Four Kitchens: Custom Drush commands with Drush Generate

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Marc Berger

Senior Backend Engineer

Always looking for a challenge, Marc tries to add something new to his toolbox for every project and build — be it a new CSS technology, creating custom APIs, or testing out new processes for development.

January 1, 1970

Recently, one of our clients had to retrieve some information from their Drupal site during a CI build. They needed to know the internal Drupal path from a known path alias. Common Drush commands don’t provide this information directly, so we decided to write our own custom Drush command. It was a lot easier than we thought it would be! Let’s get started.

Note: This post is based on commands and structure for Drush 12.

While we can write our own Drush command from scratch, let’s discuss a tool that Drush already provides us: the drush generate command. Drush 9 added support to generate scaffolding and boilerplate code for many common Drupal coding tasks such as custom modules, themes, services, plugins, and many more. The nice thing about using the drush generate command is that the code it generates conforms to best practices and Drupal coding standards — and some generators even come with examples as well. You can see all available generators by simply running drush generate without any arguments.

Step 1: Create a custom module

To get started, a requirement to create a new custom Drush command in this way is to have an existing custom module already in the codebase. If one exists, great. You can skip to Step 2 below. If you need a custom module, let’s use Drush to generate one:

drush generate module

Drush will ask a series of questions such as the module name, the package, any dependencies, and if you want to generate a .module file,, etc. Once the module has been created, enable the module. This will help with the autocomplete when generating the custom Drush command.

drush en <machine_name_of_custom_module>

Step 2: Create custom Drush command boilerplate

First, make sure you have a custom module where your new custom Drush command will live and make sure that module is enabled. Next, run the following command to generate some boilerplate code:

drush generate drush:command-file

This command will also ask some questions, the first of which is the machine name of the custom module. If that module is enabled, it will autocomplete the name in the terminal. You can also tell the generator to use dependency injection if you know what services you need to use. In our case, we need to inject the path_alias.manager service. Once generated, the new command class will live here under your custom module:


Let’s take a look at this newly generated code. We will see the standard class structure and our dependency injection at the top of the file:

<?php namespace Drupal\custom_drush\Drush\Commands; use Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields; use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait; use Drupal\Core\Utility\Token; use Drupal\path_alias\AliasManagerInterface; use Drush\Attributes as CLI; use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; /** * A Drush commandfile. * * In addition to this file, you need a * in root of your module, and a composer.json file that provides the name * of the services file to use. */ final class CustomDrushCommands extends DrushCommands { use StringTranslationTrait; /** * Constructs a CustomDrushCommands object. */ public function __construct( private readonly Token $token, private readonly AliasManagerInterface $pathAliasManager, ) { parent::__construct(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('token'), $container->get('path_alias.manager'), ); }

Note: The generator adds a comment about needing a file. This requirement is deprecated and will be removed in Drush 13, so you can ignore it if you are using Drush 12. In our testing, this file does not need to be present.

Further down in the new class, we will see some boilerplate example code. This is where the magic happens:

/** * Command description here. */ #[CLI\Command(name: 'custom_drush:command-name', aliases: ['foo'])] #[CLI\Argument(name: 'arg1', description: 'Argument description.')] #[CLI\Option(name: 'option-name', description: 'Option description')] #[CLI\Usage(name: 'custom_drush:command-name foo', description: 'Usage description')] public function commandName($arg1, $options = ['option-name' => 'default']) { $this->logger()->success(dt('Achievement unlocked.')); }

This new Drush command doesn’t do very much at the moment, but provides a great jumping-off point. The first thing to note at the top of the function are the new PHP 8 attributes that begin with the #. These replace the previous PHP annotations that are commonly seen when writing custom plugins in Drupal. You can read more about the new PHP attributes.

The different attributes tell Drush what our custom command name is, description, what arguments it will take (if any), and any aliases it may have.

Step 3: Create our custom command

For our custom command, let’s modify the code so we can get the internal path from a path alias:

/** * Command description here. */ #[CLI\Command(name: 'custom_drush:interal-path', aliases: ['intpath'])] #[CLI\Argument(name: 'pathAlias', description: 'The path alias, must begin with /')] #[CLI\Usage(name: 'custom_drush:interal-path /path-alias', description: 'Supply the path alias and the internal path will be retrieved.')] public function getInternalPath($pathAlias) { if (!str_starts_with($pathAlias, "/")) { $this->logger()->error(dt('The alias must start with a /')); } else { $path = $this->pathAliasManager->getPathByAlias($pathAlias); if ($path == $pathAlias) { $this->logger()->error(dt('There was no internal path found that uses that alias.')); } else { $this->output()->writeln($path); } } //$this->logger()->success(dt('Achievement unlocked.')); }

What we’re doing here is changing the name of the command so it can be called like so:

drush custom_drush:internal-path <path> or via the alias: drush intpath <path>

The <path> is a required argument (such as /my-amazing-page) because of how it is called in the getInternalPath method. By passing a path, this method first checks to see if the path starts with /. If it does, it will perform an additional check to see if there is a path that exists. If so, it will return the internal path, i.e., /node/1234. Lastly, the output is provided by the logger method that comes from the inherited DrushCommands class. It’s a simple command, but one that helped us automatically set config during a CI job.

Table output

Note the boilerplate code also generated another example below the first — one that will provide output in a table format:

/** * An example of the table output format. */ #[CLI\Command(name: 'custom_drush:token', aliases: ['token'])] #[CLI\FieldLabels(labels: [ 'group' => 'Group', 'token' => 'Token', 'name' => 'Name' ])] #[CLI\DefaultTableFields(fields: ['group', 'token', 'name'])] #[CLI\FilterDefaultField(field: 'name')] public function token($options = ['format' => 'table']): RowsOfFields { $all = $this->token->getInfo(); foreach ($all['tokens'] as $group => $tokens) { foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) { $rows[] = [ 'group' => $group, 'token' => $key, 'name' => $token['name'], ]; } } return new RowsOfFields($rows); }

In this example, no argument is required, and it will simply print out the list of tokens in a nice table:

------------ ------------------ ----------------------- Group Token Name ------------ ------------------ ----------------------- file fid File ID node nid Content ID site name Name ... ... ...

Final thoughts

Drush is a powerful tool, and like many parts of Drupal, it’s expandable to meet different needs. While I shared a relatively simple example to solve a small challenge, the possibilities are open to retrieve all kinds of information from your Drupal site to use in scripting, CI/CD jobs, reporting, and more. And by using the drush generate command, creating these custom solutions is easy, follows best practices, and helps keep code consistent.

Further reading

The post Custom Drush commands with Drush Generate appeared first on Four Kitchens.

