The Drop Times: Drupal's Innovation and Future: Share Your Perspectives!

Drupal's success story is written by its community and its users. As the web landscape evolves, understanding the Drupal community's vision for ensuring Drupal remains innovative, adaptable, and inclusive is important. To get a pulse on where Drupal is headed, The Drop Times is launching a special project to gather insights directly from people in the Drupal community and Drupal users. Your perspectives will shape a series of articles focused on "Drupal's Innovation and Future: 2024 and Beyond." In our first article, we connected with diverse experts exploring challenges and opportunities. Now, it's your turn!

DrupalEasy: DrupalEasy Podcast S16E5 - Jim Birch - Recipes

We talk with Jim Birch about the Recipes strategic initiative for Drupal. 

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Audio transcript 

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Podcast edited by Amelia Anello.

Drupal Association blog: Piyush Poddar Joins the Drupal Association Board: A Journey of Growth, Open Source Advocacy, and Global Collaboration

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We're excited to welcome Piyush Poddar, the latest addition to the Drupal Association Board. Piyush, Head of Sales and Partnerships at Axelerant, co-founded the Jaipur Drupal User Group and serves on the Board of the Drupal Association of India. Known for his active involvement in writing and speaking at events, Piyush covers a range of topics, including the growth of Open Source and Contribution culture in India. His expertise extends to assisting global Drupal agencies in business expansion through strategic account management, transformed outsourcing practices, and success-driven partnership frameworks. 

As a recent board member, Piyush shares insights on this thrilling journey:

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining the Drupal Association board?
I’m excited to join the Drupal Association Board after having known Drupal for over 16 years. As a long-time advocate and active non-code contributor, I look forward to influencing key decisions and giving back to the community.

This is a pivotal time for Drupal's growth, and my position on the Board allows me to contribute significantly to its expansion, relevance, and commitment to openness and inclusion.

And I’m very excited that with my position on the Board, I will be able to contribute significantly to some of these motions.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time on the board?
From a humble dorm room project to a platform globally embraced by businesses and organizations, Drupal has come a long way. As a board member, I aim to actively push to advance Drupal's business dimension, ensuring its continued relevance in the dynamic Martech space. The Drupal Association's recent efforts at the Web Summit were good, but we need to do more.

I also want to connect the global and Indian Drupal communities, bringing back the energy that faded during the pandemic. Developers are vital for Drupal, and we need to support and empower them for the community to keep growing. Coming up with plans for this is a top priority.

Personally, I look forward to learning a lot, improving my skills, and having valuable experiences in this role.

What specific skill or perspective do you contribute to the board?
My background in Sales, Customer Success Management, and Community Engagement offers a unique viewpoint. 

Digital agencies, being prominent advocates and practitioners of Drupal, have significantly driven its growth and commercial adoption. With over a decade of experience partnering with digital agencies for their growth, I have consistently interacted with their leadership. I aim to bring their challenges and needs to the forefront. 

How has Drupal impacted your life or career?
Drupal has hugely impacted both my professional journey and personal growth. Professionally, it has been instrumental in molding my understanding of complex business challenges related to content, marketing, and publishing. Working on Drupal projects introduced me to the agile methodology, revolutionizing how I approach work. The global adoption of Drupal has broadened my perspective, allowing me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the digital and creative industries on an international scale.

On a personal level, my experience with Drupal has profoundly transformed my views on openness and inclusion. The thriving Drupal community, rooted in open-source ethos and built on selfless contributions, has been a powerful influence. Engaging with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, and genders, all united by a common cause, has significantly broadened how I engage with people. This exposure has made me more open-minded, vulnerable, and accommodating, deeply enriching my personal values and perspectives.

In essence, Drupal has not just been a part of my career; it has been a journey of learning, growth, and personal evolution.

Tell us something that the Drupal community might not know about you.
I really enjoy traveling. I've explored over 65 cities in 14 countries and have taken approximately 15 flights around the earth.

Share a favorite quote or piece of advice that has inspired you.
I'd like to share a quote that has inspired me: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.” - Steve Jobs

We can't wait to experience the incredible contributions Piyush will make during his time on the Drupal Association Board. Thank you, Piyush, for dedicating yourself to serving the Drupal community through your board work! Connect with Piyush on LinkedIn.

The Drupal Association Board of Directors comprises 12 members, with nine nominated for staggered 3-year terms, two elected by the Drupal Association members, and one reserved for the Drupal Project Founder, Dries Buyteart. The Board meets twice in person and four times virtually annually, overseeing policy establishment, executive director management, budget approval, financial reports, and participation in fundraising efforts.

Drupalize.Me: PHP Attributes for Drupal Plugins

PHP Attributes for Drupal Plugins

As of PHP 8.1, the PHP language has native support for attributes that are compatible with Drupal’s plugin system use case. As a result, Drupal will transition from the use of annotations to PHP attributes, to supply metadata and configuration for plugins. This will require developers to learn the new PHP attributes syntax, and update their existing code to use it. For now Drupal will continue to support both annotations and attributes. But the proverbial clock is ticking.

So let’s take a look at how we got here, and what you’ll need to do to update your code for future versions of Drupal.

joe Wed, 02/14/2024 - 19:06

ThinkDrop Consulting: New Composer plugin "Remote Bin Scripts" makes it easy to install 3rd party tools.

New Composer plugin "Remote Bin Scripts" makes it easy to install 3rd party tools. admin Wed, 02/14/2024 - 13:27

Recently we finished a project that was being moved to Pantheon.

We created a couple custom scripts for pushing data into the pantheon environment, and for pulling data down for continuous integration runs.

The scripts require the Terminus CLI tool created by Pantheon to interact with it's service.

Terminus is a composer project, but it's dependencies don't align with the latest Drupal sites. It's best to install it as a phar file and run it that way.

Tag1 Consulting: Shifting from FID to INP: Google’s New Metric for Improving Web Performance

Hosted by Mariano Crivello, join us as Adam Silverstein, from Google and Janez Urevc of Tag1 discuss Google's new metric, Interaction to Next Paint(INP), which is part of the Core Web Vitals being introduced in March 2024 to foster user experience on the web. Adam gives a comprehensive overview. INP focuses on measuring the responsiveness of web pages to user inputs, aiming to capture the quality of interactions beyond just load times. A good INP score is defined as 200 milliseconds or less, with a particular emphasis on mobile performance due to the variability in device capabilities and network conditions. Adam highlighted the shift from First Input Delay (FID) to INP, noting that INP offers a more comprehensive measure of interactivity throughout the entire lifecycle of a page. He also presents data showing the current performance of Drupal sites in relation to Core Web Vitals, emphasizing the importance of focusing on mobile optimization and the impact of INP on future web performance metrics. Don’t miss expert insights for navigating this significant web development shift. --- For a transcript of this video, see :[Shifting from FID to INP: Google's New Metric for Improving...

Read more Mariano Wed, 02/14/2024 - 07:00

LN Webworks: Supercharge Your Drupal Experience with Third-Party Integrations for CRM, Marketing & More!

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Are you interested in boosting the performance and functionality of your Drupal website to new heights? If so, considering the integration of your site with various third-party systems and applications can open up a whole new range of advantages. 

The potential benefits span a wide spectrum, ranging from the efficient organization of customer data to the implementation of highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Let’s get into an in-depth exploration of some of the most sought-after and impactful third-party integrations tailored for Drupal.