The Drop Times: Blueprint to the Stars!

Dear Readers,

Since my younger days, I have been fascinated by a quote, and it has kept me in check in all my endeavours.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!"

Achieving milestones in any initiative requires meticulous planning and strategic execution, and the Drupal Starshot Initiative is no exception. As the guiding star for Drupal's future, the Starshot Initiative embodies a collaborative effort to propel the platform to unprecedented heights. The process behind this ambitious endeavour is as critical as the vision itself.

Central to the success of the Starshot Initiative is the detailed roadmap that outlines the project's phases, from ideation to implementation. This roadmap is not just a timeline of events but a dynamic blueprint that evolves with contributions from the Drupal community. Regular interactive sessions, such as the one headed by Dries Buytaert last week and the upcoming sessions headed by Drupal stalwarts, play a crucial role in this process. These sessions are designed to provide updates, gather feedback, and refine strategies to ensure that every step is aligned with the overarching goals.

The interactive nature of these sessions fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose, encouraging everyone to participate actively. By joining the #starshot channel on Drupal Slack, community members can stay informed and contribute meaningfully to the initiative. Through this collective effort, the Drupal community is working together to make the Starshot Initiative a beacon of innovation and excellence in the digital landscape.

With that, let's move on to last week's important news.

In a stimulating conversation with our sub-editor, Kazima Abbas, Brian Perry discusses the latest updates and future vision for the API Client Initiative. Dive into the in-depth interview to learn how the Drupal API Client is revolutionizing interaction with Drupal APIs and explore the exciting opportunities it presents for web development enthusiasts.

DrupalJam 2024, set to take place on June 12th at the Fabrique in Utrecht, marks a significant milestone as it celebrates its 20th edition. Organized by a team of dedicated volunteers, DrupalJam has earned international recognition for its professional quality and community-driven ethos. Kazima Abbas brings you exclusive insights from the organizers into the event's schedule, speakers, and opportunities for engagement.

Drupal Community is agile with a great deal of events. DrupalCon Portland 2024 concluded with the hope of two more Drupal conferences this year: DrupalCon Barcelona and DrupalCon Singapore 2024. The programs for DrupalCon Barcelona are now live, and DrupalCon Asia has opened up Sponsorship opportunities. Regarding the regional events, Drupal Developer Days Bulgaria 2024 is set to take place in Burgas from June 26 to 28, and tickets are now available! 

Excitement is afoot with announcements of events happening next year. Save the date for Florida DrupalCamp 2025, slated to convene at Florida Technical College from February 21 to 23, 2025. The 5th edition of Drupal MountainCamp is scheduled for March 11 to 13, 2025, in Davos, Switzerland.

The DropTimes has compiled notable Drupal events happening throughout the week of June 3rd to June 9th. This curated list offers a glimpse into the varied activities taking place within the Drupal community, catering to enthusiasts of all skill levels. Read here.

On May 31, 2024, Dries Buytaert led the first interactive Zoom session of the Drupal Starshot series, focusing on participation, funding, and governance. This session covered various topics, including the sentiment around DrupalCon pledges and blog posts, ways for the community to get involved, and innovative funding ideas such as Drupal Certified Partners. 

Wim Leers announced the official opening of the 0.x branch for the Experience Builder initiative. Sponsored full-time by Acquia, Dries Buytaert formally introduced the initiative at DrupalCon Portland 2024, following extensive research conducted by Drupal core product manager Lauri Eskola.

Indian Space Research Organization, ISRO, modernizes its grant management with the I-GRASP initiative, partnering with Quilltez and leveraging Drupal to streamline proposal submissions and reviews. The new online platform enhances efficiency, transparency, and security, reducing processing time and fostering stronger research collaborations. This technological advancement marks a significant milestone in ISRO's mission to drive innovation in space exploration.

The Drupal Association has announced the launch of a new initiative to empower local Drupal communities worldwide. Led by Programs Manager Joi Garrett, the Local Associations Initiative is designed to support the success of Drupal Local Associations by engaging directly with community leaders who promote the Drupal project in their regions. 

Jürgen Haas has announced the release of ECA 2.0.0-beta1 for Drupal, marking a milestone in the lead-up to the final ECA 2 release. This beta version introduces several major improvements and new features designed to enhance the functionality and performance of Drupal sites. Additionally, the latest version of the Smart Date module, 4.1, has been officially released, marking a significant milestone exactly one year after the first stable release of version 4.0. Led by Martin Anderson-Clutz, this update brings a host of improvements and new functionalities, making it ready for Drupal 11.

Ines Wallon, a Drupal Practice Leader and advocate for FLOSS, has launched Drupal GitLab Toolbox, a new project designed to enhance the continuous integration (CI) process for Drupal developers. The project offers a versatile GitLab CI pipeline specifically tailored for Drupal projects.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Alka Elizabeth
Sub-editor, The DropTimes.

