
Drupal Starshot blog: Announcing the Drupal Starshot leadership team

This blog has been re-posted and edited with permission from Dries Buytaert's blog.

Image removed.

Although my blog has been quiet, a lot has happened with the Drupal Starshot project since its announcement a month ago. We provided an update in the first Drupal Starshot virtual meeting, which is available as a recording.

Today, I am excited to introduce the newly formed Drupal Starshot leadership team.

Meet the leadership team

Product Lead: Dries Buytaert

I will continue to lead the Drupal Starshot project, focusing on defining the product vision and strategy and building the leadership team. In the past few weeks, I have cleared other responsibilities to dedicate a significant amount of time to Drupal Starshot and Drupal Core.

Technical Lead: Tim Plunkett (Acquia)

Tim will oversee technical decisions and facilitate contributions from the community. His role includes building a team of Drupal Starshot Committers, coordinating with Drupal Core Committers, and ensuring that Drupal Starshot remains stable, secure, and easy to upgrade. With 7 years of engineering leadership experience, Tim will help drive technical excellence. Acquia is providing Tim the opportunity to work full-time on the Drupal Starshot project.

User Experience Lead: Cristina Chumillas (Lullabot)

Cristina will define the design and user experience vision for Drupal Starshot. She will engage with contributors to initiate research activities and share the latest UI/UX best practices, ensuring a user-centric approach. She has been leading UX-related Drupal Core initiatives for over 7 years. Lullabot, Cristina's employer, has generously offered her the opportunity to work on Drupal Starshot full-time.

Product Owner: Pamela Barone (Technocrat)

Pam will help ensure alignment and progress among contributors, including defining and prioritizing work. She brings strong communication and organizational skills, having led Drupal projects for more than 12 years.

Contribution Coordinator: Gábor Hojtsy (Acquia)

Gábor will focus on making it easier for individuals and organizations to contribute to Drupal Starshot. With extensive experience in Open Source contribution and community engagement, Gábor will help communicate progress, collaborate with the Drupal Association, and much more. Acquia will provide Gábor with the opportunity to work full-time on the Drupal Starshot project.

Starshot Council (Advisory Board)

To support the leadership team, we are establishing the Starshot Council, an advisory board that will include:

  1. Three end-users (site builders)
  2. Three Certified Drupal Partners
  3. Two Drupal Core Committers (one framework manager and one release manager)
  4. Three Drupal Association board members, one from each of the following Board Working Groups: Innovation, Marketing, and Fundraising
  5. Two staff members from the Drupal Association

The council will meet monthly to ensure the leadership team remains aligned with the broader community and strategic goals. The Drupal Association is leading the effort to gather candidates, and the members of the Starshot Council will be announced in the coming weeks.

More opportunities to get involved

There are many opportunities for others to get involved as committers, designers, developers, content creators, and more.

We have specific tasks that need to be completed, such as finishing Project Browser, Recipes and Automatic Updates. To help people get involved with this work, we have set up several interactive Zoom calls. We'll update you on our progress and give you practical advice on where and how you can contribute.

Beyond the tasks we know need to be completed, there are still many details to define. Our next step is to identify these. My first priority was to establish the leadership team. With that in place, we can focus on product definition and clarifying the unknowns. We'll brief you on our initial ideas and next steps in our next Starshot session this Friday.


The Drupal Starshot project is off to an exciting start with this exceptional leadership team. I am grateful to these talented individuals for stepping up to drive this important project. Their combined expertise and dedication will drive excitement and improvements for the Drupal platform, ultimately benefiting our entire community. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to make strides in this ambitious initiative.

Tag1 Consulting: Migrating Your Data from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: Example repository setup and Drupal 7 site audit

Series Overview & ToC | Previous Article | Next Article - coming June 13th Now that we have covered how to prepare for a migration, let’s put that knowledge into practice. In this article we introduce the example project: a Drupal 7 site that we will be migrating to Drupal 10. After providing an overview of project setup, we will perform an audit of the Drupal 7 site and draft a migration plan to Drupal 10. ### Example repository The repository is available on Github. We will be using DDEV to set up local development environments for Drupal 7 and 10. Refer to DDEV’s official documentation for installation instructions. If you choose to use a different development environment, adjust the commands accordingly. To get the Drupal 7 site up and running, execute the following commands: bash git clone https://github.com/tag1consulting/d7_to_d10_migration.git d7_to_d10_migration cd d7_to_d10_migration/drupal7 ddev start ddev import-db -f ../assets/drupal7_db.sql.gz ddev import-files --source ../assets/drupal7_files.tar.gz ddev restart ddev launch ddev drush uli This will clone the repository into a folder named d7_to_d10_migration. Inside, you will find a drupal7 folder with the code for a Drupal 7 installation including contrib modules. The commands also import an already populated database and user uploaded...

