LN Webworks: How Can Drupal Make Online Marketing Easy

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Drupal has been the most advanced and preferred online marketing and content management system for years now. Prestigious websites such as NASA, Tesla, Oxford University, Virgin, and General Motors have unleashed the power of Drupal to excel in their respective domains.

Simple content authoring tools, built-in accessibility tools, multilingual functionality, seamless integration with third-party tools and services, cutting-edge security features, and open-source licensing are some Drupal features that have helped it supersede all its competitors. Besides, its top-notch SEO-friendly modules have made multitudinous websites earn first-page rankings on search engines. This has brought significant increments in their customer reach, acquisition, and retention. Their revenue has also escalated manifolds. Isn’t it fascinating?

mandclu: A Major Step Forward for Smart Date

A Major Step Forward for Smart Date Image removed.mandclu Tue, 05/02/2023 - 06:10 The planning for a 4.0 release of Smart Date began towards the end of 2021, but there were still lots of opportunities to fix bugs and add features without going to a major release. In the end, the need for a major release was triggered by Drupal 10, though in actuality by its updated PHP dependency, to use a minimum version of 8.1.Smart Date had made some methods available to be used statically, that is, for the method to be used without instantiating a full object. This was a useful way to make capabilities available broadly, and drew inspiration from Drupal core static methods like Entity::create() or Url::fromRoute(). Newer versions of PHP, and in particular 8.1, are much more stringent about mixing static and non-static code. Calling non-static methods within a static one can generateMore

LN Webworks: List of United Nations and World Bank Websites Using Drupal

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Did you know that out of the 117 domains of the UN and World Bank organizations, 78 rely on Drupal? Seems fascinating, doesn’t it? With its ingenious features, Drupal validated its worth and earned the trust of a majority of the prestigious organizations in the world. It established itself as the leading content management system long ago and continues to maintain its stature even today. If you are getting inclined towards Drupal Web Services too, you might wish to analyze the websites it already supports to make an informed decision.

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #397 - Semantic Versioning

Today we are talking about Semantic Versioning with Mike Miles.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/397

  • What is Semantic Versioning
  • Why is it important
  • How does Drupal 8 map to Semantic Versioning
    • 8.x
  • What about betas, alphas, rcs
  • How does it help dev teams stay organized
  • When did you start thinking about Semantic Versioning
  • Talk at NERD Summit
  • Benefits of Semantic Versioning
  • Other than the basics, how does your team use Semantic Versioning
  • How do you move existing projects over to Semantic Versioning
  • If someone wants to start using Semantic Versioning where should they look
Resources Guests

Mike Miles - mike-miles.com @mikemiles86


Nic Laflin - www.nLighteneddevelopment.com @nicxvan John Picozzi - www.epam.com @johnpicozzi Jordan Graham - @jordanlgraham

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Same Page Preview Shows your content authors what their content will look like, while they’re creating it.

The Drop Times: Plato on Missing Our Bus

Let’s call her Jane. My friend Jane was to leave on a '4:00 pm' bus. She was traveling to another state for work and wanted to have one last visit to a friend who lived 2 minutes away. Given the proximity, 2’O clock in the afternoon seemed ideal for a visit, and leaving at 3:15 would give her sufficient time to get to the bus station. And so she did.

She got to the station but then found herself arguing with the bus driver on the Phone because she missed the bus. Jane was LATE. After that embarrassing argument, she confirmed the timing to realize that; She WAS LATE.

The bus had left at 3:30 pm and was waiting at the next stop, 30 minutes away. So they drove, not hoping for traffic which, of course, was inevitable.

Cause implies Effect. If I wake up late, then I eat breakfast late. If I eat my breakfast late, I will miss the bus, and if I miss the bus, I will reach school late. The equation goes something like this;

C ⇒ E ⇒ C ⇒ E ⇒ C

It was probably Plato who first stated the principle of causality

“every­thing that becomes or changes must do so owing to some cause; for nothing can come to be without a cause” (Timaeus 28a)

Aristotle then had 4 types of explanations for the theory of causation. Many others, like Immanuel Kant, followed up on or added to the theory of causality.

