Metadrop: Using VLSuite to copy home page

The Visual Layout Suite module is a great improvement of the core editorial experience leveraging Layout Builder and many contrib modules. Basicailly, it enables Layout Builder, depends on several contrib modules that improves Layout Builder and ads its custom magic.

One of the most important features is the use of utility classes allowing the configuration of the look and feel easily from the frontend with an instant preview. Additionally, it allows to restrict the utility classes a user can use, so the user is not overwhelmed by the extra options and also the look and feel of the page can be limited to be compliant with the style guide of the site. New utility classes can be easily added and components can be configured to only use a reduced set of utility classes to un clutter the UI.

VLSuite integrates with any Drupal component that integrates with Layout Builder and more: entity fields, paragraphs, Views, SDC, medias, etc. And there's no dependency on any theme, external service or certain entities. The only soft dependency is a Bootstrap 5 theme to enjoy all the VLSuite features out of the box. However, you can use any theme as long as it provides the utility classes you require. T

All the previous information means you could add VLSuite to an existing site with minimal…

