The Drop Times: Drupal is Missing a Comprehensive List of its Features!

Delve into the latest initiative sparked by Andrew Kucharski to transform Drupal's visibility and user perception, addressing the need for a universally accessible features list. This discussion, enriched by insights from tech experts like Alex Dergachev, Ajith T., Dave Smyth, and Anoop John, highlights the community's drive towards showcasing Drupal's extensive capabilities, not just as a developer's framework but as a versatile platform for various business needs. Discover how this collective endeavor sets the stage for a new era in Drupal's market presence and user engagement.

Salsa Digital: DrupalSouth 2024 day 1 wrap-up

Image removed.Dries Buytaert, Drupal: past, present and future Phillipa: Dries’s keynote gave a great insight into his journey, from coding at university to building Drupal as an enterprise-grade content management system (CMS). The focus for the future was on innovation (to keep Drupal as a CMS of choice) and marketing (to make sure people know about all of Drupal’s greatness).  Morgan Strong, ArtSEEker: using headless Drupal to power AI art recognition Phillipa: Morgan works in digital transformation at the Queensland  Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA). Working with headless Drupal 10 and he built a new tool for gallery patrons to interact with the art.

ImageX: DrupalCon Portland 2024: Top Session Picks from Our Team

Authored by: Nadiia Nykolaichuk 

“Join us this spring in the City of Roses, Portland!”

— the DrupalCon team

The best opportunity to grow your Drupal skills, plant the seeds of connection, and help the Drupal community flourish is just around the corner! This spring, the world’s biggest Drupal meetup is coming back to the City of Roses, which is one of the most famous nicknames for Portland, Oregon.

Nonprofit Drupal posts: March Drupal for Nonprofits Chat: NTC Wrap-Up and DrupalCon Planning

Join us THURSDAY, March 21 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, for our regularly scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits. (Convert to your local time zone.)

This month we'll be giving a recap of last week's NTC, and an update on our plans for DrupalCon Portland, including the Nonprofit Summit and the recently announced discount for nonprofit attendees!

And we'll of course also have time to discuss anything else that's on our minds at the intersection of Drupal and nonprofits.  Got something specific you want to talk about? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc:!

All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.

This free call is sponsored by and open to everyone. 

  • Join the call:

    • Meeting ID: 818 1746 9653
      Passcode: 551681

    • One tap mobile:
      +16699006833,,81817469653# US (San Jose)
      +13462487799,,81817469653# US (Houston)

    • Dial by your location:
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
      +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
      +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
      +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    • Find your local number:

  • Follow along on Google Docs:

View notes of previous months' calls.

LN Webworks: How to Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 Upgrade: Step By Step Guide

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Since its debut in 2010, Drupal 7 has provided a stable foundation for innumerable websites. But moving to a newer version—like Drupal 10—becomes crucial to guarantee security, performance, and access to the newest features as Drupal 7 approaches its end of life on January 5, 2025. 

Even though this Drupal upgrade has the potential to be revolutionary, it's important to know what features you might face while upgrading from Drupal 7 to 10. This will enable you to plan appropriately and gain a clear understanding of what to anticipate. 

The Drop Times: The Drupal Project Update: Highlights from DrupalSouth Sydney 2024

Join us as we dive into the heart of DrupalSouth Sydney 2024, held at the iconic Sydney Masonic Centre. Discover the insights from Dries Buytaert's keynote on 'The Drupal Project Update,' the push for innovation and contributions, and the unifying power of the Drupal communities from Australia and New Zealand. Stay tuned for exclusive updates and takeaways.

Talking Drupal: Skills Upgrade #3

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 3.

  • Review Chad's goals for the previous week

    • DDEV performance improvements
    • Install Drupal 10
    • Install drupal/core-dev
    • Configure and test phpcs
    • Test phpstan
    • settings.local.php
    • Install Devel module
  • Review Chad's questions

    • Rancher Desktop appears to be holding on to port 443 after I installed it. Although I changed the port to something else, do you have any suggestions to update the setup to use ports 443 and 80 instead?
    • How are tools like phpcs and PHPStan used by the Drupal community for contrib? Are they a part of's testing automation?
    • Starting a new D10 website from scratch in DDEV is one thing … How would I typically work with an existing D10 website? Do I start with the community config, then overwrite the code, database, and files? Is there a better approach?
  • Tasks for the upcoming week

/vendor /web/core /web/modules/contrib/ /web/themes/contrib/ /web/profiles/contrib/ /web/libraries/ *.sql.gz Resources

Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes

The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th


AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick


Chad Hester - @chadkhest Mike Anello - @ultimike blog: Drupal Meets Symfony: A Match Made for API Innovation

Drupal Meets Symfony: A Match Made for API Innovation kanapatrick Wed, 03/20/2024 - 10:02

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, the union of Drupal and Symfony represents a pioneering approach towards API innovation. Enter Drupal, known for its robust content management capabilities, and Symfony, renowned for its flexibility and scalability.

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Evolving Web: 9 Ways to Make the Most of the EvolveDrupal Summit

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Hi there! I’m Jasmin Merchant, a Front-End Developer at Evolving Web. A few years ago I knew very little about the open web. That all changed when I started working here and was plunged into ongoing learning opportunities.

