
Nonprofit Drupal posts: May Drupal for Nonprofits Chat: Recapping DrupalCon and Nonprofit Summit

Join us THURSDAY, May 16 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, for our regularly scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits. (Convert to your local time zone.)

This month we'll be recapping DrupalCon Portland and the Nonprofit Summit!

And we'll of course also have time to discuss anything else that's on our minds at the intersection of Drupal and nonprofits.  Got something specific you want to talk about? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc: https://nten.org/drupal/notes!

All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.

This free call is sponsored by NTEN.org and open to everyone. 

  • Join the call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81817469653

    • Meeting ID: 818 1746 9653
      Passcode: 551681

    • One tap mobile:
      +16699006833,,81817469653# US (San Jose)
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    • Dial by your location:
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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    • Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kpV1o65N

  • Follow along on Google Docs: https://nten.org/drupal/notes

View notes of previous months' calls.

ThinkDrop Consulting: Run CI/CD with preview environments anywhere with self-hosted Git runners.

Run CI/CD with preview environments anywhere with self-hosted Git runners. admin Mon, 05/13/2024 - 17:19

GitHub Actions and BitBucket Pipelines are amazing. You can control what is run using yaml files in your codebase. 

You can run just about any command, and they provide a really powerful interface for browsing jobs and logs.

Many people are unaware, you can also control where your scripts are run. If you setup a tool called a Git Runner, you can run Git Actions anywhere, including from your local machine.

Gábor Hojtsy: Drupal 11 deep dive: watch the recording, present your own (free slides!)

Drupal 11 deep dive: watch the recording, present your own (free slides!)

I presented my first ever Drupal 11 deep dive session at DrupalCon Portland 2024 last week. It turned out to not just be about Drupal 11 but also about Starshot and even about Drupal 12 thanks to the coolest future-proofing technology I announced in this talk. Unfortunately not all of the attendees fit in, that wanted to attend, as the room was standing space only and many turned around and left. But here we go!

I strongly believe in open content. I came to open source from open content 24 or so years ago. So in good tradition, I built this slide deck on slides.com in way that is easy to share and fork. You can create your own or present directly from my deck with my speaker notes. The content is licensed with a Creative Commons license. I'll keep updating this slideshow, but under different URLs, so people can catch the latest edition of this presentation at Drupal Devdays Burgas next month for example. See some of you there!

If you can't make it there or plan to present this at your organization or meetup in the meantime, check out the open source slides.

The recording from DrupalCon Portland is below. Unfortunately I was not well prepared with a subtitling set up. I am exploring good tools and will do better next time! The conference tech crew tried to help in the middle of the session, but unfortunately they could not make it work either. At least managed to discuss some current Starshot questions while that was attempted. I promised a video with subtitles, which turns out Youtube nicely delivered, so I will not create a separate recording now. Hope this helps!

Gábor Hojtsy Mon, 05/13/2024 - 21:33

The Drop Times: Reflecting on DrupalCon Portland: A Note of Appreciation to Our Volunteers

As DrupalCon Portland concludes, The Drop Times extends a heartfelt thank you to the dedicated volunteers and supporting companies whose efforts were pivotal in delivering comprehensive and timely updates to the Drupal community. Join us in celebrating the individuals and teams whose hard work made this event a resounding success.

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #450 - Certification & Exam Prep

Today we are talking about Certification & Exam Prep, Resources for studying, and tips to get a passing grade with guests Chad Hester & Martin Anderson-Clutz. We’ll also cover Quiz Maker as our module of the week.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/450

  • Why are exams and certifications important to dev's
  • After going through the Talking Drupal Skills Upgrade mini series do you feel preparted to take an Acquia certification
  • How should someone get ready
  • What are some struggles people may have getting ready
  • What does the plan look like for someone getting ready
  • Does Acquia provide pre tests
  • Did Skills Upgrade prepare you for this type of assessment
  • What happens if you do not pass
  • How do you know you're ready
  • Tips and tricks for taking a test
  • Where do you take the test
  • Questions to someone who has taken the test
  • Special surprise
Resources Guests Hosts

Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi - epam.com johnpicozzi Matthew Grasmick - grasmash