Read more mauricio Wed, 06/05/2024 - 14:17

The Drop Times: Insights from DrupalJam Speakers: Integration, Experience, and Advocacy

Dive into the heart of DrupalJam 2024 with exclusive insights from notable speakers! Discover the invaluable perspectives shared by Frederik Wouters, Mikko Hämäläinen, and Mathias Bolt Lesniak as they shed light on integrating RAG and OpenAI technologies, exploring Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), and advocating for open-source software. With sessions catering to all levels of expertise, DrupalJam promises practical knowledge and community engagement for every attendee. Stay tuned as we unravel each speaker's session, providing a deeper understanding of Drupal and open-source technologies at this premier event.

Brian Perry: Matching Drupal’s GitLab CI ESLint Configuration in a Contrib Module

The Drupal Association now maintains a GitLab CI Template that can be used for all Drupal contrib projects. It's an excellent way to quickly take advantage of Drupal.org's CI system and ensure your project is following code standards and best practices. And using it has the bonus of giving you a sweet green checkmark on your project page!

We recently added this template to the Same Page Preview module. After doing so, our JavaScript linting was failing. This wasn't surprising since we hadn't yet committed a standard ESLint or Prettier configuration to the codebase. I took a shot at trying to resolve these linting issues, initially turning to the ESLint Drupal Contrib plugin. This allowed me to get ESLint up and running quickly and run linting with only within the context of this module. I resolved all of the linting issues, pushed my work up to GitLab, and started thinking about how I'd reward myself for a job well done.

Disaster Strikes

And as you might expect, the CI build still failed. 🤦‍♂️

At this point I took a step back. First off, I needed to determine what differed between my ESLint process and the one that was being executed by the Drupal Gitlab CI Template. Secondly, beyond just getting the CI job to pass, I wanted to define the linting use cases I was trying to solve for. I decided to focus on the following:

  1. Determining how to run the exact same ESLint command that the GitLab CI Template was running, using the same configuration as Drupal Core.
  2. Developing an ESLint configuration that could be run within the standalone module codebase (with or without an existing instance of Drupal) but matching Drupal Core and GitLab CI's configuration as closely as possible.

Using the Drupal Core ESLint Configuration

Here we literally want to use the same ESLint binary and config used by Drupal Core. Since this is what Drupal's GitLab CI Template is doing, this is also an opportunity to match the CI linting configuration as closely as possible.

The CI job is running the following command:

$ $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/core/node_modules/.bin/eslint \ --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern --ignore-pattern="*.es6.js" \ --resolve-plugins-relative-to=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/core \ --ext=.js,.yml \ --format=junit \ --output-file=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/junit.xml \ $_ESLINT_EXTRA . || EXIT_CODE_FILE=$?

And prior to that command, symlinks are also created for some relevant configuration files:

$ cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/$CI_PROJECT_NAME $ ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/core/.eslintrc.passing.json $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/.eslintrc.json $ ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/core/.eslintrc.jquery.json $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/.eslintrc.jquery.json $ test -e .prettierrc.json || ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$_WEB_ROOT/core/.prettierrc.json . $ test -e .prettierignore || echo '*.yml' > .prettierignore

This means that we'll need to run eslint using Core's 'passing' configuration (which itself extends the 'jquery' configuration.)

To match that, I created an eslint:core script in the module's package.json:

{ "scripts": { "eslint:core": "../../../core/node_modules/.bin/eslint . \ --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern \ --ignore-pattern='*.es6.js' \ --resolve-plugins-relative-to=../../../core \ --ext=.js,.yml \ -c ../../../core/.eslintrc.passing.json" } }

I was surprised to find that even after running this command locally, the CI job was still failing. It turned out that ESLint wasn't using Core's Prettier config in this case, resulting in a different set of formatting rules being applied. Copying core/.prettierrc.json into the module's root directory resolved this issue.

Copying Drupal Core's prettier config wholesale isn't great. The approaches to referencing and extending a prettier config are clunky, but possible. A more ideal solution would be to have Drupal's prettier config as a package that could be referenced by both core and contrib modules.

Using a Standalone ESLint Configuration

Ideally it would also be possible to run this linting outside of the context of a full Drupal instance. This could help speed up things like pre-commit hooks, some CI tasks, and also make quick linting checks easier to run. With the lessons from using Drupal Core's ESLint configuration fresh in mind, I took another shot at using the eslint-plugin-drupal-contrib plugin.

First, I installed it in the module as a dev dependency:

npm i -D eslint-plugin-drupal-contrib

Next, I created a file .eslintrc.contrib.json in the module's root directory:

{ "extends": ["plugin:drupal-contrib/passing"] }

This will result in eslint using the same configuration as Drupal Core's 'passing' configuration, but without needing to reference Core's configuration files. Finally, you can run this by adding the following eslint script in the module's package.json:

{ "scripts": { "eslint": "eslint . \ -c .eslintrc.contrib.json \ --no-eslintrc" } }

You might be surprised to see the --no-eslintrc flag above. That prevents ESLint from looking for any other configuration files in the directory tree. Without it, ESLint will find the Drupal Core configuration files if this happens to be run from within a Drupal project. This will result in ESLint attempting to resolve plugins using Drupal Core's node_modules directory, which may or may not exist.