The EvolveDrupal Ottawa summit in 2023 was a big part of my learning curve. Hosted by Evolving Web, the event was a chance to gain new knowledge about development, accessibility, UX, digital strategy, and many other relevant topics.

What’s more, it was a great introduction to networking. This was my first tech summit and I had only moved to Canada one week before, so I was nervous to say the least. But EvolveDrupal was a valuable experience that really built my confidence.

I’ve shared my takeaways in this article to help others who are planning to attend EvolveDrupal (or any tech event). Use these 9 tips to attend with confidence and make the most of it!

Before the Summit

1. Create your own schedule

My day at EvolveDrupal Ottawa started with coffee (because obviously!). I hung out in the foyer where I could chat to people as they arrived. I was looking forward to talks on Drupal, design, AI, and much more. Crucially, I had gone through the session list earlier and planned out my day.

Having your own schedule means you can pace yourself, attend the talks you're most interested in, and maximize your networking opportunities. Remember that EvolveDrupal has a wide range of sessions and many of them run in parallel, so it isn’t possible to attend all of them.

I’d recommend making space in your schedule for a bit of down time to recharge. I found this was easy to do at EvolveDrupal—the event was very well organized with little breaks between sessions, helping me to relax and go with the flow.

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2. Sign up for pre-summit introductions

Evolving Web often organizes a pre-summit dinner the night before EvolveDrupal. As an introvert, I found this was a great way to ease into networking. I got to meet some really interesting, talented people and talk to them on a personal level over a nice meal. It meant that I saw some familiar faces in the crowd full of attendees the next day.

Can’t attend the pre-summit dinner? Don’t worry, you can connect digitally with organizers, speakers and participants before the summit instead. If you’ve registered for the summit, you’ll be invited to the EvolveDrupal Slack channel. 

3. Build your visibility

Post on social media to tell your connections that you’ll be at EvolveDrupal. This can help you connect with more people at the event. Remember to tag Evolving Web on LinkedIn so we can help boost your post!

Email specific contacts and invite them to the summit, too. This can be a great way to grow and strengthen existing business relationships.

Want to maximize your visibility? Apply to be a speaker or sponsor. It’s a fantastic way to get in front of an audience—both in-person at the summit and also in Evolving Web’s digital communications.


“I had a blast yesterday talking at the EvolveDrupal conference in Ottawa. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. Based on the number of people in the audience that raised their phone to take pictures of the slides, I guess the content was on point!”

– Gauthier Garnier, (EvolveDrupal Ottawa 2023)

During the Summit 

4. Make notes

At each session I attended at EvolveDrupal, I took notes about everything interesting and important that I was learning. Have a think about how you prefer to take notes—can you do it on your phone, or should you bring a tablet or notebook?

It’s best to jot down new knowledge and ideas at the event itself, before you forget. That said, some EvolveDrupal sessions are recorded and published a few weeks later, so you may have a chance to rewatch select talks. 

5. Embrace a bit of discomfort

While the pre-summit dinner put me at greater ease, I was still nervous about networking. But I learned that it’s ok to be outside of my comfort zone. As one of the speakers said: “get comfortable being uncomfortable.” Their talk was on AI, but I think the concept can be applied to a lot more!

I started by introducing myself to people I sat near during the sessions. This felt easier as there was already a clear topic to start the conversation. I met many more people at lunch and kept taking mental notes that I wrote down later. If there’s someone you want to follow up with, ask for their business card or record their name so you can add them on LinkedIn.

It’s also worth engaging with the speakers who interest you. As experts they can offer valuable information, and they’re usually more than happy to expand on their talk if you ask questions.

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6. Stick around for evening events

EvolveDrupal Ottawa finished with a networking reception, but my day didn’t end there! I attended a post-summit dinner and drinks with people who wanted to continue connecting. As it was the end of the night, everyone was relaxed and chatting easily. It was a good chance to speak again with the people I’d met that day and get to know them better. Evolving Web often arranges a post-summit dinner, so leave your evening open if you can. 

After the Summit

7. Follow up with your connections 

I added most of the people I met at EvolveDrupal Ottawa on LinkedIn. It’s an easy way to stay connected because you can respond to their posts or share useful things with them. It’s also a good idea to send a personalized message to new contacts who you want to develop a deeper relationship with, such as business prospects and potential employers. Ask for a phone call or face-to-face meeting to discuss opportunities. 

8. Organize and apply what you learned 

Write up your notes soon after the summit. If you leave it too long, you may forget them or find they don’t make sense any more! Also, decide how you’re going to integrate your new knowledge into your workflows and projects. Act quickly while you’re still feeling energized from the event.


“It was a treasure trove of UX wisdom… Big thanks to the amazing speakers and organizers for making this experience unforgettable. Can't wait to apply what I've learned. Count me in for the next one!”

– Milan Nayak, UX Designer (EvolveDrupal Toronto 2023) 

9. Share your insights and experience 

My time at EvolveDrupal was eye-opening, so I wanted to share my experience in an article to help future participants. You can also share takeaways via an email, team meeting, or internal presentation. Finally, it’s always nice to thank the speakers on social media and tell them what you liked about their session.

I hope this article inspires you to attend EvolveDrupal with confidence and purpose. Sign up for updates to hear about upcoming events. Our next stops are in Atlanta (April 12) and Montreal (June 14)—we look forward to seeing you there!

+ more awesome articles by Evolving Web