eiriksm.dev: Getting rid of cronner.module

Background: This blog post is part 2 of musings around legacy code on violinist.io. Violinist.io is an automated dependency updater for PHP/Composer. It's a SaaS built on Drupal 8, now running on Drupal 10, in its eigth year. In this second post I am looking at one way to approach legacy code, and how to use static analysis and test driven development to safely refactor and remove legacy code.

Some months ago I wrote about the combined feeling of shame and respect that surrounds legacy code. In an attempt to get rid of the legacy code in what is called cronner.module, I will start from the top of the .module file, and work my way towards removing it completely. From time to time, that can also result in a good blog post, I thought. Here's a blog post about that.

The first lines of the module file is this:

<?php /** * @file * Cronner module. * * Bad name, but what are you going to do, right? */

The code here sounds a bit resigned when it asks about what are you going to do. But in this blog post, what are we going to do? We will start the process of getting rid of all of it, that's what we will do!

The first few lines of actual code are constant definitions. Here's the first one:

define('CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX', 'cronner_state.node.');

So far we can speculate, but it seems to be a prefix. And it's used for storing some state about nodes. Defining constants like this might seem strange if you are a bit new to Drupal, but this way of defining constants was canonical in Drupal 7 and below, but also followed a lot of codebases into the Drupal 8 era. Drupal core as well actually. One such example is the constant FILE_EXISTS_RENAME which lived on until Drupal 9 (deprecated in 8.7.0). Anyway I digress.

What we want then, is to remove this one constant. Let's just try that and see what breaks? Here's the output from phpunit:

There were 19 errors: … Error: Undefined constant "CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX”

The unit tests are failing. 19 of them. Good start, we have decent unit test coverage. Let's see if our integration tests fail?

xxx scenarios (xx passed, 112 failed) xxxx steps (xxxx passed, 49 failed, xxx skipped) xxmxx.xxs (90.59Mb)

112 scenarios failed in our behat test suite. Great indication that we can remove things safely! Lastly let's do some static analysis with PHPStan:

Line web/modules/custom/cronner/cronner.module ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx Constant CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX not found.

As expected, PHPStan also informs me about this change being a problem. Thanks PHPStan! It also indicates that among the scanned files, the constant is only used once. It's used like this:

/** * Gets the state key of a node. */ function _cronner_get_state_key(NodeInterface $node) { return CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX . $node->id(); }

In addition to the comment being very little helpful, this tells me I have just encountered another part of the cronner module to remove. Let's remove this entire function as well since we already know the function must be covered by both unit tests and integration tests. Then let’s go ahead and use a combination of TDD and static analysis (with PHPStan) to make sure our refactoring is successful. I remove the function and re-run PHPStan:

Function _cronner_get_state_key not found. … [ERROR] Found 7 errors

PHPStan is helpfully pointing out all of the 7 places I should start with the refactoring. I look through some of them and see the usages are quite connected to some of the other constants in the beginning of the file:

define('CRONNER_PROJECT_NEW', 'new'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_QUEUED', 'queued'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_RUNNING', 'running'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_PROCESSED', 'processed'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_ERRORED', 'errored'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_UNKNOWN', 'unknown');

My mother always used to say. When you are tidying up your room it’s best to keep going while you are somewhat effective in deciding what to get rid of. If you find some of your old toys and start to play with them, it’s an indication that the tidying session is heading towards an unproductive state. And right now I feel effective and decide right away I am removing those constants as well. I guess that also makes the analogy to me tidying my room as a kid kind of weird, since the opposite would mean these constants were my toys, and I end up playing with them? I mean, I do end up playing with old code from time to time, but constants? No fun playing with.

But looking at these old toys, it also becomes obvious what we use these constants for. Node state could mean all kinds of things, right? This is used to store and update the job status of the projects. Like if they are currently queued, if they are currently running and so on.

So it turns out that while removing this, this actually seems like a good opportunity to clean up some of that code and make it a bit more modern. What I usually do when cleaning up custom code like this is to put as much as possible on drupal.org as open source code. This is the case now as well. So I open an issue to create a project run status service, and start to refactor the custom code and logic surrounding the removals of constants and functions in cronner.module. It can be found here: https://www.drupal.org/project/violinist_projects/issues/3453459.

