Debug Academy: How We Got our Entire Drupal Team Acquia Certified?

How We Got our Entire Drupal Team Acquia Certified?

At Debug Academy, we pride ourselves on having a team of highly skilled Acquia Certified Drupal developers. This wasn't a goal we set or a requirement for employment, yet every developer who has ever worked with us has become certified while working here at Debug Academy.


How did we do this? 


Many people and companies struggle to find the time and resources to prepare for the Acquia Certification exam. And not preparing is not an option. Even experienced Drupal developers can fail the exam without proper preparation. The Acquia Certification exams are notoriously difficult for several reasons: 

  • They cover a vast range of Drupal knowledge, including topics that many developers are not familiar with

  • They test on best practices, meaning there may be multiple technically correct answers, but only one that is the best practice approach

Amani.Mansour Wed, 04/26/2023
