
Freelock Blog: Change the display of an event after it happens

Change the display of an event after it happens Image removed. Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 12/13/2024 - 07:00 Tags Drupal Drupal Planet ECA Engagement Event Management

Event Calendars seem to be very common on the Drupal sites we build. One of the best ways of improving engagement on a site is to add content about the event after it happens. People who attended an event might come back for a recap, or to see pictures or notes from other participants, while people who did not attend can get a sense of what a future event might be like based on your past events.

LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 13 - Accessibility Tools track

Drupal Advent Calendar day 13 - Accessibility Tools track james Fri, 12/13/2024 - 09:00 Image removed.

Welcome back to the Drupal Advent Calendar. For our thirteenth door we are joined by Gareth Alexander, who is leading the Drupal CMS Accessibility Tools track.

When creating content there are so many things to consider: Target Audience, SEO issues like keyword relevance, making content that is actually engaging and relevant, and then there is the accessibility of your content as well.

With the Drupal CMS accessibility tools track we hope to provide a way to help with one part of that. These tools will help guide a content author to make and keep their content as accessible as possible with…


Drupal Association blog: New Critical Security Updates for Drupal 7 Highlight Importance of Drupal 7 Extended Support by Tag1

This blog post is published on behalf of Tag1.

As we count down to the end-of-life (EOL) for Drupal 7 on 5 January 2025, the Drupal Security Team has just released what is likely to be the final D7 updates from the community.

This latest security release includes important fixes for two D7 vulnerabilities: an XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in Drupal core’s Overlay module and a potential object injection vulnerability, which, when combined with other vulnerabilities in Drupal core, contrib, or custom modules, could lead to Remote Code Execution. Tag1’s Ra Mänd and Fabian Franz both contributed to getting the security release out. The Drupal security team also issued multiple security releases for Drupal 7 contributed modules on the same day.

Starting January 2025, the Drupal Security team will no longer review reported issues or release security updates for Drupal 7 core or contrib modules. To address this, the Drupal Association has authorized Tag1 to be a D7 Extended Support Partner, ensuring your D7 sites stay protected with Tag1's Drupal 7 Extended Support (D7ES). We will continue to monitor for security vulnerabilities and provide updates and support to ensure your site remains safe and secure beyond January 2025.

The Critical Role of Drupal 7 Extended Support (D7ES)

This security release illustrates why the Drupal community established the Drupal 7 Extended Support program (D7ES) and authorized Tag1 to become a D7 Extended Support Partner in order to commercially assume the responsibilities of the Drupal Security Team. Simply put, the question isn't whether new security issues will be found but when. 

Through Tag1 D7ES, Tag1 will ensure that organizations can continue operating their Drupal 7 sites securely beyond the official EOL date, providing the critical security updates that every D7 site will inevitably need.

Why Tag1 is Your Optimal D7ES Partner

Tag1 stands apart in several crucial ways:

  • We have more people on the Drupal Security team than any other Drupal consulting company or D7ES provider and you have always relied on our team to fix security issues, including these latest updates.

  • We are responsible for much of the Drupal 7 codebase. Our team includes many of the key contributors to Drupal 7, including one of only a few core committers responsible for the platform's overall architecture and many of the core component and module maintainers.

  • We are the only D7ES provider with proven experience running Drupal Extended Support, having successfully managed D6 support for over 6 years post-EOL.

  • We created and will continue to maintain the QA and testing systems for Drupal 7, a critical component that ensures the reliability you expect from Drupal updates. You can trust that our updates will work on your operating system, version of php, database, etc. - the same way that you do today.

  • By choosing Tag1, you maintain as much continuity as possible - our experts will continue operating using processes similar to what we use to build and release Drupal today, minimizing changes to your workflows and release procedures.

The Path Forward

As we approach the EOL date, organizations running Drupal 7 sites must take proactive steps to ensure they remain secure. Enrolling in Tag1's D7ES program isn't just about maintaining security - it's about partnering with the team that has been integral to Drupal 7's security and stability from the beginning. We'll continue to provide the same level of expertise and attention to security that your organization has come to expect from Drupal.

