BRAINSUM: Thoughts before heading off to Lille for DrupalCon

Thoughts before heading off to Lille for DrupalCon Image removed.rcunningham Tue, 10/10/2023 - 14:31 Thoughts before heading off to Lille for DrupalCon

It’s yet again that exciting period of time, in which last minute tasks are crunched in the final week before heading out abroad for another round of DrupalCon festivities.  This year’s DrupalCon in Europe is being held in Lille, France, near the border with Belgium.  Having never been to this region of Europe before, I’m curious what the city has to offer and how the city vibe will resonate with all walks-of-life Drupalers traveling to one meeting point.

We’ve had another great year at Brainsum working on ambitious projects that run the gamut of client needs, one of which -, a social platform - is going to be showcased in a session.  Here’s what I’m looking forward to next week:

