
simonbaese - blog: Performance improvements for an enterprise Drupal website

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Recently, we worked on performance improvements for a complex enterprise-scale Drupal system. Performance bottlenecks can appear in many different parts of such systems. Many possible performance improvements merit their respective discussion - each with a high level of detail. In this blog post, we want to share what we have learned from a more distant perspective. For some improvements, the Drupal ecosystem already offers well-working solutions in core and the contribution space. Some other changes sound easy on paper, but the implementation requires much effort. That is why we need to zoom out more to make good decisions on the software architecture level. Here are some of the noteworthy changes and decisions we made.

Wim Leers: XB week 6: diagrams & meta issues

1.5 week prior, Lee “larowlan” + Jesse fixed a bug in the undo/redo functionality and added the first unit test (#3452895), and added it to CI (where it now runs immediately, no need to wait for composer to run JS unit tests!) Except … the unit tests didn’t actually run — oops! Rectifying that revealed a whole range of new Cypress challenges, which Ben “bnjmnm” worked tirelessly to solve this during the entire 5th week, and it was merged on Wednesday of this week :)

Anybody who has contributed to the drupal.org GitLab CI templates knows how painful this can be!

Missed a prior week? See all posts tagged Experience Builder.

Goal: make it possible to follow high-level progress by reading ~5 minutes/week. I hope this empowers more people to contribute when their unique skills can best be put to use!

For more detail, join the #experience-builder Slack channel. Check out the pinned items at the top!

As alluded to in last week’s update, I’m shifting my focus to coordinating.

That, together with quite a few people being out or preparing for webinars or Drupal Dev Days Burgas means this is an unusually short update — also because I left on vacation on Friday the 21st of June.

Before going on vacation, I wanted to ensure work could continue in my absence because we need to get to the point where Lauri’s vision is accessible in both UX wireframe form (Lauri’s working on that with Acquia UX) and technical diagram form (up to me to get that going). So, since last week:

  1. Lauri created #3454094: Milestone 0.1.0: Experience Builder Demo. I created #3455753: Milestone 0.2.0: Experience Builder-rendered nodes. Anything that is not necessary for either of those two should not be worked on at this time. They together form “the early phase” — the milestone 0.1.0 has a hard DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 deadline in September, the 0.2.0 does not have a similar firm date.
  2. As much of 0.2.0 as possible should already be in 0.1.0, which means ideally the back end is ahead of the front end. That’s what #3450586: [META] Early phase back-end work coordination and #3450592: [META] Early phase front-end work coordination. are for. I did a big update to have the next ~10 or so back-end things to build spelled out in detail in concrete issues, with vaguer descriptions for the things that are further out and subject to change anyway.
  3. Initial diagram of the data model as currently partially implemented and the direction we’ve been going in … followed by a significant expansion of detail. You can see the diagrams on GitLab, in the docs/diagrams directory.
  4. The JSON-based data storage model is influenced significantly by some of the product requirements, and what those are and their exact purpose has not been very clear. To fix that, I created [later phase] [META] 7. Content type templates — aka “default layouts” — affects the tree+props data model (which updates the data model diagram!) — and Lauri recorded a video with his thinking around this, in which he walks through two diagrams: one for data sources + design system, one that breaks down a concrete content type.
  5. A lot of discussion happened between Lauri, catch and I on [META] Configuration management: define needed config entity types, which needs a lot more clarity before all config entity types can be implemented.

One pretty cool issue landed this week that drives home that second item : #3455898: Connect client & server, with zero changes to client (UI): rough working endpoints that mimic the UI’s mocks — thanks to that, the PoC UI is now optionally populated by the first article node, unless you enable development mode (see ui/README.md), then it uses dummy data not served by Drupal. A small but hacky change but an important pragmatic step in the right direction :) And it unblocks Jesse on next steps on the UI!

Image removed. Try it yourself locally if you like, but there’s not much you can do yet.
Install the 0.x branch — the “Experience Builder PoC” toolbar item takes you there!

Weeks 7 and 8 will be special editions: I will have been completely absent during week 7 (plus, it’ll be Drupal Dev Days!), and present only for the last day of week 8. I’ll catch up what happened and do a write-up both for myself as well as all of you!

Thanks to Lauri for reviewing this!

Gábor Hojtsy: Continuous forward compatibility checking of extensions for Drupal 12, 13, etc

Continuous forward compatibility checking of extensions for Drupal 12, 13, etc

We still keep improving the ecosystem readiness and tooling with each new major Drupal core version. Drupal 11 is to be released in a few weeks on the week of July 29 (so probably the first days of August) and already almost half of the top 200 modules are ready. But we need to keep thinking ahead.

The Project Update Bot (originally built by Ted Bowman at Acquia and since then very actively owned and improved by Björn Brala at SWIS) posted into more than 7600 project issue queues on Drupal.org with merge request suggestions to improve and in many cases solve compatibility with the upcoming major version. 

The bot is a clever combination of Upgrade Status and drupal-rector with some custom decision logic. So humans can also run those tools! But what if we automate it even more? What if we help pre-empt forwards incompatible code getting into modules in the first place? 

Gábor Hojtsy Fri, 07/05/2024 - 20:34

The Drop Times: The AI-Driven Developer: From Assistance to Autonomy in Drupal Development

Explore how AI is revolutionizing Drupal development in Jay Callicott's latest article, "The AI-Driven Developer: From Assistance to Autonomy in Drupal Development." This insightful piece delves into the evolution of AI tools from mere coding assistants to autonomous agents, transforming the roles of developers. Discover the potential of AI-driven modules like DrupalAI and the importance of crafting effective AI prompts to enhance productivity and innovation in web development. Don’t miss out on this glimpse into the future of AI and Drupal!

Drupal Association blog: Introducing Ripple Makers: our revamped Individual Membership program!

Fellow Drupalists!

We have exciting news. As a way to express our appreciation for our community, the Drupal Association is pleased to announce some changes to the Individual Membership program, now called Ripple Makers!

Our goal is to increase communication and transparency, and create more opportunities for engagement.

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The Drupal Association is a United States incorporated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to Ripple Makers are tax deductible, where applicable. We raise funding primarily through event registration, event sponsorship, the Drupal Certified Partner program, some grants, and individual contributions. We do not have a for profit parent corporation telling us what to do, nor do we ever charge to download Drupal. In fact, it is our mission to ensure that it will always be free. 

Drupal has given members of our community opportunities beyond just a career. The values adopted by open source communities create innovation, collaboration, and creation across the globe. Drupal itself is recognized as a Digital Public Good. Drupal is a lever for change and makes a difference preserving the integrity of the internet. 

At the heart of the Ripple Makers transformation is a commitment to fostering deeper connections with each and every member of our community, recognizing the invaluable role that sustaining donors play in advancing our shared mission and impact. By revamping our sustaining donors club to be more inclusive and communicative, we aim to create a culture of belonging where every donor feels valued, heard, and empowered to make a difference. 

Ripple Makers is your chance to give back—and to celebrate the Drupal community and the open source ecosystem that helps it thrive. We invite you to make a monthly donation in support of the Drupal Association.

Lullabot: Responsive HTML Tables: Presenting Data in an Accessible Way

Long gone are the days of using HTML tables for page layouts. That time almost seems shrouded in myth. One of the (many) reasons tables fell out of use was the advent of responsive design to meet the needs of different contexts and screen sizes. Tables are rigid. Their presence naturally hampers the responsiveness of a website to conform to a smaller screen size.

But tables are still useful. In some cases, they are necessary.