Now I go ahead and start using this service. It quickly becomes obvious that some of the constants are also used in a map to display a human readable status to the user:

/** * Gets a human readable version of a status constant. * * @param string $status * A status constant. * * @return string * Something more sensible. */ function cronner_get_human_status($status) { $map = [ CRONNER_PROJECT_UNKNOWN => t('Unknown'), CRONNER_PROJECT_ERRORED => t('Errored'), CRONNER_PROJECT_PROCESSED => t('Processed'), CRONNER_PROJECT_RUNNING => t('Running'), CRONNER_PROJECT_NEW => t('New'), CRONNER_PROJECT_QUEUED => t('Queued'), ]; return !empty($map[$status]) ? $map[$status] : $status; }

There’s also methods for getting a state from a node, and setting it. Which I am also removing, and finding usages of in static analysis:

xxx Function cronner_set_state not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols xxx Function _cronner_get_state_key not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols xxx Function cronner_get_human_status not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols

Or in unit tests like so:

ReplaceTokensTest::testClaimJobAndTokenReplaced Error: Call to undefined function cronner_set_state()

Instead of these calls to getting the state, setting the state, and getting the human readable state, I am now using the newly created service. When I started writing this blog post I was very much looking forward to summarizing the numbers of deleted lines and how great that was, but in practice some of the changes are actually adding lines to the module:

- cronner_set_state($node, CRONNER_PROJECT_PROCESSED); + /** @var \Drupal\violinist_projects\ProjectRunStatus $run_status_service */ + $run_status_service = \Drupal::service('violinist_projects.run_status'); + $run_status_service->setRunStatusForProject($node, ProjectRunStatusValue::STATUS_PROCESSED);

Jokes aside. After some successful deletions and refactorings into using a service I am looking at 99 deletions and 55 additions. A net positive result I would say. Unfortunately there is still quite a way to go before I can go ahead and delete the entire folder called “cronner”. But at least I managed to refactor the codebase and delete the first 7 lines of constants in the file.

To celebrate this tiny step towards getting rid of cronner.module I tried to search for cronner on giphy. No hits, at this point. Oh well, here is an animated gif that supposedly illustrates “cronn”


The Drop Times: A Look Back: Highlights from DrupalCamp Asheville 2024

Reflecting on DrupalCamp Asheville 2024, the event featured a vibrant mix of workshops, sessions, and social activities. April Sides, the event organizer, highlighted the emphasis on inclusivity and community building in her conversation with The DropTimes. Attendees enjoyed hands-on learning experiences, an interactive Unconference, and a scenic hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains, making it a memorable event for all. The organizers plan to expand outreach to local educational institutions in future events to grow the Drupal community further.

Tag1 Consulting: Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Migrating content types

This step-by-step series has covered a lot of ground on planning and preparing for a Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 migration. Today, we start putting that knowledge into practice by automatically migrating content types. First, we will execute a migration to pull all content types in Drupal 7. Then, we will customize the migration to remove unnecessary content types. Finally, we will learn how a separate node title label migration also affects content type configuration in Drupal 10.

Read more mauricio Thu, 07/25/2024 - 06:32

Drupal Association blog: FAQs About Drupal 7's End of Life

As Drupal 7's end-of-life (EOL) approaches on 5 January 2025, many users have questions about what this means for their Drupal websites and what steps they need to take. Here, we address the most frequently asked questions to help you navigate this transition.

What does end-of-life mean for Drupal 7?

End-of-life (EOL) means that Drupal 7 will no longer receive security updates, fixes, or official support from the Drupal community after 5 January 2025. This will impact the security, compliance, and functionality of any site that continues to run on Drupal 7.

Why is Drupal 7 being retired?

Drupal 7 will be 14 years old when it reaches the end of life. That's a long time in the software world. Drupal 7 is being retired to allow the Drupal community to focus on newer versions built with a more modern architecture and more advanced capabilitie. This shift ensures that resources are directed towards maintaining and innovating the more modern versions of Drupal, including the Drupal Starshot intiative.

What are the key dates I need to know?

  • 23 February 2022: Announcement of Drupal 7 EOL extension.
  • 1 August 2023: Commencement of reduced support for moderately critical issues, alongside other support changes.
  • 5 January 2025: Official end-of-life date for Drupal 7.