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to build and deliver interactive quizzes on your Drupal website?
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Apr 2024 (the last couple of weeks) by Roman Chekhaniuk (r_cheh)
    • Versions available: 1.0.5, which works with Drupal 9, 10, and 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained
    • Not yet opted into Security coverage, but being so new it’s possible they started the process of getting the project reviewed
    • Number of open issues: 0
  • Usage stats:
    • Not currently installed on any sites yet, according to Drupal.org
    • Module features and usage
    • The module defines a number of of custom entities to allow your site to define very flexible quizzes, that can include options like the amount of time allowed, pass rate, maximum number of attempts, randomizing the sequence of the questions, and more
    • The module also defines custom plugins for questions, responses, and answers, so you can extend it to handle very custom use cases
    • The Quiz module is very popular in this space but the version you can use with modern versions of Drupal is still in alpha, so it’s great to see another option available, especially for sites that don’t need anything as complex as the Opigno LMS

The Drop Times: Starshot is Drupal's "Moonshot"!

Dear Readers,

Much has happened in a week. The biggest open-source event in North America, DrupalCon Portland 2024 has come to a close. A convergence of technology and community weaving tales of innovations gathering Drupalers worldwide has successfully concluded. Among the many highlights of the DrupalCon Portland 2024, some stole the limelight. The introduction of the Drupal Starshot initiative definitely tops the list!

What is Drupal Starshot?

It is a long overdue strategic overhaul aimed at improving Drupal's functionality and usability.  This project introduces a new "Drupal CMS" that seamlessly integrates core modules with popular community modules through a Recipes API, facilitating easier setups. Additionally, the "Experience Builder" tool, built with React, is designed to enhance page-building capabilities. Dries Buytaert propelled the Drupal Starshot rocket during DrupalCon with the help of John. F. Kennedy's "moonshot" speech. 

"We choose to go to the moon, not because that will be easy, but because it will be hard" - JFK

From learning the Soviet Union had put a man in space, the space war began. It was followed by eight years of failed attempts from the part of the US before they finally succeeded in launching Apollo 11. Dries had chosen the perfect analogy to fuel Drupal Starshot because the competition in the CMS landscape is much similar to that of the space war and failure is not an option. He reiterates that if Drupal needs to stay relevant, it needs to have its moonshot moment and Drupal Starshot is the moonshot Drupal needed.

With Drupal 8, it was more or less like Drupal had abandoned small and mid-websites for enterprise sites, but this has adversely affected its market. Additionally, Drupal's sub-standard page-building capabilities have been finally identified as the primary reason for Drupal's shrinking adoption. Now, there is only one way to go about it, make the fundamental changes urgently enhancing Drupal core with additional components tailored to everyday users of the interface.

The path that has been declared by Dries is easier said than done. But this is a race Drupal can't afford to lose because Drupal has a strong legacy to safeguard. It was born to be open and has been the defender of the open web for the past 23 years.

"Some people feel like we're falling behind, and no one wants our competitors to win because they aim to colonize a web that's less open, more closed, less creative, maybe more expensive, less accessible, and more proprietary." - Dries Buytaert

The web is moving forward it is up to Drupal and its community to decide whether they want to be a part of it. The need for change is evident and Drupal Starshot is the way to a rejuvenation. So join the Drupal Starshot initiative and make your pledge today. A comprehensive and detailed account of Driesnote that introduced Starshot can be found here.

With that let's move on to the important stories of last week.

DrupalCon Portland came up with many insights and announcements. Elma John, our sub-editor has gathered the key insights from DrupalCon Portland 2024. Drupalers are excited about DrupalCon North America  2025 declared to be held in Atlanta from March 24 to March 27. The dates for DrupalCon Singapore have been confirmed: November 18th to 21st, 2024. The event is to be held at the prestigious Pan Pacific Parkroyal Collection in Marina Bay.

Michael Anello, co-owner of DrupalEasy, has received the prestigious 2024 Aaron Winborn Award at DrupalCon Portland 2024. The award, presented by the Drupal Community Working Group, honors individuals who have shown exceptional commitment and contribution to the Drupal community.

