DrupalEasy: Launching into 2023 with new stuff!

Image removed.If you've visited DrupalEasy.com anytime in the past couple of weeks, you may have noticed that we've got a refreshed logo, a revitalized podcast, and a remarkable new long-form module development course!

First, we decided that it was time for an updated logo - something we haven't had since the start of our company. The updated logo incorporates the new "tilted drop" design element referring to both our Drupal roots and a capital letter "D" for DrupalEasy, of course! We retained the lime green color that we've grown accustomed to, and will be using this new design element in various new ways moving forward.

The DrupalEasy podcast, which began 14(!) years ago, had been on an extended hiatus for almost 2 years - mainly due to a lack of bandwidth on our part - but we figured out a way to keep it going in the future in a sustainable manner. Rather than committing to a new episode every two weeks, we will now release 2-3 "seasons" per year, with each season composed of 6-8 episodes. Season 14 (an obvious reference to our 14th year) has already debuted, and the remaining episodes have all been recorded and will be released over the next month or so. Each season will have a theme - S14's theme is "how to": each episode will focus on how to accomplish a specific Drupal-related task.

Finally, and you may have heard about this already, but we are super-excited to be launching an all-new, long-form Drupal module development workshop: Professional Module Development. This 90-hour class (over 15 weeks) will help you improve your skills to a professional level - including automated tests, various code quality tools, and commonly-used Drupal APIs and techniques. 

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #380 - Happy New Year

Today we share interviews conducted at NEDCamp in November 2022. This is an audio only episode.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com380

Topics / Guests
  1. John Picozzi
  2. Shane Thomas
  3. Donna Bungard
  4. Chris Wells
  5. Jacob Rockowitz
  6. Leslie Glynn
  7. Mike Anello
  8. Mike Miles
  9. Nic Laflin

Stephen Cross @stephencross


with Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu

Bookable Calendar Module https://www.drupal.org/project/bookable_calendar A very easy to use Bookable Calendar module. Whether you’re giving lessons and want your students to be able to book a lesson or a business trying to stagger traffic into your building, this module aims to get you up and running as fast as possible.

Peoples Blog: Colima - similar tool like Docker Desktop, for Drupal Development

Colima is a project that is easy to use and fully open source, and it helps in running docker containers on Linux OS and MacOs machines. We know Docker Desktop is no more a complete open source, if you are not using it personally. So now Colima is a tool which does work similar to Docker Desktop and In this article we are going to see how it works alone or along with Docker Desktop on your Linux

Golems GABB: Enable Responsive Layouts with Viewport Meta Tag

Enable Responsive Layouts with Viewport Meta Tag Editor Fri, 12/30/2022 - 16:32

Oh, how annoying when you go on to the site, but it does not have responsive layouts, and you have to use these inconvenient horizontal scroll bars. There are fewer and fewer awkward sites on the Internet every year, but the problem has not wholly disappeared.
We invite you to learn how to enable responsive layouts with the Viewport meta tag and make your site as user-friendly as possible. There is a chance that another responsive website will appear in the world if you read this article to the end. At least, our Drupal website development team truly believes so!