Matt Glaman: phpstan-drupal now supports PHPStan 2.0

PHPStan 2.0 was released a month ago, a massive milestone for the project. To learn about all the changes, I recommend reading the release announcement. phpstan-drupal now has a PHPStan 2.0 compatible release: https://github.com/mglaman/phpstan-drupal/releases/tag/2.0.0. The 1.x branch will be maintained as long as a version of Drupal Core uses it, at least until Drupal 10's end-of-life near the end of 2026. If applicable, I will backport bug fixes and features to 1.x.

Droptica: How to Effectively Manage Product Data on a Drupal Website for Manufacturers?

Image removed.

A manufacturing company's website is often the place where a lot of detailed product information is located. Efficiently managing this data can be a challenge, especially with a large amount of product assortment and technical information. In this article, I'll show you how Drupal - an advanced CMS - enables you to conveniently manage and present your products on your website. I encourage you to read the article or watch the video in the “Nowoczesny Drupal” series.

LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 12 - Dashboard track

Drupal Advent Calendar day 12 - Dashboard track james Thu, 12/12/2024 - 09:00 Image removed.

We are half way through our Advent Calendar, and we open with some exciting news. The first Drupal CMS Release Candidate is now available. We have been busy trying it out, but managed to take some time out to prepare today’s Advent Calendar, with some help from Matthew Tift. Over to you, Matthew.

The first page a user encounters after logging into a Drupal site is pivotal. It sets the tone for their entire experience, often defining how they will interact with the system.

Image removed. The current Drupal user page

But with the introduction of the Dashboard initiative, that first page is about to change.

This initiative, inspired by a core…


LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 11 - Event Track

Drupal Advent Calendar day 11 - Event Track james Wed, 12/11/2024 - 09:00 Image removed.

It’s time to open another door of the Drupal Advent Calendar! Behind today’s door we find the Events track of Drupal CMS, and we hand over to track lead Martin Anderson-Clutz to tell us some more about it.

Managing dates and times is a common need for Drupal sites, and the Drupal CMS Events recipe aims to make this easier than ever. To be clear, the intended use case is a site that posts multiple, short events. Events like Drupalcamps that comprise sessions, a schedule, and more should look at the Drupal Event Platform instead.

Image removed. A Drupal CMS site showing DrupalCon Singapore as an event listing

A Smart Date field provides an intuitive way to enter dates and…


The Drop Times: Jay Callicot on DrupalX, Decoupled Architectures, and the Future of Drupal Development

Jay Callicot, Senior Drupal Architect at Promet Source, speaks with Alka Elizabeth from The DropTimes about his journey with Drupal, the development of DrupalX, and the future of enterprise web development. From decoupled architectures to AI-driven workflows, Callicot outlines how modern tools like Next.js, Storybook, and Tailwind CSS are shaping Drupal's evolution.

Freelock Blog: Cache-bust pages containing embedded content

Cache-bust pages containing embedded content Image removed. Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 12/11/2024 - 07:00 Tags Development Automation ECA Drupal Drupal Planet

The saying goes, there are two hard problems in computer science: caching, naming things, and off-by-1 errors. While Drupal certainly has not solved the naming things, it has made a valiant attempt at a decent caching strategy. And for the most part it works great, allowing millions of lines of code to load up quickly the vast majority of the time.

This is more a tip about our favorite automation tool, the Events, Conditions, and Actions (ECA) module, and how it can get you out of a bind when Drupal caching goes too far.

Consensus Enterprises: make targets, Droplets, and Aegir, oh my!

We’ve done it! Over the last 6 posts, we’ve reviewed in detail all the major components of our simplified Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) setup, and we’re ready to pull it all together to spin up an Aegir3 instance. With the pieces we have covered so far, we can run the following to get up the point of actually installing Aegir: pipenv shell # Activate venv source d # Bootstrap Drumkit make tools # Install Ansible and Galaxy dependencies make infra # Run playbooks/infra/00-up.yml This will get us a …