Long story short, if I started writing down this newsletter much later, it wouldn’t write itself, and I would be slightly panicked as my lateness would lead to a series of delays.

Or simply C ⇒ E

Wake up late (C) ⇒ Reach school late (E)

Similarly, in the Case of Jane, She missed her bus because she misread the timings?!

Miraculously, Jane made it to the bus and sent me a detailed voice message of all the running around she did. It was probably because of another one of Aristotle’s theories of causality, the definite works of “The Uncaused Cause.”

So, I will let my efforts pay off and list a few selected stories TDT covered over the past week. Mind that, I have prepared this on Friday and it will be despatched on Monday. 

Our major story for the week was an interview with Matt Glaman, ‘The Boy Who Built His Website, at 11. In it, he speaks about the importance of documentation and what consists of documentation. The interview was held as part of MidCamp 2023. 

We have an interview with Kalaiselvan Swamy, a speaker at Midcamp 2023. The interview is titled ‘Assess Current Needs and Take Websites to the Next Level.

Gitlab’s 7-Day Online Hackathon took place, and ticket sales opened for DrupalCamp Asheville. DrupalCamp Poland has called for Birds of a Feather sessions as well as DrupalCon Lille had their Last Call to Submit Sessions.

We also picked a few blogs to narrow down your search for Drupal knowledge

Why Drupal Is the Best for a Mobile Friendly Website, Is Drupal the Best Choice for Non-Profits, Key Benefits of Using Open Source Software, 7 Points Why Drupal Is the Best for Healthcare Institutions, and lastly, Zyxware Lists Down 4 Must-Have Drupal Modules.

That's for the week. 
Alethia Rose Braganza
Sub-Editor, TheDropTimes

Drupal Association blog: $70,000 in Investment Dollars Already Committed to Pitch-Burgh!

The Drupal Association and key partners have committed to investing $70,000 into projects selected for investment as part of the DrupalCon Pitch-burgh contest!

DrupalCon Pitch-burgh is an innovation contest loosely inspired by Shark Tank. Members of the Drupal Community are invited to submit a short video pitching an innovative idea with a request for funding. A panel of judges will select the winners, and Dries will present the top ideas during his keynote at DrupalCon Pittsburgh! Learn more and submit your ideas.

The Drupal Association will be investing $30,000, and to date, seven Drupal Certified Partners have committed $40,000 in matching investment. This funding will make an incredible impact in moving the winning pitches forward!

Additional investors are welcome - we will be accepting investment commitments right up to DrupalCon Pittsburgh.  Please contact Kelly Delaney (kelly@association.drupal.org) if you’re interested in investing.     

The current investors are:

  • Drupal Association 
  • Acquia 
  • Palantir.net
  • Digital Polygon 
  • Zoocha 
  • Skilld 
  • ImageX 

Thank you to our Certified Partners for their investment in Drupal’s future. We cannot wait to see what the Drupal community comes up with for Pitch–burgh!

Got an idea you want to pitch?  Check out this page for all of the information you’ll need. We can’t wait to see all of the pitches!

LN Webworks: Upgrading Modules on Your Drupal Site: Key Considerations and Practices for Optimal Results

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As a website owner/admin, you may be tempted to put off Drupal module upgrades for your website. And as a provider of Drupal Support and Maintenance Services, we understand you. Who has the time to keep up with the latest modules and updates when everything seems to be running smoothly anyway? This may be a hard pill to swallow–failing to upgrade your modules can lead to severe consequences, such as security vulnerabilities, outdated functionality, and poor performance

The article will teach you why it's important to upgrade modules regularly and give you some best practices to keep your Drupal website secure, reliable, and high-performing.