The Drop Times: Community Needs to Do a Better Job at Quickly Reviewing Code: Mike Herchel | FLDC

“A larger issue is the turnaround time to get quality reviews on Developers will get frustrated when they work hard on a patch to Drupal, but their code languishes for months and even years. It can be very demoralizing to anyone,” warns Mike Herchel. He was speaking to TheDropTimes (TDT) ahead of the Florida DrupalCamp 2023.

Sooper Drupal Themes: Announcing our New Growth Subscription Tier for DXPR Builder

At DXPR, we're committed to empowering everyone to create beautiful, responsive websites without needing any technical knowledge or experience. That's why we're excited to announce the launch of our new Growth subscription tier for DXPR Builder, the no-code page builder for Drupal that makes website creation easy and accessible for all.

What is the Growth subscription tier?

Our new Growth subscription tier offers all the features of our Standard subscription tier, but at a lower price point starting at $8 per month. The only difference is that users are limited to creating 30 content items (pages) with our drag-and-drop builder. This makes it an ideal choice for small businesses and individuals who create smaller websites.

Why is this important for the Drupal community?

Drupal is an open-source platform that empowers organizations to build powerful, scalable websites. However, one of the main barriers to entry for Drupal has always been the perception that it requires technical expertise to use. With DXPR Builder, we aim to democratize website content creation and make Drupal accessible to non-technical users.

Our new Growth subscription tier aligns with this mission, and we believe that it will help make Drupal and DXPR more competitive with other platforms like WordPress, which has similarly priced page builders like Elementor. We are confident that our no-code page builder is one of the best available, and we want to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

How does this benefit the Drupal community?

By making it easier for non-technical users to create beautiful, responsive websites with Drupal, we hope to contribute to the growth and success of the Drupal community. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to create a professional website that reflects their brand and values and that the open web is stronger when there are more voices and perspectives represented online.

How can you get started with DXPR Page Builder?

We offer a free tier that limits editing to 10 content items per website and does not include commercial customer support. For those who need more, our paid plans come with commercial customer support to help you get the most out of our products. Whether you're a small business, a freelancer, or an individual, DXPR Builder can help you create professional, responsive web pages quickly and easily.

The open web needs you

At DXPR, we're committed to the open web and to the principles of openness, accessibility, and inclusivity. We believe that the internet is a powerful tool for bringing people together and for sharing ideas and that it's our responsibility to help make the web a better place for everyone.

By creating a no-code page builder for Drupal, we hope to contribute to the growth and success of the Drupal community and to help make the open web a more diverse and inclusive place. We invite you to join us in this mission and to help us build a web that is accessible, responsive, and open to all.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

ImageX: Web Content Personalization: a Glimpse of Digital Experiences with a Personal Touch

Web Content Personalization: a Glimpse of Digital Experiences with a Personal Touch amanda Tue, 02/14/2023 - 20:40

With almost 2 billion websites on the Internet today, it’s no longer enough to have an appealing design and great content. You need to do everything you can to make customers’ experiences on your website more relevant, impressions more positive, and conversions more likely. This is not easily achievable because there is no “average user” — your website’s users are diverse in every way (and that’s great!). Luckily, there is a website strategy that can work wonders for you, and that is called web content personalization. Read on to discover more about creating digital experiences with a personal touch. 


Web content personalization explained


The key idea behind content personalization is that a website’s message needs to be tailored to match the needs, interests, backgrounds, activities, and motivations of individual users. In other words, your website should display the content that is most useful to a given user at a given moment so they are most likely to be interested in your offer and make a positive decision about it. 


Implementing a successful content personalization strategy is like telling each customer “Hi, we know what you need, so we are happy to offer it to you!”. Imagine walking into your favorite bakery where the salesperson is meeting you with your favorite blueberry muffins before you even asked. They are also informing you about their latest offering — chocolate strawberries because they know you like everything chocolate. Finally, they are inviting you to drop by next week so they can give you a little tasty birthday gift.


Similar personalized experiences can be provided on a website with the help of tailored product recommendations, exclusive offers, special CTAs for different visitors, and so on. Personalization enables marketers to craft their message to make it look like it has been personally created for a given visitor. Instead of being overwhelmed with irrelevant options, your visitors see exactly what they expect to see at the moment. 


Content personalization is so common that users expect it from websites. A study by Epsilon shows that 80% of customers are more likely to purchase from companies that use content personalization. According to Forrester, 89% of digital businesses invest in personalization, including famous brands like Sephora, Netflix, and USAA. 


User data in web content personalization


To display the content that best resonates with each user’s expectations, you can rely on various user data signals. Ways to collect these data signals include using various online forms (for registration, subscription, feedback, surveys, quizzes, etc.), wishlists on the website, marketing analytics tools, CRMs, specialized personalization platforms, customer support tickets, website cookies, browser fingerprinting, and more — of course, with respect to all privacy regulations. 


Image removed.The hair product manufacturer Aveda collects customer data via a hair quiz to provide personalized product recommendations.


