Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Deciding between Acquia Site Studio and Drupal's Layout Builder

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Speed to market is often critical for applications especially when rolling out new sites, features for an offering, or need to create campaign pages, landing pages, and other one off content that doesn't necessarily need to follow a strict template. 

The tool you use to achieve this could make or break this goal depending on your needs as well as how it is used. 

In this tutorial we aim to give you the questions you need to ask yourself when trying to decide whether using Drupal Core's Layout Builder or Acquia's Site Studio offering for your next project.

  1. Cost (both upfront and maintenance)

    Acquia Site Studio is a proprietary tool provided by Acquia to our Acquia hosted customers. One license is included

Lisa Streeter: Setting Order Number before Payment Transaction

The Goal

In Drupal Commerce, carts do not have order numbers. Order numbers are not set until checkout completion, when the order is placed. If the order type has been configured with a number pattern, that pattern is used to generate the order number; otherwise the order entity ID is used. As a result, when a credit card payment is added during checkout, the cart/order may not have its final Order Number yet. For some payment gateways, this is fine--only the order entity ID is needed.

The Drop Times: Could OpenAI and Drupal 10 Play the Master and the Muse?

When OpenAI and Drupal comes together, it will be a perfect romance between two legends, just as the title implies. This article is the summarization of a lightning talk given by Kevin Quillen at DrupalCon Pittsburgh about ChatGPT and Drupal 10. ChatGTP is a natural language processing tool powered by artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI.

Security public service announcements: End of life announcement and changes to Drupal 7 support - PSA-2023-06-07

Date: 2023-June-07Description: 

Drupal 7's end of life is January 5, 2025

On February 23, 2022, we announced that we would be extending the End-of-Life for Drupal 7 until at least November 1, 2023.

Today, we are officially announcing that Drupal 7 will reach its end of life on January 5, 2025.

With this final extension, the Drupal Security Team is also adjusting the level of support provided.

This will be the final extension.

Reduced support for moderately critical Drupal 7 issues

Effective August 1, 2023, the Drupal Security Team may choose to publicly post moderately critical and less critical issues affecting Drupal 7 in the public issue queue for resolution, as long as they are not mass-exploitable. (Security risk levels defined.)

Drupal 9 and above are not affected by this change. When a security issue affects both Drupal 7 and Drupal 10, for example, the Drupal 10 security advisory may be released without a corresponding Drupal 7 fix, and the Drupal 7 issue made public at that point.

Drupal 7 branches of unsupported modules are no longer eligible for new maintainership

Community support for contributed modules will continue as it has to date. However, beginning August 1, 2023, once the Drupal 7 branch of a contributed module is marked unsupported it will not be eligible for new maintainership and will not be marked supported again. This will be true if an existing maintainer marks the module unsupported, or if the security team marks it unsupported for lack of response. If there are Drupal 7 modules that you or your clients rely on, then we strongly encourage you to adopt these modules proactively.
The Drupal security team will not issue security advisories for any unsupported libraries that Drupal 7 contributed modules rely on, such as CKEditor 4.

PHP 5.5 and below will no longer be supported on Drupal 7

Effective August 1, 2023, we will no longer support PHP versions lower than 5.6 for Drupal 7. We may issue further PSAs increasing the minimum PHP requirement any time before Drupal 7's end of life.

Security fixes will no longer be provided for Drupal 7 Windows-only issues

Effective August 1, 2023, we will no longer provide Drupal 7 security fixes for Windows-only issues. If you are running a Drupal 7 site on Windows, you should look into migrating to another operating system for hosting your site. will no longer package Drupal 7 distributions

Effective August 1, 2023, will no longer create Drupal 7 distribution packages with Drush make files. If you need a distribution built, you can use drush make locally.

This is the final extension of Drupal 7 community support

Current support is made possible thanks to the Drupal core maintainers, the Drupal Security Team, and organizations and volunteers who contribute to Drupal 7 issues.

You can donate to support the work of the Drupal Security Team on our Security Team Donations page.

To learn more about sponsoring Drupal core maintainers and contributors, read xjm's blog post: Why sponsor a core committer?

