LN Webworks: Drupal: The Unmatchable Tool for No-Code Development

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Currently, the world is gravitating toward no-code development solutions. Lesser development time, negligible requirement of coding knowledge, cost-effectiveness, enhanced productivity, ease of use, enormous scalability, and incredible customization possibilities are some factors responsible for the massive adoption of these no-code tools. As a cutting-edge content management system (CMS), Drupal has always centered itself around no-code/low-code development

It has made itself available to support anyone from a non-technical background who aspires to create fabulous websites and apps. In this blog, we’ll discuss why availing Drupal development services is the best option for no-code development despite the availability of a plethora of other platforms.

Drupal Association blog: Board Election 2023 Candidate: Brad Jones

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Who are you? (biography/background

Brad Jones is a 14+ year member of the Drupal community and a regular contributor to both core and contrib codebases and initiatives. Professionally, he is founder/CTO at Not Vanilla, Inc., a dating-industry startup with a Drupal and open-source technology stack. He has previously worked in state and local politics, investigative journalism, technology consulting, and served as CTO at a Drupal web development agency. A full-time digital nomad living primarily in his RV throughout the mountain American west, he also serves as a part-time paramedic in a rural Colorado county every summer.

Drupal.org profile: bradjones1

Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

Drupal was recently recognized as a “digital public good,” and this distinction sums up well the important place Drupal has carved out in both the open-source ecosystem as well as the core global tech infrastructure. As Drupal matures from scrappy roots to a longer-term legacy, so should its caretaker organization. The Drupal Association has grown also, from early conference sponsor to infrastructure caretaker to policy advocate. As the association grows and matures – especially with a new CEO - it is important for its board to carefully craft and guide its strategic vision with care. I believe the Drupal Association can serve as a model for open-source project governance and longevity, but we must stay vigilant to balancing many competing pressures (both internal and external) on its mission.

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

My experience as the chairman of the supervisory (audit) committee at a nonprofit $2bn credit union, as well as an agency executive and now startup founder provides me a unique perspective on nonprofit governance and cooperation with corporate partners and individual contributors.

As a board member, I pledge to be open and accessible to stakeholders as we take on important issues of the association’s mission, vision and program execution. While our visions and beliefs may not always overlap, it is important for a strong diversity of ideas to flourish in boardroom discussions with the shared goal of building a stronger and more effective organization. Building on the strong work of the DA to date, I believe the Drupal project’s best days are still before us.

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Drupal Association blog: Board Election 2023 Candidate: John Doyle

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Who are you? (biography/background)

My name is John Doyle (_doyle_) and I run my life, and my career following 3 core principles: #OwnIt , #GiveBack and #BuildItBetter. I am passionate about open-source technologies and believe in the future of open platforms. My career, community, and company is focused heavily around Drupal and I am passionate about continuing to see the technology, the community, and the platform evolve and thrive. 

Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

I am running for a board seat at the Drupal Association because I believe that Drupal has a future in the industry and I have a passion for making sure this belief becomes a reality. Drupal has enormous power as a content management system and an amazing community of people working on it. 

I’ve built my campaign around the following pillars:

  1. The future of the open web depends on projects like Drupal to continue to innovate, thrive, and evolve. The open web is a decentralized and democratic platform that allows anyone to create and share content, and I believe it is essential for freedom of expression, innovation, and economic opportunity. Drupal is a powerful and flexible content management system that can be used to build anything from simple websites to complex applications. But more importantly, it’s an open source platform, which means that anyone can contribute to its development. This makes Drupal uniquely positioned to lead the way in the development of the open web, and I’m committed to helping ensure it continues to play a key role in the future of the open internet.
  2. Building the Drupal community will mean supporting and getting support from thousands of volunteers from all over the world who contribute to the platform in a variety of ways – such as writing code, organizing events, and sharing best practices. This is what gives Drupal its power. Drupal is built by and for the community, and it's the community that drives innovation and adoption of cutting-edge web development strategies. I'm committed to working with the Drupal Association to ensure that the Drupal platform continues to be the best it can be, and a large part of that effort will involve supporting and growing this community.
  3. Drupal needs to continue to to expand its global reach. Drupal is a global project, but much of the focus and decisions that drive the platform have to date mostly come from North America and Europe. I'm committed to working with the community to expand Drupal's reach to other regions like South America and India to more actively bring the perspectives and ideas and talent of these communities into the conversation. This will help to ensure that Drupal remains competitive and relevant in the years to come.

This is an opportunity to give back to a community that has given so much to me. I am excited to get more involved with the Drupal Association and extend my contributions to the community. 

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

I run a successful development agency focused on building open-source applications for organizations large and small. I have been active in the Drupal community for over 12 years and have experience with a wide range of roles in the community including developer, architecture, technology buyer, speaker, module developer and business leader. This experience combined with the wide range of Drupal consulting engagements gives me a unique ability to understand the needs of various user personas leveraging Drupal today and the needs of tomorrow. 

As an active member of the board, I will use my experience, energy and passion for Drupal to help the project and the community thrive.

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Drupal Association blog: Board Election 2023 Candidate: Matthew Saunders

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A visionary technologist and a Drupal evangelist, Saunders has journeyed from a curious developer to a recognized authority in the Drupal community is a testament to his passion, dedication, and innovation.

Early Years and Passion for Technology:

Born in Canada, J. Matthew Saunders demonstrated an early affinity for technology. Growing up in an environment permeated with innovation, he was drawn to computers and programming from an early age. His insatiable curiosity and determination set the stage for a remarkable career in the tech world.

Discovery of Drupal:

Saunders' path took a significant turn when he discovered Drupal, an open-source content management system, in 2006. He attended his first Drupalcon in 2007 and has been to 25 since then.  Enchanted by its flexibility and extensibility, he saw Drupal not just as a tool for building websites but as a canvas for creating digital experiences. He immersed himself in the Drupal community, engaging in forums, attending meetups, and contributing to the platform's development. His expertise quickly grew, and he began to share his insights through blog posts, tutorials, and talks at tech conferences.

Advocacy and Thought Leadership:

Recognizing the transformative potential of Drupal, Saunders became a fervent advocate for the platform. He championed its virtues as a scalable, modular, and customizable solution for businesses of all sizes. Through his engaging talks and writings, he demystified complex Drupal concepts, making them accessible to developers and businesses alike. His ability to articulate the value of Drupal played a crucial role in expanding its user base and solidifying its reputation in the CMS landscape. 

Most recently he has been advocating for neurodiverse members of the technology community, using his own lived experience with Autism, ADD, and Dyslexia. He spoke on this at both Drupalcon Amsterdam https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DwsHz_SxHbk and Drupalcon Portland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfOYhIXSY3Q. This led to a first series of short videos as well: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4yyIZyjK4ZmJstSzU-wMPqFHlRV0faaH 

Contributions to the Drupal Ecosystem:

Saunders' contributions to the Drupal ecosystem are nothing short of monumental. 

  • He was a founder of Drupalcamp Colorado - the longest continuously running camp - in 2007. Since then, he has led the professionalization of the camp and shepherded it to becoming a full-blown educational nonprofit in the US where he currently sits as its chair.
  • He was on the founding committee for the Event Organizers’ Working Group and has sat on the committee since its inception in January 2019.
  • He has spoken at 9 Drupalcons, numerous camps, and has been interviewed by Drupalize Me, Talking Drupal, and by the Drop Times
  • He sat on the Drupal Association Board of Directors from Nov 2013 - March 2016, responsible for increasing the term for At Large Directors from one year to two years
  • He is an Admin for the Drupal Facebook Page
  • He was the Customer Service Manage and Volunteer Wrangler for Drupalcon Denver
  • He is a trained Code of Conduct Contact

Current Role:

Saunders’ currently works for Pfizer as a Director for Health Care Providers’ Experience and leads the backend team using Drupal and a service layer. He is an organizer of Drupalcamp Colorado. He sits on the Event Organizers’ Working Group. He is Chairperson for Drupal Colorado. You can see his LinkedIn Profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmsaunders/ 

Legacy and Future:

As a trailblazer in the Drupal community, J. Matthew Saunders' legacy continues to evolve. His advocacy for open-source principles and his dedication to empowering businesses through Drupal have left an indelible mark on the web development industry. Looking ahead, his influence will undoubtedly shape the future of web development methodologies and technologies, inspiring new generations of developers to build upon his foundation. He believes his value can be used well on the Drupal Association Board once again.

Why Should You Vote For Matthew?

Matthew can leverage his experience from working in nonprofits, with nonprofits, and leading nonprofits to help provide excellent governance within the Drupal Association. He has decades of experience in Canada and the US. He can also bring his experience working with all kinds of Drupal-related organizations ranging from small agencies to international corporations. He has experience working as a Board Member on multiple US based nonprofits including a term with the Association.

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Drupal Association blog: Board Election 2023 Candidate: Esaya Jokonya

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Who are you? (biography/background)

I started my career in technology in 2005 and since then I have dedicated myself to staying up to date on the latest information technology industry trends. Throughout my career, I have developed a keen interest in open source technologies, particularly Drupal and WordPress.

Throughout the years, I’ve leveraged my expertise in technology, design, and development to lead projects and configure custom solutions that solve challenging problems. I have managed hundreds of successful projects for clients ranging from small businesses.

I believe strongly in the power of collaboration and sharing. This is why I am heavily involved in the open-source community, leading development teams and contributing to projects.

My goal is to use my expertise and knowledge to help organizations become more successful, productive, and secure.

I strongly believe in creating an inclusive and equitable organizational culture where diversity, respect, and collaboration are celebrated. Everyone should have a seat at the table and a voice that is heard regardless of race, gender, age, religion, socioeconomic status, educational background, or any other attribute. In addition, I believe strongly in the importance of taking a stand against discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice. It is absolutely essential that we create a supportive and respectful environment in all facets of corporate and organizational life.

Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

I am running for a board seat at the Drupal Association because I am passionate about advocating for diversity, inclusion, and equity in the realm of open source technology. As a member of a traditionally underrepresented group, I recognize the importance of speaking up and representing different demographics, backgrounds, and perspectives in all aspects of open source building. I believe that software should be crafted with a human touch, especially in terms of considering the full range of voices and life experiences users bring to their engagement with Drupal. I am keen to leverage my experience in the industry, working with organizations of various sizes, to foster equal opportunities for all and create a more diverse and equitable community. My presence on the board will be a testament to the value of the input of those who were traditionally overlooked in the past.

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

I am a dedicated professional committed to the success of the Drupal Association and the Drupal project. My experience in technology, software, hardware, telecommunications, public speaking and cloud computing gives me a broad understanding of the complex matters that the Drupal Association faces on a daily basis.

My commitment to the success of the Drupal Association and the Drupal Project is unwavering and my dedication to the work of the board is unparalleled. I understand the rights of all members and will be an active and respected member of the board. In addition, I have excellent communication and leadership skills to assist the board in making decisions and delegate the appropriate tasks and processes.

I am confident I can provide valuable insight and advice to the board, helping to ensure that the Drupal Association is successful in meeting its goals. I believe I would be an excellent choice for the board seat and I encourage all members to consider my candidacy when voting.

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Drupal Association blog: Board Election 2023 Candidate: Fei Lauren

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Who are you? (biography/background)

Since 2012 I have worked in technical roles including Front-End Developer, Tech Lead, and Dev Manager. I fell into Drupal because the possibilities felt endless, the community so capable and inspired. There was always more to learn and even early on, opportunities to give back. 2022 brought a career change for me and I am now a Scrum Master who focuses heavily on Continuous Process Improvement. The title may be different but ultimately, it's just the next step in a long journey through the world of Drupal.  

