Kyle Einecker|True Summit: Introducing the Search Web Components Module: A Better Way to Build Search Experiences

<p>Since Drupal 8 was released in 2015, I've launched my fair share of sites, and one common feature of those sites was a search page. Working mainly with healthcare and e-commerce businesses during that time, the sites I launched often required not just a site search but a catalog search, a find a location search, or a find a doctor search. With those additional searches came designs and requirements that I needed to convince Views, Search API, and Facets to do. Search API is great, Views is great, Facets is great, but combined, they've never worked as expected for me. Every time I build one of those experiences, it's a fight to meet the expectations of site owners. And I'm not alone. When you go to the Facets issue queue, you'll find many issues and comments reporting issues with facets.</p><p>Today, I am bundling up all my hard won search experience to introduce an easier, better way to build search experiences with Drupal. Search Web Components will take a whole class of search challenges and make it something Drupal just does instead of being a complex and time consuming part of a project.</p>
