Drupal Core News: New provisional Drupal core release manager: longwave

I am pleased to announce that Dave Long (longwave) has accepted our invitation to become a provisional Drupal core release manager!

Dave is based in the UK and has been contributing on Drupal.org for over fourteen years. He has been especially active in the development of Drupal 9 and 10, and is credited on over a thousand core issues. He is also a provisional member of the Drupal Security Team and has contributed significantly to core security advisories over the past six months. Dave is also a regular contributor to the Bug Smash Initiative which aims to improve Drupal by fixing known bugs, and was previously a maintainer of the Ubercart shopping cart for Drupal 7.

Dave first discovered Drupal in 2006 with version 4.7 and has used it ever since for numerous web projects as a freelancer and since 2014 as a senior developer at Full Fat Things.

Dave's leadership, patience, responsiveness, communication skills, and deep technical expertise in the Drupal core issue queue make him ideally suited to the role of a provisional core release manager. Dave will collaborate with the core release management team (catch, xjm, and quietone) on Drupal core releases, and with the Drupal Security Team on keeping core secure.

Please join me in welcoming Dave to the committer team!

