PreviousNext: Co-contribution with clients: A revision UI API for all entity types

The tale of an eight-year, collaborative effort to build a generic revision UI into Drupal 10.1.0, bringing a major piece of functionality to core.

by lee.rowlands / 11 July 2024

As we discussed in our previous post, Improving Drupal with the help of your clients, we’re fortunate to work with a client like ServiceNSW that is committed to open-source contribution. So when their challenges require solutions that will also benefit the whole Drupal community, they're on board!

In the beginning, there were nodes

Since Drupal 4.7 was released in 2006, nodes have had a revision user interface (UI). The UI allows editors to view revision history and specific revisions, as well as revert and delete revisions.

A lot has changed since Drupal 4.7. We received revision support for many more entities, but Node remained the only one with a revision UI in core.

Supporting client needs through contrib 

Our client, Service NSW, makes heavy use of block content entities for Notices displayed throughout the site. These are regularly updated. Editors need to be able to see what has changed and when, revert to previous versions, and view revision logs when needed. 

Since Drupal 8, much of the special treatment of Node entities has been replaced with generic Entity API functionality. Nodes were no longer the only tool in the content-modelling toolbox, with this one exception: revision UI.

The code for node's revision UI lives in the node module. It’s dependent on hard-coded permission checking and uses routing and forms outside the entity API.

This meant that for every additional entity type for which Service NSW needed a revision UI, those parts needed to be recreated repeatedly.

As you can imagine, this approach quickly becomes hard to maintain due to the amount of duplication. 

The journey to core

Having identified that Drupal core needed a generic entity revision UI API (it already had generic APIs for entity routing, editing, viewing and access), we set to work on this missing piece of the puzzle.

We found an existing core issue for it, and in 2015, posted our first patch for it. 

This began an 8-year journey to bring a major piece of functionality to core.

Over the course of many re-rolls, we released contributed modules built on top of the patch:

Finally, with the release of Drupal 10.1.0 in 2023, any entity-type could opt into a revision UI. The Drupal 10.1.0 release opted-in for Block Content entities, making that contributed module obsolete. Then later in 2023, the release of Drupal 10.2.0 saw Media entities use this new API. In early 2024, support for Taxonomy terms was added and released in 10.3.0.

Challenges along the way

The biggest challenges encountered were keeping the patch up to date with core as it changed and navigating the contribution process. Over the years, there have been over 120 patch files and 300+ comments on the issue!

Another challenge was the lack of an access API for checking access to revisions. 

The entity API supported a set of entity access operations — view, update, delete — but no revision operations were considered. The node module had hard-coded permissions e.g. 'view all revisions' and 'revert all revisions'. 

To have a generic entity revision UI API, we needed a generic way to check access to the operations the UI would make available.

Initially, we tried to include this with the revision UI changes. However, it became increasingly difficult to get both major pieces of functionality simultaneously. So, in 2019, this was split into a separate issue, and the original issue was postponed.

With efforts from our team, Service NSW and many other individuals and companies in the Drupal community, this made it into Drupal core in 2021. It was first available in Drupal 9.3.0. Adding a whole new major access API is not without its challenges, though. Unfortunately, this change resulted in a security release shortly after 9.3.0 came out. Luckily it was caught and fixed before many sites had updated to 9.3.0.

Collaborative contribution

Adding a new feature to Drupal core is a large undertaking. Doing it in a client-agency collaboration provides an ideal model for how open source should work. 

Developers from PreviousNext and Service NSW worked with the broader Drupal community to bring this feature to fruition.

Our developers have experience contributing to core and were able to guide Service NSW developers through the process. Being credited on large features like this is a major feather in the cap for both individual developers and their organisations.

Wrapping up

Together, we helped integrate a generic revision UI into Drupal 10.1.0. All of the developers involved received issue credits for their work. 

This was a significant effort over eight years, requiring collaboration with individuals and organisations in the wider Drupal community to build consensus. This level of shared commitment helps drive the Drupal open source project forward, recognising that what benefits one can benefit all.

