Drupal Core News: Coding standards proposals for final discussion on 16 August

The Technical Working Group (TWG) is announcing two coding standards changes for final discussion. Feedback will be reviewed at the meeting scheduled for 16 August.

Issues for discussion

The Coding Standards project page outlines the process for changing Drupal coding standards.

Join the team working on Coding Standards

Join #coding-standards in Drupal Slack to meet and work with others on improving the Drupal coding standards. We work on improving our standards as well as implementing them in the core software.

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #409 - Data Lakes

Today we are talking about Data Lakes with Melissa Bent & April Sides.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/409

  • What is a data lake
  • Does it have to be NoSQL
  • How do organizations use data lake
  • How does RedHat use the data lake
  • How do you maintain it
  • How do you make changes to the data lake
  • Who manages Mongo
  • How big does it have to be to be considered a data lake
  • Why not Solr
  • What Drupal modules
  • Communication of changes
  • Gotchas?
Resources Guests

Melissa Bent - linkedin.com/in/melissabent merauluka April Sides - weekbeforenext


Nic Laflin - www.nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi - www.epam.com johnpicozzi Tim Plunkett - timplunkett

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Tagify

  • Brief description:
    • Provides an entity reference widget that’s more user friendly: visually styles as tags (without showing the reference ID), drag to sort, and more
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Mar 2023
  • Versions available:
    • 1.0.19, which works wth Drupal >8.8, 9, and 10
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, latest release in the past week
  • Number of open issues:
    • 4, one of which is a bug
  • Usage stats:
    • 177 sites
  • Maintainer(s):
    • gxleano (David Galeano), who I got to meet in person at Drupal Dev Days
  • Module features and usage
    • Tagify is a popular JS library, so this module is a Drupal integration for that
    • Features in the module include deactivating labels when the field’s max number of entries has been reached, allowing the creation of new tags when the field has been configured to allow that, and so on
    • Will automatically disallow duplicate tags
    • Includes a User List submodule specifically for user reference fields, which also shows the user’s profile pic in the tag
    • Project page has animated GIFs that demonstrate how many of these features work
    • A module I started using on my own blog, nice and simple UX. I could see the drag to sort be really useful, for example if you wanted the first term reference to be used in a pathauto pattern

The Drop Times: Igniting the Spark: The Latest from the Drupal Community

"The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." — Charles Kingsleigh

Dear Drupal Enthusiasts,

In the heart of the thriving Drupal community lies a force that propels us forward—Motivation. It ignites our actions and keeps us dedicated to achieving our goals. As developers, designers, content creators, and contributors, we understand the profound impact motivation has on our success.

Our community is a constant source of inspiration. We witness fellow members' unwavering passion and determination daily, pushing us to explore new possibilities and celebrate our collective triumphs. In moments of challenge, the Drupal community provides support, fostering an environment of encouragement and growth.

With Drupal's empowering framework, our dreams take flight. It enables us to build innovative websites and applications, redefining digital experiences. As we navigate our paths, let's embrace the responsibility of inspiring others and ourselves. Together, we can create a ripple effect that spreads motivation and drives innovation across the Drupal community.

Remember Charles Kingsleigh's timeless words, "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." Let us believe in ourselves and the immense power of motivation to shape our future.

As we continue to journey together, let's dive into The Drop Times news stories from the last week:

Read my interview with Bakul Ahluwalia, an organizer of DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023. Bakul shares insights into his responsibilities and initiatives within the Drupal community.

FOSS CMS Projects issued an Open Letter to the EU on the Proposed Cyber Resilience Act.

Read our story about Dries Buytaert unveiling the updated vision for Drupal 11. Discover the community response to Pantheon's DrupalCon Round Table.

Wilhelm Laubach is offering a Drupal course through Udemy: "Drupal Demystified: An Introductory Guide for Beginners," which boasts 22 lectures condensed into a concise 3.5-hour curriculum and provides a well-structured and easily digestible learning experience. 

