered the minimum standard of accessibility.

Much progress, however, has been made on this front since the first Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were published in 1999. Today, some government jurisdictions have made it law that their websites must be accessible. But making web content accessible to all takes concerted and consistent effort, and until all organizations and companies prioritize it, the Internet will remain a very ableist place.

Why Prioritize Accessibility?

In many countries including Canada and the United States, it’s now the law to provide accessible content. Certain anti-discrimination laws have enabled people to sue companies for not providing accessible digital content. Compliance with the law, however, should not be the only motivating factor for creating accessible digital content.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 1.1 billion people (about 15 percent of humanity) are disabled. In Canada alone, over 5.3 million people live with some form of disability. In the U.S., 1 out of 4 adults has a disability. Of these, over 81% report using some kind of assistive technology or specialized equipment to help them move, communicate, learn, or carry out daily activities. With such a large part of our population living with disabilities, going above and beyond the legal requirements for web accessibility is the right thing to do, period. 

At a time when many of those who live in developed countries turn to the web for everything from vetting a new restaurant on Yelp to buying sunglasses, it’s imperative that our most basic social services — finding and accessing affordable housing, applying and managing food stipends, checking medical bills — are just as easy to use.

Nicole Neditch, an assistant to the City Administrator in the City of Oakland, said it perfectly in a conversation with Exygy. 

“We're all doing this work because we think that everybody should have government access and that we want everybody to be able to get the access that they need from the government.”

When we start with the shared vision of creating digital services that meet the needs of all users, we often end with a final product that is more intuitive and easy to use for everyone. When we prioritize accessibility, everybody wins. 

On-Demand Webinar: Demystifying Inclusive Design: What We Have Learned About Designing More Equitable and Inclusive Products.

The Legacy Platform Challenge

As two companies that specialize in developing web platforms for government services, Exygy and Evolving Web are both committed to removing as many barriers to accessing critical services and information as possible. This starts with a fundamental commitment to human-centered design. 

Upgrading legacy government technology systems to comply with the latest accessibility guidelines is easier said than done. While Drupal – the content management system of choice for many government agencies – provides advanced accessibility features to help users create inclusive websites from scratch, these features can be difficult to understand and cumbersome to implement in existing systems.

In a typical scenario, a team of engineers and designers will join a project with a long history of third-party tools that predates their involvement. It is unlikely that these tools were sufficiently tested for accessibility when implemented, which makes parsing through their accessibility functions difficult and time-consuming. 

A big part of the challenge is the scope of many public sector web entities. For example, when Exygy and Evolving Web partnered with San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), we were tasked with upgrading over 100 different websites grouped into four disparate categories and target audiences – all with legacy systems containing accessibility issues.

In this instance, our design sprints allowed us to break up and compartmentalize the workflow into manageable pieces. Relying heavily on the pain points and goals gathered from interviews with users and SFUSD stakeholders, as well as user testing, we merged dozens of web properties into one cohesive, accessible (WCAG 2.1 compliant) digital experience built with Drupal.

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SFUSD's website before the Drupal-based redesign

In this case, we worked directly with a visually impaired teacher to get direct feedback about the accessibility of our site. In our meeting with them, we found that their NVDA Screen Reader, assistive technology that relies on audio and Link List shortcuts, did not successfully navigate the site, making for a stressful, time-consuming experience for parents, faculty, and students using screen readers.

With this user’s invaluable insights, we were able to rework how the site menus were designed and tagged. By centering on the experience of users with diverse disabilities, we can better understand and serve people with disabilities in our work, leading to an improved experience for users of all abilities.

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SFUSD's redesigned homepage

On-demand Webinar: How to Use Assistive Technology to Improve Web Accessibility

Prioritizing Accessibility in Design

Evolving Web often builds an accessibility audit into the website redesign process. One recent example of this was the redesign of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) website. An organization created by the Government of Canada that invests in research facilities and equipment in universities, colleges, research hospitals and other research institutions, the CFI prioritizes public engagement with regards to research and innovation, and as such needed to prioritize accessibility in its new website.

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An accessibility audit of the CFI development site using axe (a Chrome extension) and SortSite revealed some issues with the dev site. The site’s animated hero banner lacked a pause button – an accessibility requirement – and there were some issues with images lacking alternative text for screen readers. While some of these issues were dealt with in the code of rebuilding the website, the site contained a lot of legacy content which had to be migrated to the new website, much of which did not meet accessibility standards.

