mandclu: Getting Personal With Dates and Times

Getting Personal With Dates and Times Image Image removed.mandclu Mon, 01/02/2023 - 09:12 Body Conversations with other people in the Drupal community, and related communities, has been a continued source of inspiration for me. Back in September, in a discussion at the San Francisco Drupal Users Group, someone mentioned a Backdrop module that uses Javascript to automatically format dates and times in the timezone of any visitor using Javascript. It seemed like a really interesting idea, and I wondered if there was something in its approach I might be able to bring to Smart Date. But it was a busy time, and I noted it down, but forgot about it. It was during the recent Drupal 10 Launch Party that I was reminded about the idea of using Javascript to format dates, so they would be automatically in any visitor's timezone. The same idea had been implemented effectively for that site'sMore
