Drupal Association blog: Drupal Association Announces Tag1 Consulting as Partner for Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Provider Program

PORTLAND, Ore., 22 August 2024—The Drupal Association is pleased to announce Tag1 Consulting as a partner for the Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Provider Program. This initiative aims to support Drupal 7 users by carefully selecting providers to deliver extended security support services beyond the 5 January 2025 end-of-life (EOL) date.

The Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Provider Program allows organizations that cannot migrate from Drupal 7 to newer versions by the EOL date to continue using a version of Drupal 7 that is secure and compliant. This program complements the Association’s Drupal 7 Certified Migration Providers Program, which Tag1 is also a participant in, that helps organizations find the right partner to transition their sites from Drupal 7 to Drupal 11.

Tag1’s Drupal 7 extended support offers proactive security and compatibility updates for D7, backed by their team of top Drupal contributors and security experts who led its creation and evolution. With their support, users can continue running D7 as long as they need.

“We’re very pleased to add Tag1 to our Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Program,” commented Tim Doyle, CEO of the Drupal Association.  “Tag1 brings a wealth of experience with Drupal and the Drupal Community, and we’re happy they’re applying their expertise to Drupal 7 support.” 

As organizations prepare for the transition from Drupal 7, Tag1 Consulting will provide the necessary support to keep their sites secure and operational.

“As one of the oldest and most well-known consulting companies in the Drupal ecosystem, we're proud to offer trusted support for Drupal 7 after its end of life,” said Jeremy Andrews, Tag1’s CEO. “Our team is dedicated to helping organizations keep their sites secure and running smoothly, with the same expertise and care that we've brought to the community for over 20 years.”

More information on Drupal 7 Extended Support from Tag1.

About the Drupal Association

The Drupal Association is a nonprofit organization that fosters and supports the Drupal software project, the community, and its growth. Our mission is to drive innovation and adoption of Drupal as a high-impact digital public good, hand-in-hand with our open source community. Through various initiatives, events, and programs, the Drupal Association helps ensure the ongoing development and success of the Drupal project.

About Tag1 Consulting, Inc.

Tag1 is a global technology consulting firm and recognized leader in the Drupal community. Known for our innovative work with top-tier organizations and our pivotal contributions to the Drupal platform itself, we provide unmatched expertise in key areas such as Drupal architecture, performance, scalability, and security. With over 100 team members across 20+ countries, we are the only organization with experience providing Extended Support for Drupal after End-of-Life, proudly having provided commercial support for Drupal 6 for over six years beyond its EOL. The largest and most well known users of Drupal, with the most demanding security needs have relied on Tag1’s Extended Support including Acquia, Pantheon, Fortive, Symantec, Capegmini, the Drupal Association and Drupal.org.

Tag1 Consulting: Tag1 D7ES - Extended Support for Drupal 7 after EOL in January 2025

Worried about the future of your Drupal 7 website? With Drupal 7 reaching end-of-life in January 2025, many site owners and developers are facing a tough decision: migrate to a new version of Drupal or to a new platform altogether, or risk running an unsupported site.

Read more michaelemeyers Thu, 08/22/2024 - 07:00

qtatech.com blog: Automatiser les Déploiements de Sites Drupal avec CI/CD

Automating Drupal Site Deployments with CI/CD kanapatrick Thu, 08/22/2024 - 11:16

With the constant evolution of Drupal, particularly with recent versions like Drupal 10 and Drupal 11, automating deployments has become essential to leverage new features and maintain an agile and reliable development cycle. This article will guide you through the coding approaches and techniques to automate the deployment of Drupal sites using CI/CD.

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Kanopi Studios: All About Drupal 11

The next major Drupal version was just released — laying the foundation for its future. Drupal 11 was recently released on Drupal’s timeline. Unlike previous major versions, where releases needed to accommodate underlying technologies’ end of life like Symfony, Drupal 11 was released because it was the right time to solidify new features and free us […]

The post All About Drupal 11 appeared first on Kanopi Studios.

Droptica: 10 SEO Features a Modern CMS Should Have. Using Drupal as an Example

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In this blog post, I'll introduce ten SEO features that every modern CMS should have and show you how easy it is to implement them in Drupal. So, if you have an existing website, you'll easily see what you're missing. And if you're just planning to build a new one, you'll get a ready-made list of features to copy to your web specifications and requirements. I invite you to read the article or watch an episode of the “Nowoczesny Drupal” series (the video is in Polish). 

Drupal Association blog: Why I'm a Ripplemaker.. by Nikki Flores

I first learned Drupal in 2008 and it was the backbone of one of my consulting service's very first sites. We used the Quiz module and built online certifications based on scoring. This feature was a huge hit for that client and carried them forward, such that they were able to get acquired and eventually retire. 

Implementing sites on Drupal carried my partner and I through a decade of consulting as we built out websites for national and international public agencies, nonprofits, membership organizations, and e-commerce. Drupal fed my family through a variety of projects, paid for my healthcare, tuition, and our housing.