Hashbang Code has published a blog by Philip Norton on Implementing Custom Notifications in Drupal. Read about computed fields in Drupal from a Medium blog by Kushal Bansal. Unleash new features, seamless navigation, and top-notch security with "The Ultimate Guide to Drupal 10" by Xequals. Drupal Association has started a video series on Beyond The Build: Drupal Impact. Those who love tutorials could visit Specbee's blog post on showcasing content with Drupal Views. Check out Simplifying Frontend Control with Lupus Decoupled Drupal. Twel tells us that Ivy League university websites built on a Drupal 7 distribution named OpenScholar are now being migrated to Drupal 10 with Layout Paragraphs Builder.

Read about Pantheon's Webinar: Decoupled Front-Ends vs. Drupal 7 Migrations for HigherEd Sites. DrupalCon Lille Early Bird Price for registration is ending today. Registration is now open for Twin Cities DrupalCamp 2023. EvolveDrupal Toronto will happen on September 08. Prasad Shivgaonkar will deliver the keynote address at DrupalCamp Pune. Josef Kruckenberg has shared some photos from Drupal Developer Days 2023, Vienna.

That's all from the past week. Thank you.

Stay motivated, Drupalers!

Kazima Abbas
Sub Editor, TheDropTimes

The Drop Times: Exploring the Path of a Drupal Maven: Insights from Bakul Ahluwalia

Join us for an exclusive interview with Bakul Ahluwalia, a Software Development Manager at Adcetera, and a passionate Drupal expert with four Acquia certifications under his belt. As an organizer of DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023, Bakul shares insights into his responsibilities and initiatives within the Drupal community.

Lemberg Solutions: Top 10 Drupal Development Companies to Work With

Need to build a web solution on Drupal but don't know which vendor to choose to help you with your project? We prepared a list of the best Drupal development companies that proved their expertise for numerous satisfied clients. The Drupal CMS is an effective open-source solution that allows you to create complex websites with an appealing design. The best Drupal developers can help you reach the milestones that give you an edge in the competitive market.