What the Drupal 7 End of Life means for you

Once Drupal 7 reaches End of Life, this means:

  1. The Drupal Security Team will no longer provide support or Security Advisories for Drupal 7 core and contributed modules.
  2. Security issues for Drupal 7 may be disclosed in public, and zero-days (i.e, security vulnerabilities being exploited in the wild without advance warning) may occur.
  3. will no longer support tasks related to Drupal 7 including documentation navigation, automated testing, packaging, etc.
  4. All Drupal 7-compatible releases on project pages will be flagged as not supported.
  5. Some Drush functionality for Drupal 7 will stop working as the underlying infrastructure will be removed.
  6. file archive packaging (tar and zip files) for Drupal 7 will be shut off.
    The archives may be removed.
  7. There will be no more core commits on Drupal core 7.x.
  8. Package tarballs may no longer be downloadable.
  9. External vulnerability scans will flag Drupal 7 as insecure.

If you are still maintaining a Drupal 7 site, we recommend migrating to Drupal 10 before the end of life date.

Announcing the Drupal Association migration partners program

The Drupal Association is working to certify migration partners to help Drupal 7 site owners.

Certified Migration Partners will be promoted on, alongside a migration resource library, to any end users looking for help.

Priority will be given to past extended support vendors and top contributors.

To learn more about the Drupal 7 Certified Migration Partners visit the Drupal 7 EOL landing page.

Coordinated By: 

The project lead, members of the Security team, and core committers contributed to this document.

Golems GABB: The Impact of Blockchain on Web Development

The Impact of Blockchain on Web Development Editor Fri, 06/02/2023 - 13:37

Some believe the term "blockchain" is relevant only to cryptocurrencies and NFTs. These concepts are based on this method, but blockchain has dramatically expanded in recent years, affecting many areas, including web development. Such a decentralized algorithm is set to revolutionize the digital product development industry by reducing the risks of cybercrime, illegal access, and other fraudulent schemes. Let's discuss how blockchain affects programming today and what we should expect from this platform in the long run.

Consensus Enterprises: Aegir5: Feature parity between Aegir3 and Aegir5

In previous posts, we’ve covered our Kubernetes framework for an alternative back-end to Aegir5, as well as the front-end Tasks and Operations and Clusters, Projects, Releases, and Environments. We also discussed the Queue architecture that ties the front- and back-ends together. This time, let’s consider the planned feature parity between Aegir 3 and Aegir 5. Clusters, Projects, Releases, and Environments In Aegir3, Servers only have a “verify” task. This ensures that the front end can connect to the server over SSH.

LN Webworks: Proprietary vs. Open-Source Platforms: Debunking 3 Common Myths

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You must be caught up in the debate between proprietary and open-source platforms. This debate has captivated the minds of industry leaders and enthusiasts alike while sparking confusion and hindering informed decision-making. But let’s face it: There’s a lot of misinformation floating around.

Choosing the right platform becomes even more important in this fast-moving digital landscape, as it can impact everything from innovation to security and cost. Uncover the truth through this article as it dispels the top three myths about proprietary and open-source platforms, empowering you to make a well-informed decision for your organization's progress.

PreviousNext: Creating the optimal editorial experience with Layout Builder

In this video, I cover how to get the very best editorial experience from Layout Builder.

by daniel.veza / 5 June 2023

Layout Builder can be intimidating, but without it, editors can struggle to build dynamic layouts. And paragraphs just won't cut it.

Some people may think twice before using Layout Builder. Sometimes that's because handing over control of the presentation layer of a website poses a barrier for them.

But Layout Builder has evolved, and in fact, I would argue, should be embraced. It's an immediately improved experience that, for instance, lets you preview your page as you're editing it.

In the video below, I cover the modules that can be used to enhance and control the Layout Builder experience. Specifically, Layout Builder Claro, Layout Builder Lock, Layout Builder Restrictions, and Layout Builder Browser

I also talk about approaches we have taken to empower the content editorial experience while keeping the front end consistent, such as removing the need for editors to know how field formatters work by implementing custom blocks.

For an example of how we've used Layout Builder to improve the editorial experience, check out the summary of our work on the Bond University.

Watch the video

You can also check out my slides from DrupalSouth in Wellington. 

ImageX: The How and Why of AI: Drupal Modules for OpenAI/ChatGPT Integration

The How and Why of AI: Drupal Modules for OpenAI/ChatGPT Integration amanda Mon, 06/05/2023 - 18:57

ChatGPT, one of the most well-known innovations by OpenAI, captivated the world’s attention from the first day of its release. It can have human-like conversations and assist people with various tasks from generating content ideas or drafting business plans to writing code. 

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