Golems GABB: A Glance at Tome - Drupal static content generator

A Glance at Tome - Drupal static content generator Editor Fri, 03/17/2023 - 15:13

Creating a completely static HTML website is quite a challenging process unless you use a static content generator. Tome is developed to make it as easy as possible with any site on Drupal.
Like any CMS, it provides a set of templates and automatically helps to create pages, avoiding a long and complicated manual setup. You don't even need to know Java to use it. Just a perfect match if you're creating content based on raw data and a website template set.
Static sites are perfect for SEO and SEA. Using a static content generator gives some severe benefits to your site, including better performance, a lighter backend, and multiple options for customization. Moreover, static sites are more flexible, secure, and scalable than dynamic types. Let's learn more about static website generators and Tome with our Drupal development team.