So, what are the next big features you and your clients could work on? Or is there something you want to bring to core, as an individual, group or organisation? Either way, we’d love to chat and collaborate!


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Tag1 Consulting: Migrating Your Data from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: Syntax and structure of migration files

In the previous article, we saw what a migration file looks like. We made some changes without going too deep into explaining the syntax or structure of the file. Today, we are exploring the language in which migration files are written and the different sections it contains.

Read more mauricio Wed, 07/10/2024 - 09:11

Drupal Association blog: Drupal Association Announces HeroDevs as Inaugural Partner for Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Provider Program

PORTLAND, Ore., 10 July 2024—The Drupal Association is pleased to announce HeroDevs as the inaugural partner for the new Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Provider Program. This initiative aims to support Drupal 7 users by carefully vetting providers to deliver extended security support services beyond the 5 January 2025 end-of-life (EOL) date.

The Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Provider Program allows organizations that cannot migrate from Drupal 7 to newer versions by the EOL date to continue using a version of Drupal 7 that is secure and compliant. This program complements the Association’s D7 Certified Migration Providers Program, which helps organizations find the right partner to transition their sites from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10.

HeroDevs has successfully met the stringent requirements established by the Drupal Association to become a certified provider with its secure, seamless drop-in replacement of Drupal 7 and core modules. 

“HeroDevs has demonstrated strong expertise in finding and fixing security and compatibility issues for major open-source libraries like Drupal,” Tim Doyle, CEO of the Drupal Association, said. “This program underscores the Drupal Association’s dedication to providing qualified options for organizations using Drupal 7 so they can stay secure while they figure out their next steps for upgrading. ”

As organizations prepare for the transition from Drupal 7, HeroDevs will provide the necessary support to keep their sites secure and operational.

Joe Eames, VP of Partnership at HeroDevs, added, “We are honored to be recognized as the inaugural partner of this important program. At HeroDevs, we are creating a more sustainable, secure web and Drupal is a major part of that. We aim to help organizations maintain a secure and compliant web presence – all while giving open source creators and maintainers the freedom to innovate.” 

For more information about the HeroDevs Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support (NES), click here.

About the Drupal Association

The Drupal Association is a non-profit organization that fosters and supports the Drupal software project, the community, and its growth. Our mission is to drive innovation and adoption of Drupal as a high-impact digital public good, hand-in-hand with our open source community. Through various initiatives, events, and programs, the Drupal Association helps ensure the ongoing development and success of the Drupal project.

drunomics: Custom Elements UI: quicker changes to your decoupled Drupal site

Custom Elements UI: quicker changes to your decoupled Drupal site bof teaser.png jurgen.thano Tue, 07/09/2024 - 14:01 The latest version of the Custom Elements module empowers developers building headless Drupal solutions. With a user-friendly interface, it’s now easier to modify output entities, adjust properties, and change formats. At Drupal Developer Days Burgas, attendees explored the Custom Elements UI and discussed Lupus Decoupled, an efficient stack for decoupled Drupal applications. Body

New Custom Elements module version

The Custom Elements module is an essential building block in the technology stack that drunomics uses to build headless Drupal solutions, facilitating output of pages in either 'custom elements' or JSON format as the front end requires it.

The newest version of the module features a user interface to modify any entity that is part of the output: any property can be included/excluded, and output format can be changed, without the need to write Drupal/PHP code. This allows a developer to more easily change both the backend API output and the decoupled frontend consuming the output at the same time, making for faster turnaround times in changes to your website.

Our talk at Drupal Developer Days Burgas

Roderik Muit and Alexandru Ieremia chaired an informal (Birds of a Feather) session at Drupal Developer Days in Burgas in June 2024, to prevent the new changes to any interested parties. They also prepared some information about the larger Lupus Decoupled stack for any interested attendees who would not be familiar with it yet.