The Women in Drupal Luncheon headed by the female stalwarts of Four Kitchens was a huge success. The event titled, "The Lonely Only: Women in Tech and Navigating a Male-Dominated Landscape" featured Sebastianna Skalisky, Laura Johnson, Jenna Harris, and Shanice Ortiz in a compelling discussion about the dimunitive presence of women in the historically made-dominated tech landscape. Most of these women have been the only women in their department and even at their company. For detailed insights into this session, please read my article, "Women in Drupal Luncheon at DrupalCon Portland 2024: A Convergence for Change."

A supportive initiative bloomed at DrupalCon Portland this year, introducing green sunflower lanyards to support individuals with hidden disabilities. These lanyards marked a significant step towards making Drupal events more accessible and comfortable for everyone. 

Jesus Manuel Olivas, CEO of Octahedroid, unveiled a new Headless Drupal content structuring approach improving the balance between developers, site builders, content editors, and marketers at DrupalCon. The system called Drupal as a Composable CMS, introduces three key modules: the Composable Module for better content adaptability, a Decoupled Preview Iframe for real-time content previews, and a Visual Editor for streamlined editing.

In other news, The DropTimes has published a new study revealing a global trend of governments favoring free and open-source software (FOSS) for their official websites. Team TDT analyzed the websites of 194 countries to understand the extent of this trend and uncover which content management systems (CMSs) are preferred for official government communication. Interestingly, Drupal emerged as a top choice when analyzing the top 100 country websites based on popularity (Tranco rank), Additionally, WordPress remains the most widely used FOSS option globally.

Kazima Abbas, a sub-editor with TDT had the opportunity to sit with Tim Hestenes Lehnen, Chief Technology Officer at the Drupal Association and Author of Young Adult Fiction, to talk about his latest novel, 'Fog & Fireflies'

DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 Calls for Artists to Enter Drawing Contest. Participants are encouraged to create an original drawing of Mercè, the celebrated figure of Barcelona's annual festival, in any artistic form they prefer. The winning design will earn a spot on the official event stickers, giving artists a unique platform to showcase their work. 

LagoonCon Portland 2024 offered a night of tech insights and connections. The conference featured three sessions dealing with Lagoon, Open Web Alliance, and Large Language Models. The free event also had a Lagoon round table discussion. Read more here. 

Events in the Drupal community are always a matter of celebration. It brings together Drupalers from various walks of life and forms a support system with Drupal at the core. Here is a list of Drupal events you can attend this week.

The 2024 Drupal Developer Survey, led by Michael Richardson, provided a comprehensive overview of the global Drupal community. With 648 developers from 65 countries, including significant contributions from the United States, France, and India, the survey showcased a mature developer base, with 76% aged between 30 and 49.

James Shields has launched the 2024 Drupal Advent Calendar, inviting contributions from the Drupal community. This year's theme, "People of Drupal," aims to highlight individuals who have significantly impacted the Drupal ecosystem. In another update, Promote Drupal committee member Emma Horrell has launched a comprehensive initiative to demystify Drupal's specialized language, known as "Drupalisms," to make the platform more accessible, especially to newcomers. The new initiative is named "De-jargoning Drupal".

1xINTERNET has announced its support for Drupal Starshot, promising to contribute with its expertise in pre-configured Drupal applications. Their existing CMS, Try Drupal, showcases their capabilities and will integrate with Starshot to further enrich the Drupal community and promote widespread adoption.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Alka Elizabeth
Sub-editor, The DropTimes.

LN Webworks: How To Inspire Your Team To Migrate Your Drupal 7 website To Drupal 10

Image removed.

Everyone wants to improve their lives over time, including those areas that make them feel like they are on top of the latest trends and staying caught up on new developments. The same happens with your software too, why fall behind from new updates? Updating your websites, software, and other essential operational business ongoings is important. 

But sometimes what happens is your team doesn’t support this not-so-big task. They believe upgrading the website is pointless because it will look the same. It becomes difficult to convince your team but we got these practical tips so your team will not deny migrating from Drupal 7 to 10. Let’s see how you can convince your team members to migrate to Drupal 10 from Drupal 7.