Golems GABB: The Future of Drupal Theming: An Overview of Emerging Trends and Tools

The Future of Drupal Theming: An Overview of Emerging Trends and Tools Editor Mon, 10/30/2023 - 09:32

Drupal started as a student project in Belgium. Initially, Dries Bytart devised a communication system between students living in dormitories. But the Drupal software and community have grown significantly over the years. For now, ten significant versions of Drupal have been released. 
In this article, we will talk about Drupal theming that makes our sites precisely how we see them. It is impossible to divide them into good and bad strictly. Some templates suit your project and those that look out of place. Drupal allows you to use both templates and customize themes individually. Developers constantly offer improvements and updates. Stay updated with emerging trends and tools to ensure you have a competitive edge in the changing landscape of Drupal themes.