Also note that ESLint 8.x uses the --no-eslintrc flag, while the ESLint 9.x equivalent is --no-config-lookup. Drupal core is currently on ESLint 8.x, which is the previous major release.

Happy Linting

I ran into a few more hiccups than I expected along the way, but now feel confident that I can have consistent linting results between my local environment and the Drupal.org CI system in all of the JavaScript code I write for contrib modules. Hopefully this can help you do the same.


Specbee: A quick guide to integrating CiviCRM with Drupal

Keeping up with your customer’s evolving expectations is not easy - especially when you want to deliver a memorable customer experience. But by leveraging the power of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool, you can rest assured that you're equipped to meet those expectations head-on. A CRM doesn’t just help you manage customer data; it empowers you to understand and anticipate their needs, creating a proactive rather than reactive approach to customer service. Now you know Drupal is great with integrations. You can seamlessly integrate Drupal with almost any third-party tool. Combining a CMS like Drupal with a CRM like CiviCRM can revolutionize the way your organization manages data, engagement, and operations. CiviCRM is an open-source web-based CRM tool that caters to the needs of non-profits and other civic-sector organizations. In this article, let’s learn how to integrate CiviCRM with Drupal 10. What you need You only need two prerequisites before commencing your CiviCRM and Drupal 10 integration: cv tool Composer I assume that you already have a pre-installed Drupal site using Composer, so let’s not dig into installing Composer. Installing the cv tool Before installing the cv tool, it's important to understand what it is. Similar to Drush or Drupal Console, cv is a command line tool for installing and managing CiviCRM. This tool locates and boots the CiviCRM installation. Below are the two commands to install the cv tool on your system: sudo curl -LsS https://download.civicrm.org/cv/cv.phar -o /usr/local/bin/cv sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cv Download CiviCRM packages We will use composer to download CiviCRM packages: composer require civicrm/civicrm-{core,packages,drupal-8} composer require civicrm/cli-toolsDownload translations for CiviCRM (optional) This step is optional and can be used if you have a multilingual site or need translations for CiviCRM. mkdir -p web/sites/default/files/civicrm/l10n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES curl -Lss -o web/sites/default/files/civicrm/l10n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/civicrm.mo https://download.civicrm.org/civicrm-l10n-core/mo/en_EN/civicrm.mo export CIVICRM_L10N_BASEDIR=/var/drupalsites/techx/web/sites/default/files/civicrm/l10nInstall CiviCRM To install CiviCRM, now let’s use the cv CLI tool cv core:install --cms-base-url="[WEBSITE URL]" --lang="en_EN"Replace the [WEBSITE URL] token with your website’s base URL.   Once CiviCRM is installed, you can visit your website’s CiviCRM page at [WEBSITE URL]/civicrm. Note that CiviCRM will be installed on your existing Drupal database. While it is possible to install CiviCRM on a separate database, we will not cover that in this article (part 2 maybe? Subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss any of our latest articles!). explore more about CiviCRM and Drupal integration, visit their demo page.   Select your preferred language, choose Drupal 10 in the CMS option, and click on the "Try Demo" button. Final Thoughts Drupal CiviCRM integration is a powerful tool for organizations looking to enhance their website functionality and streamline relationship management processes. By combining the strengths of Drupal and CiviCRM, organizations can create a cohesive online presence that effectively engages constituents and supports their mission. Implementing best practices and following a systematic approach can lead to a successful integration that drives growth and success for the organization. Talk to our Drupal experts today to integrate your Drupal website with CiviCRM or any other CRM tool!

Drupal Starshot blog: Announcing Drupal Starshot sessions

A few weeks ago at DrupalCon Portland, I announced Drupal Starshot, a project to create the new default download of Drupal. Built on Drupal Core, Drupal Starshot will include popular features from the contributed project ecosystem. It focuses on delivering a great user experience right out of the box. Drupal Starshot builds on recent initiatives like Recipes, Project Browser, and Automatic Updates to elevate Drupal to new heights.

The response has been incredible! Hundreds of people have pledged their support on the Drupal Starshot page, and many more have asked how to get involved. Over the past few weeks, we have been planning and preparing, so I'm excited to share some next steps!

We're launching a series of sessions to get everyone up to speed and involved. These will be held as interactive Zoom calls, and the recordings will be shared publicly for everyone to watch at their convenience.

The main goal of these Zoom sessions is to help you get involved in each area. We'll cover details not included in my keynote, update you on our progress, and give you practical advice on where and how you can contribute.

We've scheduled six sessions, and we invite everyone to attend. The first one will be on this Friday on participation, funding, and governance! You can find the latest schedule online at https://www.drupal.org/starshot#sessions and the core calendar in the sidebar of the Drupal core news page.

We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make Drupal Starshot a success!