Bringing the new site up to par accessibility-wise included making edits to the site’s library of PDF files, and adding alt text via Acrobat so as to denote heading hierarchy so that this content can be navigated the same way as regular web pages. There were also issues related to tables imported from the old site, where the content was entered in WYSIWYG format that needed to be edited for correct formatting. Missing headings were also filled in as needed.

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In addition to the aforementioned edits, the homepage banner was improved with a gradient coming from the bottom and the top to assure the text was maximally readable, while text background colors throughout the site were optimized for visibility. The result was a site that not only met WCAG 2.1 AA requirements but frequently met AAA standards as well. 

Read our Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) case study

Partnership in Action 

The San Francisco County Transit Authority (SFCTA) was another challenging project where Exygy and Evolving Web collaborated to improve the site from an accessibility standpoint. The SFCTA's previous website was built using a legacy CMS that was cumbersome and unintuitive for non-technical content authors.

As the site aged, it became increasingly difficult for authors and administrators to organize its vast array of content in a way that was easy for the public and stakeholders to discover and receive updates.

However, through strong collaborative partnerships, we balanced SFCTA’s multiple stakeholders, seamlessly integrated user experience and content, and prioritized inclusive design principles – all on a Drupal-based platform.

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SCFTA Before

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A Three-Step Approach to Achieving Accessibility

At this point, you are most likely curious about how compliant your website is to WCAG 2.1 benchmarks. Perhaps you work for an organization that operates a legacy platform built before these benchmarks became industry standards. If so, you probably have your work cut out for you in terms of making your site accessible to all.

That said, there’s no need to panic. By following these three straightforward steps you can modernize your site and ensure that everybody can access your content.

Step 1: Perform a site audit. 

If you want to quickly find out how accessible your site is, download the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool and test your site. Evolving Web uses SiteImprove and SortSite for its web audits. It is also vital to include people with disabilities in your site audit as they have the most acute ability to assess its accessibility. Exygy, for example, partners with Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired to get direct and reputable feedback regarding the accessibility of their site.

Step 2: Get help. 

Most organizations don’t have the expertise and capacity to do all this internally. This is where a team like Exygy or Evolving Web or your local accessibility expert comes in for advice tailored to your specific situation. You can reach out to us directly at hello@exygy.com or info@evolvingweb.com to begin the conversation.

Step 3: Seek out training. 

In an ideal world, usability testing would involve people with a range of disabilities who use assistive technology. In practice, however, this can be difficult to arrange. In any case, it is important for team members to receive accessibility training that will enable them to test their site for accessibility benchmarks. Evolving Web provides comprehensive accessibility training, including instruction on assistive technology and manual keyboard testing as well as hands-on tutorials with axe and SortSite. 

A Worthwhile Commitment 

Faced with demanding timelines and limited budgets, accessibility often ends up being seen as a “nice-to-have” feature rather than a must. And while awareness of web accessibility is increasing, most (predominantly able-bodied) internal team members lack experience working with assistive technology, making accessibility testing a challenge. 

The biggest hurdle, however, is the time commitment involved. From learning new perspectives on how people interact with the world to understanding the complex digital histories of pre-existing platforms, it takes immense time to make websites accessible for all.

However, with the above-mentioned steps, any organization can bring its websites up to WCAG 2.1 standards. Accessibility upgrades may be time-consuming, but given the vast number of people who rely on such upgrades to access information online, it is a worthwhile endeavor for every organization, and if nothing else, simply the right thing to do.

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Many thanks to our partners at Exygy, Anna Gibbins and Ethan Elisara, for their contributions to this blog post.

+ more awesome articles by Evolving Web

LakeDrops Drupal Consulting, Development and Hosting: ECA for Drupal: Successful launch, moving on

ECA for Drupal: Successful launch, moving on Image removed.Jürgen Haas Tue, 11/15/2022 - 13:49

Time for a recap, 4 months after ECA release 1.0.0 back in July 2022. Hundreds of site using ECA already, extremely positive feedback from the community, new features in the making and honoured with the special "Biggest Contribution Value" award by the German/Austrian SplashAwards 2022. We couldn't have hoped for a better start of the project.