LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar 2023 Retrospective and Thank Yous

Drupal Advent Calendar 2023 Retrospective and Thank Yous james Mon, 01/01/2024 - 00:00 Image Image removed. Body

This December was the second incarnation of the Drupal Advent Calendar project.

This started on a whim in 2022, and while fun, I knew I didn’t want to write it all myself the second year.

So at DrupalCon Lille, I started asking people to get involved in this year’s calendar, initially focusing on people I know. The response was generally positive, with most people eager to take part.

My aim was to have a different person talk about an aspect of Drupal behind each door, and that was more or less how it worked out.

When I thought of asking people to take part, my aim was to cover 24 topics without…

