The Drop Times: Importance of Synergy

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts," said Aristotle. It is especially relevant while talking about a free software ecosystem.

In functional logic, it is helpful to break up things into smaller units so that it becomes manageable. There would be more focus, and bugs are easy to be identified.

The non-core modules that follow the strict guidelines for quality code are the building blocks contributing to Drupal's greatness. The insistence on quality is what binds these compartments seamlessly. Each team has its role. But their collective can touch in many ways than these individual parts could deliver.

The synergy between different constituent units is paramount in a loosely knit community formed based on superior technology and grand philosophy. Entities working in this space should constantly meet in some way or another and be able to share their ideas to achieve this synergy. The DrupalCons and DrupalCamps are always facilitating this catchup game.

DrupalCon Pittsburgh Early Bird Registration is now open and is available through April 02. But the deadline to apply for a scholarship will end tomorrow. Early Bird Registration for the 6th annual DrupalCamp Ruhr will also end tomorrow. DrupalCamp Florida is now over, and here is a look back. Read our interview with Melissa Bent and April Sides, published as part of DrupalCamp Florida. DrupalSouth (New Zealand and Australia) has called for paper submissions for their upcoming event in Wellington. They have opened registrations for the camp, and the first 50 registrants will get an early bird offer. If you are eager to attend Drupal training, you can consider registering for the training sessions at DrupalCamp New Jersey. Fan tickets are available for DrupalCamp Poland. Here is a list of current sponsors for Drupal Developer Days Vienna. Some sponsoring slots for the NERD Summit might still be open. The four-day DrupalCamping Wolfsburg, fashioned as a BAR Camp, has limited tickets, and those interested could rush for registration.

This March, we have the DrupalCamp NJ and the NERD Summit coming up. MidCamp is in April. DrupalSouth Wellington, The Stanford WebCamp, DrupalCamp Ruhr, and DrupalCamp Poland will follow in May. Not soon after, we have the first annual DrupalCon of this year in Pittsburgh by the beginning of June, just after the DrupalJam. In the same month, we have Drupal Camp Asheville and Drupal Developer Days Vienna. Let these gatherings be an excellent start for your Drupal journey if you are new to the community. For those already here, it is time to synergize with the rest. That is for this week. Thank you.

Sebin A. Jacob
Editor-in-Chief, The Drop Times

