Golems GABB: Drupal 10 and SEO: How to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

Drupal 10 and SEO: How to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines Editor Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:30

Drupal people? Are you here? At least 87% of your consumers are looking for you or your services on search engine pages. To boost your brand's online presence and expand your reach, it is essential to optimize for SEO in Drupal 10.
Increasing your website’s visibility might seem a terrifying challenge, but using advanced and multifunctional systems to boost your SEO will be helpful. Whether interested in higher positions in SERPs in Bing, Google, Yahoo, or alternative options, Drupal 10 becomes a fantastic choice for your SEO-related worries. 

Lullabot: Lullabot Podcast: A Legacy Leap with Drupal Retrofit


You've likely heard repeatedly about the impending end-of-life for Drupal 7 and the potentially daunting task of updating to the latest version.

We're joined by the esteemed Matt Glaman, a prominent Drupal contributor and Principal Software Engineer at Acquia, who introduces his latest innovation: Drupal Retrofit.

This tool serves as a compatibility layer, enabling you to execute legacy Drupal 7 code on your Drupal 10 site. The goal? To potentially ease your upgrade process and expedite your transition to modern Drupal.

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: DrupalCon EUR 2023 - Day 3

Image removed.

So that’s it, DrupalCon Lille 2023 has come to a close - for me at least. I’m currently sitting in the train heading home. Now’s the perfect time to reflect on what’s been an amazing three days. And it really has been amazing! Lille has been the perfect host city, providing great brasseries with great beer and lots of food with lots of melted cheese all over it - who could ask for more? And this DrupalCon has provided me with so many opportunities to learn, to talk, to listen and to have fun. 2023 has been a vintage year.

The Drop Times: Is Gen AI Disruptive to your Site Search? Sameer Maggon at DrupalCon Lille

SearchStax, at DrupalCon Lille, presents a Lightning Talk on "Supercharging Search with Generative AI" by Sameer Maggon, Founder and CEO. The session demystifies the impact of AI on digital experiences, focusing on search functionalities, with key takeaways highlighting AI's disruptive potential and the importance of trust in website content.

Nonprofit Drupal posts: October Drupal for Nonprofits Community Chat

Join us TODAY, Thursday, October 19 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, as we resume our normally scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits. (Convert to your local time zone.)

No pre-defined topics on the agenda this month, so join us for an informal chat about anything at the intersection of Drupal and nonprofits.  Got something specific on your mind? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc: https://nten.org/drupal/notes!

All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.

This free call is sponsored by NTEN.org and open to everyone. 

  • Join the call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81817469653

    • Meeting ID: 818 1746 9653
      Passcode: 551681

    • One tap mobile:
      +16699006833,,81817469653# US (San Jose)
      +13462487799,,81817469653# US (Houston)

    • Dial by your location:
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
      +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
      +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
      +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    • Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kpV1o65N

  • Follow along on Google Docs: https://nten.org/drupal/notes

View notes of previous months' calls.