How AI Tools Streamline Everyday Tasks for Developers

The world of software development is constantly evolving, and with the recent advancements in AI technologies, developers now have powerful tools at their disposal to help with everyday tasks. In this blog post, we will discuss how AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub CoPilot have made a significant impact on our workflow, increasing productivity and improving the quality of our work.

GitHub CoPilot: The AI-Powered Assistant for Developers

I have been using GitHub CoPilot since August 2022, and it has proven to be an invaluable asset. It has provided the following benefits:

Speeding Up Smaller Tasks

GitHub CoPilot has significantly sped up smaller tasks such as creating demo content in CSV files, updating hooks, and managing dependency injections. This has allowed our developers to focus more on complex tasks and problem-solving.

Dependency Injection is a fundamental part of Drupal development, and it’s a chore that we need to do over and over again. Here’s how CoPilot speeds it up for an existing class:

Your browser does not support the video tag. Injecting renderer service into an existing class

Demo content is essential for our way of developing and it also makes testing much easier. But the creation of such content was, well, boring. Here’s how CoPilot speeds it up:

Your browser does not support the video tag. Generating meaningful demo content in CSV files
