Community Working Group posts: 2024 Aaron Winborn Award Winner: Mike Anello

At DrupalCon Portland 2024, members of the Drupal Community Working Group were pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 Aaron Winborn Award, Mike Anello (ultimike.)

About Mike Anello

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Mike Anello winner of the Aaron Winborn Award 2024

Mike has been an integral part of the Drupal Community for nearly 20 years. His leadership is evident through his long-term involvement with the Community Working Group and its Conflict Resolution Team, as well as his role as the lead organizer of Florida Drupal Camp. As a co-founder and educator at DrupalEasy, he continues to mentor and inspire numerous community members, helping to lower barriers to entry. Mike consistently shares his expertise as a presenter and facilitator at many Drupal events. His contributions inspire many, both directly and indirectly, throughout our community.

Heartfelt Nominations

Each year many individuals are nominated for the award. But this year, one nomination seemed to sum the rest up with a simple, “You damned well know why Mike Anello deserves this award more than anyone else. Seriously.”  

Other nominations were less direct but full of grace and patience, much like Mike’s contribution to Drupal over the years. Here are a few others:

“Mike is a model community member who has had an exponential impact on the success of our community. I can't think of anyone more deserving of this award.”

“I believe hundreds of folks have been impacted positively by Mike over their career.”

“Without Mike Anello, I don't know if I would have been as enthralled with Drupal as I became. I still remember the first time I met Mike at DrupalCamp Atlanta in 2013. He inspired me to do more than work with Drupal; he inspired me to join the Drupal community. His work with DrupalEasy continues to build an education pipeline that brings in new community members and levels those who may already be involved so that they can grow their careers.”

The CWG has contacted all nominees to let them know of their nomination and shared some details about what their nominators wrote about them, thanking them for their continued work in the community. 

About the Aaron Winborn Award

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The 2024 Aaron Winborn Award

The award is named after a long-time Drupal contributor who lost his battle with ALS in 2015. This award recognizes an individual who, like Aaron, demonstrates personal integrity, kindness, and an above-and-beyond commitment to the Drupal project and community.

Previous winners of the award are  Cathy Theys, Gabór Hojtsy, Nikki Stevens, Kevin Thull, Leslie Glynn, Baddý Breidert, AmyJune Hineline, Angie Byron, and Randy Fay. Current CWG Conflict Resolution Team members, along with previous winners, selected the winner based on nominations submitted by Drupal community members.

Nominations for next year's award will open in early 2025.

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