In my current role at Lullabot as an employee-owner, Drupal has continued to evolve. We use Drupal for our enterprise projects, for state and local governments as well as education and publishing clients: my current client, a state government, is converting their agencies into a unified platform.

From the community side, I organized the first DrupalCamp in Hawaii and am nearing the end of my elected term as a community board member for the Drupal Association, and continue to speak on panels, coordinate, organize, and present at DrupalCon and other events.

There is nothing that I do that is special: anyone else in the Drupal community can, and is welcome, to contribute, connect, and engage to the level that they have energy to do so, I recognize how fortunate I am to work at a company that invests in Drupal and also supports "internal time" so we continue to learn, grow, and develop our skills.

Because I have gained so much from Drupal,  I'm very happy to encourage you to join me as a Ripple Maker—making a monthly contribution, and in my case, making an allocation to the Drupal Association as a beneficiary from my estate, helps me know that the core values of our community: collaboration, questioning and commenting, making items incrementally better, and continuing to encourage the next generation, will last.

Donate now

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Nikki Flores
Senior Technical Project Manager

Drupal Starshot blog: Out-of-the-box functionality survey results

We recently posted a survey seeking community feedback on what features and contrib modules to include in Drupal CMS out of the box, in order to deliver on the vision of getting from install to launch really fast. We were looking for features and modules that align with the Drupal Starshot strategy and consider the primary persona, which is ambitious marketers.

The survey got 60 submissions, with a wide variety of suggestions. Many of these were already on our radar, and closely align with our existing initiatives and work tracks. But it also raised a lot of new and interesting ideas for the leadership team and track leads to consider. We will also likely be posting new work tracks in the next few weeks based on the results, since there are some great suggestions that are not yet covered.

The following is a summary of the survey results, which we are not treating as a 'vote' for any one feature, but it's a great way to validate our plans and determine what other areas to focus on.


There were 108 different feature suggestions, with many that overlapped. Of those that were suggested in more than one submission, all of these are already covered by an initiative or work track: 

  • Better page building tools: more intuitive layout builder; drag & drop components; ability to easily add lists to pages; theming tools in the UI; live preview (20) [Experience builder]
  • SEO: Meta tags (specifically including content schema and social media sharing); SEO analysis tools (14) [SEO track]
  • Form builder (7) [Contact form track]
  • Perform content management actions in bulk (3) [Content publishing workflows track]
  • Image resizing and cropping tools (3) [Media management track]
  • Responsive images (3) [Media management track]
  • Login with email (3) [Base recipe track]
  • Anti-spam measures (2) [Contact form track]
  • Better for search (2) [Advanced search recipe track]
  • Ability to add sitewide alerts (2) [Base recipe track]

The remaining feature suggestions were suggested once each, but point to specific areas we could focus on.

Content management & workflows

  • Workspaces
  • Content workflows
  • Content scheduling
  • Content cloning
  • Simple content access control
  • Deleted content recovery
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Content import & export tools
  • Inline entity creation
  • Jobs content recipe
  • Event calendar


  • Two-factor authentication
  • Configurable password policy
  • Security compliance tools


  • Asymmetric translations
  • Capability to display the source content next to the translated content in the node edit form


  • SVG support
  • Bulk media upload
  • Easy linking directly to media files
  • AI alt tag generation

Marketing tools

  • A/B testing for content
  • QR code generation
  • Easy to configure social media links
  • Social sharing capability


  • Accessibility checker
  • AI enabled content writing 
  • Admin menu search
  • Infinite scrolling
  • SMTP email support
  • Entity relationship modeling tool
  • Better cookie handling
  • Login with social network accounts

Developer tools

  • Integrated deployments
  • Email rerouting for non-production environments
  • New core theme with configurable CSS variables
  • Advanced aggregation modernization
  • Better exposure of metrics / telemetry

Drupal-specific suggestions

  • Automatic Updates
  • Project Browser
  • Simplified Views UI
  • Ability to define "site settings" without affecting configuration
  • Safe revision pruning
  • Better situational awareness of extensions
  • Easy configuration management system
  • Easier removal of modules and cleaning up of applied recipes
  • Entity hierarchy module in core
  • Referential integrity: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2723323
  • Poster images for video media: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2954834
  • Inline moderation notes for easier collaboration
  • Improved file upload experience/widget
  • Submission against including Twig Tweak module
  • Manual curation tools such as entityqueue

Modules proposed

As with the feature suggestions, some modules were suggested more than once, and are mostly covered by existing streams.

Whether a module will be included will depend on many things, but mainly, it should be required for some functionality that we are planning to deliver. Track leads will propose functionality that will be supported by contrib modules, and then the modules will be assessed for inclusion. We plan to publish further information about module selection and ongoing governance and maintenance as the project progresses.

Based on this, we might create new tracks for WYSIWYG and security, if we don't feel that we can sufficiently cover these as part of the base recipe.

The other modules suggested were: