#! code: Drupal 11: Batch Processing Using Drush

This is the second part of a series of articles looking at the Batch API in Drupal. The Batch API is a system in Drupal that allows data to be processed in small chunks in order to prevent timeout errors or memory problems.

In the previous article we looked at how to setup the batch process using a form, with the batch methods being contained within the structure of the form class. When the form was submitted the batch process ran through 1,000 items and then printed out a result at the end.

Whilst there is nothing wrong with running the Batch API with everything in a form class, it is normally better to abstract the batch processing code into a separate class.

Using a separate batch class to contain the process and finish methods is a much better way of setting things up as it allows you to abstract away the batch process from the action that starts it. This means that you can start the batch from anywhere, even a Drush command.

Allowing you batch processes to be run via Drush is a really powerful feature for a module to include. It means that any big process that can be run by a user can be run automatically via a Drush command.

The Batch Class

To create a batch class I normally create a directory called "Batch" inside the module "/src" directory that contains any batch class I need to define. The contents of the class are the two batch methods from the form class used previously, namely the batchProcess() and batchFinished() methods.

The following shows the basic structure of this class.

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