Specbee: Drupal Paragraphs Module in Drupal 9 - A Complete Tutorial

Paragraphs is a new way of content creation. It allows the site builders to make things cleaner and can give more editing power to the end-users.“Drupal Paragraphs” is a very popular module in Drupal, used for handling content. It is similar to content fields and provides a wide range of options for designs, layout, and grouping of content as per the requirements. Types of Drupal Paragraphs & Its Usage? Drupal Paragraphs can be of different types. They can be anything from an image to a video, or a simple text to a configurable slideshow. Instead of putting all the data in one body field, we can create multiple Paragraphs Types with different structures. This allows the end user to choose between pre-defined Paragraphs Types. By using Drupal Paragraphs, we can create multiple featured Paragraphs, allowing the end users to pick the one most suitable for their needs. The Drupal Paragraphs module is easily manageable for non-technical users, while also offering Drupal developers the ability to control the appearance of the elements at the theme level. How to use the Paragraphs module in Drupal 9 1. Install and Enable Drupal Paragraphs module You can find the information about the module and the current version of the module in the paragraph Drupal page.Run this command to install the paragraph module via composer:composer require drupal/paragraphs After installing the module. Got to extend and enable the paragraph module. The Paragraph module has a dependency on the Entity reference revisions module. We have to enable the Entity reference revisions module along with the paragraph module. We have submodules under paragraphs that can be enabled as per the requirement. Paragraphs demo, Paragraphs library, Paragraphs report, and Paragraphs type permissions. The description will give you a brief of the use case of the module. 2. Create a Paragraphs Type To add a paragraph type go to Structure > Paragraph types (/admin/structure/paragraphs_type) and click on Add paragraph types. Fill in the fields required to create a paragraph type. Here Label field is a required field, and icons, and descriptions are optional fields. We can change the machine name of the paragraph type by clicking on the edit button. After filling in the fields click on Save and manage fields. 3. Add fields to the paragraph type Adding fields in a paragraph type is the same as adding fields in a content type.Clicking on Save and manage fields will take you to the manage fields tab. In manage fields click on Add field. Here we can create a new field or reuse the existing field. Select the type of the field, add a label, and change the field settings as per requirement. This is the same as how we add the fields in the content type. We can add any number of fields as per requirement. After adding the field we can see the list of fields added in the manage display form. We can change the order and the configurations of the field in the form display in the manage form display tab. To change the order of the field click and drag the fields and to change the configuration click on the settings icon on the right end of the respective field. On displaying the paragraph, we have the option to change the order and the format of the field value in the manage display tab. To change the order of the field click and drag the fields, to change the format click on the dropdown under the format and change the format as required for the respective field. We can align the label of the field and also make it hidden from the display. We have these options under Label. We can translate the paragraph type if the site is multilingual in the Translate paragraphs type tab and clone the paragraph type from the clone tab where we have to give a new label for the cloned paragraph. 4. Add paragraphs to the content type To add paragraphs to a content type we have to create a field of type entity reference revision which helps to refer paragraph types in the content type. To add the field go to Structure > Content types. Click on the manage fields of the content type to which paragraph type should be added. Click on Add fields. Select the paragraph under Reference Revisions and add a name for the field.   Click on Save and continue. Here we have the option to set the limit for the field. If we want to add only one set of values for the paragraph change the Allowed number of values to limited and select the number that appears after selecting the limited option. After selecting the limit click on save field settings. Clicking on save field settings will take us to a page where we can select the paragraph type that needs to be added to the content type selected. All the paragraph types created will be listed under Paragraph types. Here we have 2 options, select the paragraph types and select the option exclude the selected below, this will enable the paragraph types which are not selected. The other one is to Include the selected below which will enable the paragraph types which are selected in the list. After selecting the paragraph types click on save settings in the end. There are different field widgets available for the entity reference revisions field which can be selected in the manage form display of the content type to which the field is added. 5. Add content to the paragraphs To add the content go to Content > Add content. Select the content type to which the paragraph is added. We will see the paragraph type added with all the fields added to the paragraph. To add multiple paragraphs click on add button with the paragraph name (Add Blog in the above screenshot) which will add a new paragraph of the same type. To remove the paragraph, click on the 3 dot option button next to the collapse and click on remove. And to duplicate the paragraph click on the duplicate. Save the node after adding content to the paragraph. Features of Drupal 9 Paragraphs module Allows the editor to create different structures on each page.If there are different structures on the same page or different pages, Drupal paragraphs can be used. For ex. There is an image with text on the top and slideshow on the bottom. We can use Drupal Paragraphs to make this less complicated. Allows the editor to change the order of the paragraphs.If there is a change in display, like there is an image on the top followed by title and description, and you want to change it to title to the top followed by image and description. Such changes can be done using Drupal paragraphs easily. Go to “manage display” of the paragraphs used and change the order, which will change the display order of all the content wherever the paragraph is used. Paragraphs can be nestedOne Drupal paragraph field can be referred to in another paragraph field. While selecting field to paragraphs, select “Paragraph” under “Reference revisions” and select which drupal paragraphs type you want to add. Final Thoughts The Drupal paragraph module is a very popular module which is used in most of the websites created using Drupal. By using paragraphs, end users are asked only to add content as per their requirement and the developers can write the stylings using CSS for displaying the content. The styling and settings are done before adding the content. This makes the content creation easier for both the technical and non-technical users, allowing the content to appear in a consistent manner.  If you are looking to develop a custom module for Drupal or any other Drupal development services, contact us.

qtatech.com blog: Mastering Multisite Development with Drupal 10

Mastering Multisite Development with Drupal 10 kanapatrick Mon, 07/31/2023 - 09:21

If you find yourself seeking to establish and oversee multiple websites with Drupal 10, your search ends here! Our all-encompassing guide is meticulously crafted to lead you through the intricate process of harnessing Drupal 10's true capabilities in crafting and efficiently managing multisite environments.

Image removed.

Ryan Szrama: Innovating within Drupal’s Core Competency

The dominant theme of DrupalCon Pittsburgh was innovation. It featured heavily in our Drupal Association Board retreat as we considered how the non-profit might better support and contribute to continuous innovation in Drupal. Project lead Dries Buytaert discussed the topic at length in his keynote presentation, which ended with the audience selection of proposals that would receive “Pitch-Burgh” innovation grants. It echoed in myriad discussions that generated buzz around initiatives like Single Directory Components that makes theming Drupal easier.

Read more

Peoples Blog: API Docs, Drupal contributed module for your Developer Portal

This module will provide API Docs to your Developer Portal, It is powered by Drupal content type, custom field formatters & views. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you to download, enable, configure and use the module for your developer portal. Download & Enable the Module: Visit the Drupal.org website and navigate to the API Docs module's page that you want to download, her