The Drop Times: This Must Be the Place

December is here. In my part of the world, the most livable months are December to February. There will be a drop from the sun's scorching heat to the cooling embrace of misty mornings. We don't have snow. The only heavy snowfall that most of us see will be either in cinemas or in literature.

I have wished for such lovely mornings to last forever. But seasons change. People change. People and their technology contribute to large-scale climate change. Let us make a concerted effort to bring down ICT greenhouse gas emissions, taking a cue from Janne Kalliola's session in DrupalCon Lille, and pave the way for a better tomorrow. 

As the year ends, many people have started taking stocks of their past year in retrospect. So do companies. In mid-October, during DrupalCon Lille, we witnessed Dries taking stock of the state of Drupal in his presentation. He placed Drupal against competing CMS offerings and evaluated their strengths and weaknesses. He explained the new marketing initiative and the Drupal Association's decision to partly sponsor the Web Summit Lisbon with the aid of four leading Drupal agencies. It happened in November. Drupal had a happening booth. Everybody was in a resurgent mood.

Anything good will not go uncontested. It shouldn't, either. A good adversary can be an indication of worth. In recent weeks, if you ask me what the most pertinent point of discussion among Drupalists was, I would say it was about a medium blog post by Maxime Topolov, CEO of Code.Store. It was a critique of Driesnote. Although he published the review by the end of October, it suddenly came into discussion through some recent LinkedIn posts. It is interesting to read counter-narratives.

Coming down to the week in retrospect, TheDropTimes (TDT) published the second part of the interview with Grzegorz Pietrzak. He talks about Droopler to Thomas Elias K. Catch the conversation here. We ran a featured story on the Calender View Module by Matthieu Scarset. Alka Elizabeth did the honors.

In a significant organization news, Mautic started offering live trials by collaborating with DropSolid. After Acquia incorporated Mautic into its offerings and returned it to the community, this was the first break for the open-source marketing automation platform.

Local and regional communities play a remarkable role in strengthening the Drupal ecosystem. The recently concluded DrupalCamp Costa Rica had more than 120 participants. Kazima Abbas gives us a glimpse into the successful DrupalCamp. The 3rd annual EvolveDrupal Ottawa summit has concluded successfully. Evolving Web has also raised a call for session submissions to their next summit in Atlanta, GA, in early 2024.

The next edition of DrupalCon Europe will be in Barcelona from September 24 to 27, 2024. Know the venue in advance. The Bay Area Drupal Camp is returning with a two-day hackathon in San Francisco, tentatively scheduled for April 13 to 15, 2024. You can submit sessions for Florida DrupalCamp 2024 until December 18. Drupal Developer Days 2024 will happen in Burgas, Bulgaria, from June 26 to 28, 2024. The camp needs sponsors. Acquia has announced a webinar on Crafting Human-Centric Digital Experiences: A Guide for Drupal Developers. It will happen on December 14.

We shared a few case studies last week. Read about Evolving Web's Successful Drupal Migration for INSPQ or Pantheon's support to WebMD. Srijan published a case study on Drupal site migration from version 8 to 10. Read how Acquia drives digital transformation for Nestlé.

Drew Webber has written about a security vulnerability in Drupal 7. Catch it here. Enterprise support for PHP 8.0 ended on November 26. It will be wise to upgrade your PHP installation. Starting from Drupal 10.2, developers can use PHP attributes instead of annotations for certain plugins. Goran Nikolovski writes about it. Incidentally, he has also written about a debugging experience in webforms in Drupal 10.

A Brazilian city offers 2,500 spots for free Distance Learning courses in technology. In a video tutorial by D4Drupal, Saranya Ashok Kumar demonstrates how to create custom pagination in a custom module for Drupal 10, 9, and 8. Oliver Davies offers a free 7-day email course dedicated to automated testing and test-driven development in Drupal. The 4th episode of the LocalGov Drupal tutorial series focuses on deploying websites to the cloud using Selwyn Polit invites open collaboration on GitHub for a ready reckoner on Drupaling.

Read about Hux, a tool for managing hooks in Drupal website development. Lee Rowlands writes about PreviousNext's journey toward Drupal frontend nirvana by leveraging Vite, Twig, and Storybook. Bluedrop, a French Drupal agency, advocates conducting a 5-day design sprint to finalize UI/UX design for a Drupal project. The process involves understanding, drawing, deciding, prototyping, and testing.

Luca Lusso writes about the state of modules maintained by SparkFabrik. Allan Chappell writes about the significance of Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. The article published by Four Kitchens contextualizes Drupal projects wherein developers navigate the complexities when dealing with modules that haven't fully transitioned to the next major version of the Drupal framework.

'Beyond Blocks' podcast by Oliver Davies is a comparatively new podcast series about Drupal. The previous episode of the podcast features Niklas Franke, Digital Marketing Manager at Factorial. In it, the guest shares his rich experience organizing Splash awards in Germany.

'Beyond the Build' interview series by Drupal Associaton features Sean Keating from The Michael J. Fox Foundation and Jim Barnthouse from Specbee. Kelly Delaney, the Director of Development at Drupal Association, and Nathan Roach, Marketing Director at Axelerant did the interview. Watch the 3rd episode here.

Talking Drupal podcast episode #426 interviews Stephen Mustgrave about the Needs Review Queue Initiative. Meanwhile, Agiledrop has published an interview about the Next-Drupal project with John Faber, Managing Partner of Chapter Three. Next-Drupal aims to integrate the Next.js frontend with the Drupal backend.