When I am not working or volunteering, I love dismantling electronics and tinkering with Arduinos. One of my more interesting projects involved a mind-controlled RGB LED using tech from a children’s toy. My hope is to continue establishing myself in the community, but to also make time to work on personal projects like this on a more regular basis. 

Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

After a decade of working with Drupal, it was time for a change. The importance and value I place on community contribution and participation was a major factor in this decision. I wanted to find opportunities that were more aligned with both my personal values and those of the Drupal community.
In 2021, I signed up to volunteer for DrupalCon Portland helping with setup and Trivia Night. I spoke to nearly every single booth, went to BOFs, and met with initiative leads. By the time DrupalCon Pittsburgh rolled around this year, I had stepped into a role training as a Drupal Diversity and Inclusion lead, found a job that supports volunteer work and community contribution, worked with the EOWG writing a couple of interview articles about hybrid event organization, and helped organize DDI Camp 2022. For DrupalCon itself, I presented a session on neurodiversity, had the honor of participating in the Session Review Committee, and excitingly, was invited back as a Trivia Night Coordinator. 

I wasn’t intending to take on anything more, but in the weeks leading up to DrupalCon, a painful rift emerged in our community that started with a LinkedIn post. As challenging as this topic has been, in some ways for me it has also provided a valuable gift of experience and knowledge. I did not show up in Pittsburgh feeling prepared to support the community as a DDI Lead, but over the course of the convention I had the opportunity to experience how deeply important and valuable this work is in a way I had not felt before. I decided to step into a more visible leadership role. It was the right decision and I am so glad I did.
Since then, I have continued to slowly build momentum in the community by promoting our Slack channel, connecting with other community contributors, and hosting video calls. This is just the beginning, I have so much more I would like to accomplish that feels very much in the realm of achievable. Even a very small change can sometimes have an important impact. I believe that there are times when we need to express our frustration or hurt and to feel seen. There are also times when we need to unify our voices and focus on healthy, achievable, positive change. The latter is where I have been very intentionally directing conversation because I do believe that this is what many parts of the community need right now. There will always be challenges and conflict, but strength and unity is how we endure and move forward. 

I will continue forging strong relationships and building the DDI space no matter what, but my motivation for self-nominating is two-fold. First, to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges that exist in the broader community. To effectively advocate for change, one must understand where the needs of different groups align. Second, to help amplify the voices of marginalized populations that may lack representation so that we can strive to make informed and thoughtful decisions during strategic planning. 

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

I am passionate about my values, which largely center around lifting up the people around me. As I write these words, I talk about people, empathy, and passion as if this comes naturally. The truth is that I am naturally a technical and analytical thinker who has worked very hard over the years to learn about people. This has become one of the greatest assets in my current work and may be my most powerful qualification for this role. Aside from this, some items from my CV include:

Technical achievements
- Tech lead and developer for Nestle for 2+ years
- Front End Dev Management experience, FE practice area leadership
- Agile Scrum & Iterative Process Improvement
- Post secondary: Comp Sci (Drupal-focused) and Graphic Design
- Curriculum development for an accredited training institution (still taught in Vancouver BC)

Community contributions 
- DrupalCon speaking & volunteering 
- Upcoming Oct 2023 JiraCon speaker
- EOWG author/contributor 
- Community-driven initiative leadership (Drupal Diversity & Inclusion)
- DDI Camp visual design and event organization 

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Drupal Association blog: Board Election 2023 Candidate: Stephen Mustgrave

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Who are you? (biography/background)


Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

Been working with Drupal for almost 10 years now but just got involved in the last year with the community and have loved it!  Started in bugsmash, helped start needs-review-queue-initative and would like to see how I can continue to give back!

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

  • Been heavily involved over the last year
  • Active on slack and trying to answer community threads
  • Tapping into community frustrations and helping resolve those.  Think this would be an opportunity to only continue that fantastic work forward!
  • Possibly help to start new initiatives to help push Drupal even further.
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