Salsa Digital Drupal-Related Articles: Drupal 10 launch party and Melbourne December Drupal Meetup

Image removed.Event kick-off The event started with mingling, drinks and nibbles for half an hour, before we moved to presentations. A Drupal-inspired welcome After a brief intro from Drupal Meetup lead Suchi Garg , Alfred took to the floor to talk about all things Drupal. He started by looking at the origins of Drupal: Drupal was founded by Dries Buytaert in 2001 (when he was at the University of Antwerp) as a comms message board Its turning point was in 2003, when it was adopted by the US Democratic Party   Alfred compared that to current day: “Now, Drupal is the world’s greatest enterprise-grade open source CMS.”  Alfred then spoke about the use of Drupal across many different Australian government jurisdictions before looking at Salsa’s journey with Drupal.

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #378 - Acquia’s Drupal Acceleration Team

Today we are talking about Acquia’s Drupal Acceleration Team with Tim Plunkett.

For show notes visit:

  • What is the Drupal Acceleration Team (DAT)
  • Responsibilities
  • Previous releases
  • Office of the CTO - OCTO
  • How big is the team
  • Direction
  • Priorities for new releases
  • Dries’ involvement
  • Contribution %
  • What are you working on now
  • Something you wish you were working on
  • R&D
  • Planning 2-5 years
  • Getting involved
Resources Guests

Tim Plunkett - @timplunkett


Nic Laflin - @nicxvan John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi Leslie Glynn - @leslieglynn

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Keysave Adds Javascript to allow editors and admins to save an entity or config using command-s or control-s instead of clicking on the submit button.

Jacob Rockowitz: The Value of Having a Profile and Biography.​

In the coming year, to build a rock-solid foundation for enterprise content architecture, I'd like to convince an organization to use the Blueprints module. To help "sell" my ideas and services, I am reworking my profile and website. Drupal is how I make my living. Therefore, my profile is a critical part of my online resume. For anyone like me whose work is directly tied to the Drupal community, there is a lot of value in having a well-thought profile and biography.

The value of having a profile begins with the simple fact that you are now an official member of the Drupal community. If your resume reflects ten years of Drupal experience, your profile confirms it by displaying how long you have been a member of Your account also tracks every interaction you have had on When I say every interaction, I mean every interaction, positive and negative, which reminds us to be professional and considerate on and adhere to Drupal's code of conduct. For example, one of my earliest posts describes my interaction with quicksketch, the previous maintainer of the Webform module. That post may have foreshadowed that I would become the maintainer of the Webform module many years later.

The Drupal Association, with community input, has done a fantastic job of creating and evolving's user profiles to include everything from general biographical...Read More

Peoples Blog: Local environment setup with Lando & Drupal 10

We developers always choose to have some tools or setup, which makes our lives easier during the development process whether it might be a local environment or higher environments. Not only will lives be easier with such a setup, even the productivity of the individual or team will be increased. And today we are gonna see how Lando will help the drupal developer or drupal development much quicker

Nextide Blog: Medical Applications with Drupal

In our blog post about Innovating Healthcare with Drupal, we talked about using Drupal to deliver an application that improves the healthcare experience for palliative care patients.  Our application was a resounding success.  The global COVID-19 pandemic hits and the need to keep people out of the Emergency Rooms to stop the spread of the Coronavirus suddenly becomes urgent.  To move the Drupal application out of tightly controlled pilots to a more widely distributed application requires adherence to HIPAA (USA) and PIPEDA (Canada) guidelines to safeguard patient information.  Unfortunately, the tried and tested Drupal DevOps and hosting environments we’ve become accu