Matt Glaman has shared his talk from Midcamp this year about porting top projects to Drupal 10. The major challenge here is maintaining support for Drupal 9.5 while dealing with deprecated code removed from Drupal 10.

Last but not least, check out the benefits of Drupal LTS (long-term support) from Vimal Joseph's blog post on Zyxware.

There are more stories available out there. But the compulsion to limit the selection of stories is forcing us to put a hard break on further exploration—happy Drupaling folks.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you,

Sebin Abraham Jacob
Editor in Chief, TheDropTimes.

LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 5 - Admin Navigation

Drupal Advent Calendar day 5 - Admin Navigation james Tue, 12/05/2023 - 07:00 Image removed.

For our fifth door, Cristina Chumillas (ckrina) introduces us to the new Admin Navigation a new admin toolbar (not to be confused with Admin Toolbar), which aims to replace the default admin menu in a future Drupal release.

The new administration navigation has been created to replace core’s default Toolbar. More than 70% of Drupal sites customize it with contrib modules, so it’s clear that it has become obsolete. The new navigation will move most of the existing top toolbar into a left vertical sidebar that we’ve been testing and evolving over the last months. The goal is to provide a more…


Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #427 - Melissa Turns The Tables

On today’s show we are turning the tables and Nic and John will be interviewed by our guest host Melissa Bent. We’ll also cover Content Model Documentation as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:

  • What made you decide to start the podcast
  • Who does what tasks
  • The first episode was on May 30 2013. What do you know now that you wish you knew then
  • When did the guest host start
  • What has been your favorite episode
  • How did you come to this format
  • Where did the tagline come from
  • What technology do you use in production
  • The show is supported by multiple platforms, would you recommend this
  • What advice would you give someone just starting
Resources Guests

Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi


Melissa Bent - merauluka

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Content Model & Site Documentation

  • Brief description:
    • Have you wanted to make your Drupal site self-documenting directly within the admin UI? There’s a module for that.
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Jan 2023
    • Versions available: 1.0.23, compatible with Drupal 9 and 10
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, latest release was a week ago
    • Test coverage
    • No official guide, but there was a recent talk about the module at GovCon, so you can watch that
    • Number of open issues: 43 open, 9 of which are bugs
  • Usage stats:
    • 82 sites
  • Maintainer(s):
    • Steve Wirt (swirt) who works for Civic Actions
  • Module features and usage
    • Allows your Drupal site to generate its own documentation
    • Has fieldable Content Model Document entities that allow you to customize what data will be stored
    • Can optionally document things like your content types, taxonomies, block types, paragraph types, and more
    • Documentation elements can also be associated with parts of your site configuration, and they become available within the relevant parts of your admin UI. For example, if you add documentation for a specific content type, when a site builder goes into edit that content type they will see a link to the documentation as a tab
    • You can generate entity relationship diagrams using MermaidJS
    • Also includes a field search capability originally developed as a separate module by Matthieu Scarset, who was a guest on this show back in episode #298
    • Will also generate diagrams to illustrate your content workflows, showing the states defined and the transitions between them

Golems GABB: The Future of Content Management with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

The Future of Content Management with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Editor Mon, 12/04/2023 - 11:07

Disclaimer: This blog is based on analyzing events that have taken place in the DAO market over the past few years. The DAO market is unpredictable, so we are not responsible for your sudden desire to start creating blockchain content right now.
This blog offers insights into Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), which are often subject to innovation, cosmic disruptions, and quantum leaps.
Note: the future is uncertain, so no one can know exactly what will happen next minute. It can surprise you with an unexpected challenge. However, you must first get acquainted with DAO to learn how to make money on both. Please fasten your seat belts because we are going on an incredible journey.
But: Before acting independently, consult our expert to avoid any mistakes or spontaneous DAO-related endeavors. blog: Choosing the Best Drupal Approach: Headless or Decoupled?

Choosing the Best Drupal Approach: Headless or Decoupled? kanapatrick Mon, 12/04/2023 - 10:18

Choosing the best Drupal approach for your project can be a daunting task. Do you choose a headless or decoupled approach? Both approaches have their pros and cons and it is important to understand what they are before making a decision. In this blog post, we will compare the two approaches, explore the pros and cons of each, and help you determine which one is best for your project.

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Droptica: Recurring Payments in Drupal Commerce with PayPal. How to Set Up the Braintree Module?

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Would you like to offer a recurring payment option in your online store? If so, this article is for you. You'll learn how to configure the Drupal Commerce Braintree module enabling payment processing through the Braintree gateway, how to link it to your PayPal account, and how to test and successfully launch this solution on your Drupal platform for online selling. 

LN Webworks: The Admin Toolbar - A Phenomenal Drupal Module for Website

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Drupal is a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) with many marvelous features and functionalities. Some are centered around causing customer delight while others are focused on promoting the ease of administration. The admin toolbar module is a remarkable feature that has simplified the lives of site admins worldwide and has made a special place in the heart of every Drupal company. It can help you easily navigate to your desired destination, assign user permissions, and organize administrative links into submenus.

The best part is that you can use this Drupal module on all types of devices irrespective of their screen sizes. Are you already feeling captivated by the magic of the admin toolbar module? What we have discussed by far is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more about this phenomenal Drupal module that we’ll discuss further in this blog.