How will security support change?

Once Drupal 7 reaches its EOL, no further security advisories or updates will be provided. If you must remain on Drupal 7, we recommend opting for a commercial vendor who offers extended support. HeroDevs Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support (NES), is the first such offering available. This service is a seamless drop-in replacement for Drupal 7, providing your site with ongoing security updates, compliance support, and compatibility fixes past end-of-life.

What happens to unsupported modules and themes?

Starting 1 August 2023, any unsupported Drupal 7 module or theme will no longer be eligible for new maintenance once it goes unsupported. If a module or theme you rely on becomes unsupported, it’s crucial to proactively adopt or migrate it to a newer version. HeroDevs Drupal 7 NES also provides module support if you choose that route.

What are the PHP version requirements?

From 1 August 2023, Drupal 7 no longer supports PHP versions lower than 5.6. Further increases in the minimum PHP requirement may occur before Drupal 7's EOL.

Are there any specific operating system considerations?

Drupal 7 security fixes for Windows-only issues ceased on 1 August 2023. If your site runs on Windows, migrating to another operating system is recommended.

Will drupal.org continue to package Drupal 7 distributions?

No, as of 1 August  2023, Drupal.org stopped packaging Drupal 7 distributions. Users needing a distribution built must use Drush make locally.

What are my options moving forward?

  1. Migrate to Modern Drupal: Upgrading to Drupal 10 or the upcoming Drupal 11 is strongly recommended to ensure continued security, support, and access to new features. Modern Drupal versions adopt the latest PHP standards and offer enhanced performance and security. In addition, Drupal Starshot is coming at the end of 2024, which bundles Drupal core with cutting-edge features and easier maintenance.
  2. Extended Security Support: The Drupal Association has partnered with HeroDevs to offer Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support (NES). This service provides ongoing security updates, compliance support, and compatibility fixes for Drupal 7 sites, allowing businesses more time to transition.
  3. Stay on Unsupported Drupal 7: Continuing to use Drupal 7 after its EOL is an option but comes with significant risks, including increased vulnerability to security exploits and compliance issues. Over time, support for PHP versions and other dependencies will also wane, making it harder to maintain your site. Other vendors may join the program before end of life.

How can I find migration assistance?

The Drupal Association is certifying migration partners to help Drupal 7 site owners transition. Certified Migration Partners will be promoted on Drupal.org and can provide resources to assist in the migration process.

What should I do if I need help?

For assistance, consider engaging with the Drupal community or Certified Migration Partners. Donating to the Drupal Security Team or sponsoring core maintainers and contributors can also help ensure the continuity and security of Drupal projects.


Organizations must make informed decisions as Drupal 7's EOL approaches to maintain security, compliance, and functionality. Upgrading to Drupal 10, Drupal 11, or leveraging extended support options will position your site for long-term success.

LN Webworks: 10 Best Low-code Platforms for Building Applications in 2024

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The prime objective of any business is to work efficiently with high speed and agility in application development. This helps a company work effectively and allows them to explore an application's extensive features. Low-code works the same way, this platform is becoming more popular due to its greater speed and flexibility in application development. In this information piece, we are going to talk about the best low-code platforms that are making significant changes in the app development world.

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Drupal 11 Preparation Checklist

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Drupal 11 is early! But don’t panic, the new Drupal 10 support model means you are not under pressure to upgrade. Drupal 10 will continue to be supported until mid-late 2026. But as we know, it’s best to be prepared and understand the upgrade process when that time comes for your organization.

Similar to the upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10, the latest version of Drupal 10 - Drupal 10.3.1 - defined all the deprecated code for Drupal 11. Also like previous modern Drupal major version upgrades there is a recommended set of areas to focus in order to get your applications upgraded as cleanly as possible.

Tag1 Consulting: Drupal Workspaces: A Game-changer for Site Wide Content Staging

Join us as Andrei Mateescu demonstrates the Workspaces module's powerful capabilities for enterprise-level Drupal sites. Discover how the module allows preview and management of extensive content changes and integrates with core functionalities like translations and Layout Builder. Although currently labeled experimental, Workspaces is already in use in production environments and will become a stable part of Drupal Core.

Read more michaelemeyers Wed, 07/24/2024 - 07:02