Jacob Rockowitz: Providing an Ambitious Site Builder Experience using the Schema.org Blueprints Demo profile and module

The Schema.org Blueprints module is a comprehensive solution for leveraging Schema.org's content models to create the ideal content authoring experience to provide an API-first and SEO-friendly website. Besides building a great content model, the Schema.org Blueprints module with additional contributed modules can provide an ambitious site builder experience. To demonstrate an ideal site-building and content-authoring experience, I created a demo installation profile and module.

The Schema.org Blueprints Demo Profile is a simplified version of the Drupal Core's Standard installation profile, with some features disabled and others enabled. For example, the Comment and Contact modules are not automatically enabled. Meanwhile, the Media module is enabled and properly configured. Additionally, Drupal's default 'Article' content type is not created because it does use media, and the Schema.org Blueprints modules can easily recreate it using media. The Schema.org Blueprints Demo Profile sets up the ideal starting point for installing and configuring modules via the Schema.org Demo module.

The Schema.org Demo module consists of four sub-modules that set up different aspects of an ambitious site builder experience. The main module's README.md includes more details and installation instructions. Many contributed modules are installed via the demo, and each module's decisions and use cases are documented in the DECISIONS.md.

Building this demo of the Schema.org Blueprints module can feel overwhelming. Please watch the video below for a step-by-step...Read More