After the presentation, an animated discussion followed. Some people were curious how the Custom Elements UI worked, what the code behind it looks like and how to write own 'formatters'.

Another person said that Lupus Decoupled seems to exactly satisfy their need to address the resource heavy JSON:API queries in his current main website. He was encouraged to try out a demo and ask any questions in our issue queue or on #lupus-decoupled on Drupal Slack. Users were assured that Lupus Decoupled is ready to use (for experienced developers) and completely open source.

The new Custom Elements version with UI to alter output, is currently available as a development version; we are working to finalize a beta release as soon as possible.

Drupal Association blog: Celebrating Success: DrupalCon Portland 2024 Event Impact Recap

Welcome to the Event Impact Recap of DrupalCon Portland 2024, a benchmark event in North America, that not only marked a significant milestone in the Drupal community, but also holds a special place in my journey. Having served as a contractor for DrupalCon Portland and now stepping into the role of the new Community Programs Director with the Drupal Association, I am thrilled to share the highlights and successes of this remarkable gathering. My goal is to have an Impact Report shared with the community after each DrupalCon that depicts the data and feedback on the event. Please view the slides.

Key Highlights from DrupalCon Portland 2024:

  • Attendance and Engagement:
    • With 1,368 registered attendees and an impressive 97.8% check-in rate, DrupalCon Portland 2024 brought together a vibrant community of Drupal enthusiasts and professionals.
    • Of the 1,368 registered attendees, 438 (about one third) received comped registrations for volunteering, speaking, or other roles at the conference.
    • The event saw 3,249 hotel rooms booked in Portland, OR, highlighting its impact on the local economy and hospitality sector AND, it’s worth to note, these were just the rooms through our block, many rooms were booked outside the block making an even bigger impact on the local business community. 
    • A post event survey showed the rank of overall experience at DrupalCon Portland 2024 at 4.21/5
    • 32% of attendees said this was their 1st DrupalCon 
    • 8 Scholarship grants were given out to the community
    • 95% of attendees said they would attend a future DrupalCon
  • Global Representation:
    • Attendees from 6 continents, 35 countries, and 46 states joined us, demonstrating Drupal's global reach and community diversity.
  • Specialized Summits:
    • Five Summits (Government, Higher Ed, Nonprofit, Healthcare, and Community) attracted 476 attendees, facilitating deep dives into crucial Drupal topics and fostering collaboration.
  • DriesNote and Starshot:
    • A highlight of the event was the DriesNote, attended by 950 people in person, eager to hear about Starshot, an exciting new initiative. (View the recording on the Drupal Association Youtube page). This session not only informed but also inspired attendees about the future of Drupal.
    • Two BOFs were hosted, providing platforms for continued discussions and community engagement beyond the main sessions.
  • Sponsorship:
    • DrupalCon Portland 2024 was made possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors 
      • Presenting Sponsors: 2
      • Champion Sponsors: 6
      • Advocate Sponsors: 11
      • Exhibitors: 28
      • Total Sponsors: 47
    • The conference wouldn't have been possible without the dedication and partnership of these organizations. Their support underscores their commitment to the Drupal community and its ongoing success.
  • Volunteer Contributions:
    • The success of DrupalCon Portland 2024 was further bolstered by 28 dedicated volunteers, including local ambassadors, logistics contributors, and translation assistants, who collectively contributed 221.5 hours onsite.

I am deeply honored to now step into the role of the new Community Programs Director with the Drupal Association. With over 18 years of experience in event planning, field marketing, nonprofit management, and community engagement, I am excited to leverage my skills to enhance community programs and initiatives within the Drupal ecosystem. My goal is to foster even stronger connections, facilitate meaningful collaborations, and support the growth and inclusivity of the Drupal community.

As we reflect on the achievements and connections fostered at DrupalCon Portland 2024, I am filled with optimism about the future of Drupal and the potential for continued growth and innovation within our community, and am excited to be a part of DrupalCon Barcelona, DrupalCon Singapore, DrupalCon Atlanta and many more for years to come!

