The Drop Times: Empowering Women in Drupal

Let's dive into something awesome today—the fantastic women rocking the tech world, especially in our Drupal community. There's no fluff, just facts about how they're taking Drupal to new heights.

Women are making waves in the tech world, and right here in Drupal, they're levelling up the game. Their outstanding achievements shape the tech landscape, proving that women are forces to be reckoned with in technology.

Women are taking the lead in Drupal organizations, such as the Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Group, which aims to foster a more diverse and inclusive community by promoting diversity in leadership, speaking opportunities, and events.

Drupal's got your back with the "Women in Drupal," formerly DrupalChix. This program hooks women with mentors, resources, and chances to connect. It's all about building a community where everyone's voice is heard.

Women in Drupal are not just part of the community but driving it to new heights. As we applaud their achievements, let's acknowledge that there's more ground to cover on the path to gender equality in tech.

Let's continue championing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and supporting one another. Now, look back at what we covered last week at The DropTimes.

Alka Elizabeth, a sub-editor, wrote about a Reddit discussion on Drupal Dilemmas, addressing issues and seeking improvements. I ran two interviews, the first with Andrew Berry, Director of Technology at Lullabot, sharing his insights from Evolve Drupal Toronto and contributions to the Drupal community. Read the complete interview here. The second one featured the API Client Initiative led by Brian Perry, core maintainer, aiming to provide a comprehensive solution for Drupal. Click here to read.

And for the Drupal community, here's some important news: Drupal core committers and the Drupal 10 readiness initiative seek your feedback. They're proposing a new working group focused on contributed modules where maintainers haven't updated to the next major Drupal version.

In noteworthy announcements, Tag1 Consulting celebrated a milestone with Nathaniel Catchpole's collaboration with Chrome for Developers, marking a crucial development for Drupal 10.2. Drupal core version 10.3.0 introduces a new access policy API for assigning permissions in various ways. Dave Long announced a significant change in Drupal core version 10.2.0, adding autocomplete attributes to login and password reset forms.

On the events front, Open Source Summit North America is accepting proposals for its April 16-18, 2024 event in Seattle. NERD Summit 2024 announced Dr. David Weinberger as the keynote speaker for March 8, 2024, and encourages session proposals before January 15, 2024. Rod Martin, Lead Trainer at OSTraining, will conduct an Absolute Beginner's Guide to Drupal training session on February 23, 2024, at Florida DrupalCamp.

Now, onto organization news—Bounteous is celebrating a big win at the MarCom Awards 2023, receiving the prestigious Gold Award. Kevin Montgomery of SearchStax published a guide highlighting the seamless collaboration between SearchStax Studio, Drupal CMS, and React. Tag1 Consulting's Michael Meyers and Janez Urevc conclude their podcast series, addressing migration cost complexities with Lucas Hedding. DevBranch, a team from Lutsk, Ukraine, reveals their extensive contributions to Annertech introduces a 40% discount on vulnerability management for LocalGov Drupal.

Tutorials cover a range of Drupal topics: Saranya Ashokumar's D4Drupal video delves into automated testing in Drupal, Idroot provides a guide for installing Drupal on Fedora 39, Prerna Trimurty Infotech offers a step-by-step guide for upgrading Drupal websites and Drupalize.Me present tutorial videos covering essential concepts for module developers. Additionally, Ritvik Tak provides a comprehensive guide on setting up Drupal 8 multi-site environments using Lando.

We've also featured some insightful case studies. Droptica shares its experience developing the digital content platform EM360, showcasing the strategic use of Drupal for an innovative user-generated content hub in the IT sector. Druid presents a case study on renewing Veikkaus, the Finnish Gambling Website.

In book-related news, Smile has released a comprehensive white paper titled "Drupal in 2024," highlighting Drupal's global prominence as an Enterprise Content Management System (CMS). Joe Shindelar of plans to release a curated "Hello, world" guide for developers in the Drupal community. AcroCommerce offers a practical integration guide, combining BigCommerce e-commerce capabilities with the versatility of Drupal CMS.

Switching to the security front, Achieve Internet issues an urgent compliance warning for Apigee Legacy Developer Portal users, stressing the critical importance of upgrading.

There are more stories to discover, but we must stop here due to space constraints. Keep enjoying your Drupal journey!

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Thank you,


Kazima Abbas
Sub-editor, TheDropTimes.