Any user data might be useful for content personalization, but let’s review some examples of the most commonly used types of data:


  • Geographic location (the country, region, or city from which a user is visiting your website).
  • A wide range of demographic data such as gender, age, ethnicity, family status, education level, employment, industry, job title, income level, hobbies, and more.
  • Technical data such as device type (desktop, mobile, or tablet), browser, operating system, and sometimes even screen resolution.
  • The traffic source from which the user has come to your website:
    • organic traffic
    • direct traffic
    • referrals
    • paid search
    • email marketing
    • social media
  • Funnel stage (awareness, consideration, or decision).
  • The status of an authenticated and non-authenticated user.
  • The status of a new or returning customer.
  • The user’s behavior and interactions with your website, emails, etc.:
    • visited URLs
    • time spent on the website
    • search history
    • clicked CTAs
    • submitted forms
    • previous purchases
    • cart abandonment 


Based on all these types of data, you can split your overall audience into smaller segments or groups that have some characteristics in common, and then show personalized content versions to each of the groups. You can take a step further and create user personas — archetypical users that represent the needs and characteristics of a subgroup of your target audience.


Content personalization with different website elements


To create a message that resonates with visitors on an individual level, it’s possible to personalize a wide array of website elements. You can show dynamically generated variations of permanent website content sections, as well as tailored pop-ups, navigation, and more. All website elements can have different versions of text and visuals, and even the order of the content items is important for personalization. Let’s review some examples of website elements that are often personalized.


Personalized hero section


A hero section, or a large banner placed prominently at the top of your website, can serve multiple purposes such as greeting your customers, describing a specific service or promotion, informing them of news, etc. It may include a heading, a subheading, a few brief sentences of text, a large eye-catching image, and an enticing call-to-action button leading to specific subpages. 


By dynamically displaying personalized hero sections to different visitors, you can cater to their different interests. Imagine, for example, a visitor who is accessing a fashion store from one of its target countries where the current season is summer. They can be shown a hero section with a promotion of trendy sunglasses shipped worldwide. Or, as shown in the image below, the hero section can target people of a specific profession from a specific geographical location.


Image removed.A personalized hero section that targets drivers in Berlin.


Personalized content recommendations


Increase the user’s engagement by matching the recommended blog posts, videos, products, or services to their preferences. The recommendations can be based on a wide range of data such as the content the user has previously viewed, the industry they work in, and so on. 


Engaging content might keep the visitor on the website for a longer time so that they continue to read or view something more. In the image below, recommended services are displayed based on the results of the hair quiz by Aveda that we mentioned earlier in this blog post. 


Image removed.Recommended services based on the user’s answer to the hair quiz.


Personalized pop-ups


Pop-ups on your website can be more engaging and convincing to specific users when personalized. For example, you could display a pop-up offering a discount for new visitors only if they subscribe to your newsletter. Or, if there is an upcoming event in the current visitor’s location, it would be great to inform them about it. Another example is to nudge a user with a discount coupon towards a product or service in a specific category that they have been exploring.


Image removed.A personalized pop-up offering a discount in a specific category.


Personalized navigation


By reordering the items in the navigation menus, you give priority to the categories that your visitors are most interested in. This should help them quickly find what they are looking for instead of getting distracted by too many options. 


For example, if a prospective student has been browsing engineering programs during their last visit to a university website, the navigation menu can show them engineering programs at the top during their subsequent visits.


Personalized social proof


When looking for social proof, what users will appreciate the most is information provided by other customers who have already used the same product, service, or technology, or with whom they share some common characteristics (such as industry, occupation, location, age, country, and so on). 


You can shape your social proof section accordingly. For example, if one of your company’s target subgroups includes finance specialists, it makes sense to display the feedback from customers with this job title first.


Image removed.Personalized social proof displaying the feedback from finance specialists first.


Final thoughts


By unlocking the potential of content personalization, you have a chance to create compelling digital experiences and skyrocket your conversion rate. You can always contact the ImageX team which includes specialists in digital strategy and planning, as well as web development. 


We will be happy to help you understand your audience, create a content personalization strategy, and successfully implement it on your website.

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Salsa Digital Drupal-Related Articles: Melbourne Drupal Meetup — February 2023

Image removed.The main focus for this month's Melbourne Drupal Meetup was a presentation by Suchi Garg and Phillipa Martin .  Phillipa started the presentation by looking at the context behind a recent Rules as Code (RaC) proof of concept. She then moved onto the process of codifying Australia’s COVID vaccination rules. Suchi then took a deep dive into how the Drupal OpenFisca module works with a Drupal webform. She also talked about how the webform sends API calls to OpenFisca, and how based on the responses, the user is redirected to different pages and results are generated and displayed.

Matt Glaman: Debugging your render cacheable metadata in Drupal

One of Drupal's greatest features, and often mysterious underworking to many site builders and developers, are its caching layers especially render caching. We have all been there before: we have no idea why it's not quite working, so we press "Cache rebuild" (or more infamously, "Flush all caches" of the pre-Drupal 8 eras), and like magic, things are displaying properly. Whenever we have to resort to clearing the cache to fix a page, that usually means a render cache item was not properly invalidated when it was supposed to have been. This is caused by missing cacheable metadata. Cacheable metadata is the information Drupal uses to understand when a cache item should be invalidated by its tags or maximum age. It's also used to provide variations of the cache based on context.