DrupalCon Portland 2024 was not just an event but a celebration of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community spirit. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to its success, from attendees and volunteers to sponsors and organizers. Let's carry this momentum forward as we embark on the next chapter of Drupal's journey together.

- Meghan Harrell
Community Programs Director
Drupal Association

drunomics: Stop making your own life difficult. Integrate your CI/CD Pipeline with these monitoring tools

Stop making your own life difficult. Integrate your CI/CD Pipeline with these monitoring tools ddd.png jeremy.chinquist Mon, 07/08/2024 - 13:28 If you do not use a CI/CD pipeline, we highly recommend it. For the past several years our team has set up projects in a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins or Github actions. The tools that we will present in this session have proven to be a good set of automated testing tools for several projects. Over time we have chosen to move away from previous solutions and to new testing frameworks. As part of our commitment to high standards of performance and quality, we are always on the lookout for the best tools available on the market.

drunomics: A Journey Towards Sustainability and Team Building

A Journey Towards Sustainability and Team Building drunomics Team Event 2024 Burgas, Bulgaria jurgen.thano Fri, 07/05/2024 - 15:15 The drunomics team gathered for an event full of excitement and inspiration in Burgas, Bulgaria. From bonding activities to insightful discussions and workshops, it was a day full of energy and enthusiasm. Want to know more? Our blog post covers all the key moments and takeaways from this fantastic day! Body

At drunomics GmbH, our dedication to sustainable digital practices is at the heart of everything we do. We see technology as a powerful force for positive change, and our recent team event in Burgas, Bulgaria, emphasized sustainability as the focal point of the event. Here is a glimpse into the vibrant discussions, collaborative learning, and memorable moments that made this event truly special.

Nurturing Sustainability

1. Green UX Design Insights

During our event, we immersed ourselves in the principles of Green UX design. Our discussions centered on creating digital experiences that are both user-friendly and environmentally conscious. Here are some of the key insights we shared:

  • Optimizing Code for Efficiency: Streamlining scripts and using efficient algorithms not only boosts performance but also cuts down on energy consumption, contributing to a greener web.
  • Data Transfer Reduction: Minimizing data transfer is crucial for sustainability. We explored methods like lazy loading, content compression, and efficient caching to create smoother user experiences while reducing our digital carbon footprint.
  • Balancing Aesthetics and Sustainability: Green UX is about finding harmony between visual appeal and resource efficiency. Thoughtful use of images, animations, and fonts can achieve this balance effectively.

2. User-Centric Sustainability

Our discussions also focused on empowering users to make eco-friendly choices through smart intuitive design:

  • Empowering Users: We brainstormed ways to integrate sustainability into user interactions, such as through informative tool-tips, personalized recommendations, and eco-friendly badges.

  • Behavioral Nudges: Subtle prompts within the user experience can encourage eco-friendly behavior, like promoting energy-saving modes, suggesting public transportation options, or highlighting sustainable product choices.

3. Collaborative Learning

The event was an engaging forum for sharing ideas and fostering dynamic discussions. We challenged assumptions and explored new perspectives on integrating sustainability into our projects. This collaborative approach helped us discover innovative solutions and prepared us to infuse eco-consciousness into every stage of our work.

The Drop Times: Drupal Usage in Government: A Data-Driven Study of CMS Adoption Patterns

This study published in The DropTimes by Veniz Maja Guzman, SEO Expert & Content Strategist at Promet Source, uncovers the growing trend of Drupal adoption in government websites, correlating with entity size. Highlighting Drupal's scalability and robust features, the research shows large entities have the highest adoption rates. However, Drupal's benefits, including cost-effectiveness, security, and customization, are valuable for all government levels. The study emphasizes the need for better education and marketing to increase Drupal adoption among smaller entities, demonstrating its flexibility and potential for long-term growth in the public sector. Discover the full insights and implications for government website modernization.