Drupal Starshot blog: Join us at DrupalCon Atlanta for all things Drupal CMS

Drupal CMS 1.0 was released on January 15. People at 65+ parties celebrated around the globe in Milan (Italy), Zaragoza (Spain), Delhi (India), Lutsk (Ukraine), Bogota (Columbia), Boston (USA), Budapest (Hungary) just to name a few locations. More than 700 people celebrated on the online Zoom party. But what's next?

Join us at DrupalCon Atlanta for two keynotes, more than 20 sessions, contribution opportunities, a dedicated training and even a game show providing deeper insights into Drupal CMS! And this is just a slice of the whole conference!

Two Drupal CMS keynotes and an overview session

  • The Driesnote on Tuesday provides a premier look at the latest developments and future plans of Drupal CMS, including updates on Experience Builder.
  • Wednesday afternoon the Drupal CMS Spotlights keynote (page to come) will feature key leaders providing in-depth looks at their respective areas from AI site building through user experience, documentation and of course Experience Builder.
  • Drupal CMS Product Lead Pamela Barone and UX Lead Cristina Chumillas will present Drupal CMS now and beyond to review the roadmap we went on so far and what is ahead.

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Experience Builder sessions

A huge part of Drupal CMS will be Experience Builder (XB). Coming later this year, there is a lot to cover.

Drupal CMS AI sessions

Sessions on even more building blocks of Drupal CMS

Drupal CMS research insights

What Do Marketers Really Want? Unpacking the User Research for Drupal CMS with Bruna Siqueira-Davis and Suzanne Dergacheva will cover the research they did with volunteers on CMS users across platforms and industries. The findings provide insights into the priorities, frustrations, and opportunities that inform how marketers select and use CMS platforms, and specifically what we should prioritize when designing Drupal CMS for marketers. 

Drupal CMS at summits and trainings

DrupalEasy is running a Drupal CMS Preview training to provide a hands-on introduction to some of its key features, including installation, Project Browser, recipes, AI integration, and Experience Builder. The agenda includes demos, practical exercises, and a developer Q&A, helping attendees gain confidence in launching future Drupal CMS sites.

Emma Horrell from the Drupal CMS UX team will also present at the Non-Profit Summit. 

Drupal CMS Game Show!

Drupal CMS: The Exciting Parts lead by Steve Persch is promising to be a fun "part panel discussion, part game show". If you've been to any of Steve's sessions before, you know this will be good.

Drupal CMS contribution

Last but definitely not least, teams, tracks and initiatives coming together in Drupal CMS will represent at the contribution events at DrupalCon Atlanta. Meet throughout the week at Birds of a Feather discussions about ongoing work and join in at the General Contribution area especially, but not only on the last day. See you there! Not too late to get your ticket!

