Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #430 - Drupal in 2024

Today we are talking about Drupal in 2024, What we are looking forward to with Drupal 11, and the Drupal Advent Calendar with James Shields. We’ll also cover Drupal 10.2 as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:

  • Advent calendar
  • Selection process
  • Popularity
  • Next year
  • Drupal features in 2024
  • Drupal 11
    • Project browser
    • Recipes / Starter templates
    • Automated updates
    • Gitlab
    • Smaller core
  • Predictions
Resources Guests

James Shields - lostcarpark


Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Ron Northcutt - rlnorthcutt

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Drupal 10.2

  • Improvements include
    • Technology Updates
      • PHP 8.3
      • Includes capabilities that previously required contrib projects
      • File name sanitization
      • A search filter on the permissions page
    • End Users
      • Performance enhancements and improved caching APIs
      • Support for PHP Fibers to accelerate handling things like asynchronous remote calls
    • Content Creators
      • Revision UI for media
      • Wider editing area in Claro on large screens
      • The return of “Show blocks” in CKEditor 5, missing until now
    • Site Builders
      • Field creation UI has a new, more visual interface, and an updated workflow
      • Block visibility can now be based on the HTTP response status, for example to make it visible or invisible on 404 or 403 responses
      • Tour module is no longer enabled by default for the Standard and Umami profiles
      • New “negated regular expression” operator for views filters (string/integer), to exclude results matching a provided pattern
    • Site Owners
      • Announcements Feed is now stable and included in the Standard profile
      • The functionality in the experimental Help Topics module has been merged into the main Help module, so the Help Topics module is now deprecated
      • New permission: Use help pages
    • Developers
      • A fairly sizable change is a move to use native PHP attributes instead of doctrine annotations to declare metadata for plugin classes. Work is already underway to get core code converted, and an issue has been opened to have rector do this conversion for contrib projects
      • A new DeprecationHelper::backwardsCompatibleCall() method to help write Drupal extensions that support multiple versions of core
      • A PerformanceTestBase is now in core, to support automated testing of performance metrics
      • A new #config_target property in ConfigFormBase to simplify creating configuration forms
      • Symfony mailer is now a composer dependency of core
      • New decimal primitive data type
      • Expanded configuration validation, Symfony autowiring support, HTML5 output from the HTML utility class is now default, and more
      • In addition to these and the features highlighted in the official announcement, there are three pages of change records for the 10.2.0 release, and we’ll include a link to those in the show notes

#! code: Drupal 10: Creating Custom Paths With Path Processors

Routes in Drupal can be altered as they are created, or even changed on the fly as the page request is being processed.

In addition to a routing system, Drupal has a path alias system where internal routes like "/node/123" can be given SEO friendly paths like "/about-us". When the user visits the site at "/about-us" the path will be internally re-written to allow Drupal to serve the correct page. Modules like Pathauto will automatically generate the SEO friendly paths using information from the item of content; without the user having to remember to enter it themselves.

This mechanism is made possible thanks to an internal Drupal service called "path processing". When Drupal receives a request it will pass the path through one or more path processors to allow them to change it to another path (which might be an internal route). The process is reversed when generating a link to the page, which allows the path processors to reverse the process.

It is possible to alter a route in Drupal using a route subscriber, but using path processors allows us to change or mask the route or path of a page in a Drupal site without actually changing the internal route itself.

In this article we will look what types path processors are available, how to create your own, what sort of uses they have in a Drupal site, and anything else you should look out for when creating path processors.

Types Of Path Processor

Path processors are managed by the Drupal class \Drupal\Core\PathProcessor\PathProcessorManager. When you add your a path processor to a site this is the class that manages the processor order and calling the processors.

There are two types of path processor available in Drupal:

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LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 24 - Web Summit

Drupal Advent Calendar day 24 - Web Summit james Sun, 12/24/2023 - 07:00 Image removed.

Today is the last day of our Advent Calendar, and what a trip it’s been. For our final door, we have a real treat, as Baddý Sonja Breidert (baddysonja) joins us to tell us all about the Drupal presence at this year’s Web Summit, including the video of her keynote speech, available for the first time.

Image removed. The Drupal Booth at Web Summit

At DrupalCon Pittsburgh in June 2023, the Drupal Association Board of directors approved a new strategic plan for the next 3 years with three main objectives:

  • Objective #1 - Innovation
    Drupal becomes the most innovative and impactful web-platform in the world, by enabling “makers” and connecting with…


LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 23 - Single Directory Components

Drupal Advent Calendar day 23 - Single Directory Components james Sat, 12/23/2023 - 07:00 Image removed.

For the penultimate door of the Drupal Advent Calendar, we are joined by Mike Herchel (mherchel) to tell the amazing story of bringing Single Directory Components into Drupal Core.

How we brought SDC into Drupal Core (and how you can too!)

Single Directory Components (SDC) started out as a rough idea in early 2022, had its first contrib release in March 2022, was proposed to go into core in October 2022, and was committed to core just 6(ish) months later! In the general schedule of Drupal core development, this was a light speed!

In this story I’ll walk through how the idea came about, and how we…


MidCamp - Midwest Drupal Camp: Call for Speakers is Extended to Jan 7!

Call for Speakers is Extended to Jan 7!

We’ve had 35 sessions submitted since we launched the open call and we’d love to add your idea to that number. We’re looking for talks geared toward a variety of attendees, beginner through advanced Drupal users, as well as end users and business owners. Please see our session tracks page for full descriptions of the kinds of talks we are looking for.

Important Dates:

  • Proposal Deadline: January 7 (Sunday), 2024 at midnight CST
  • Tickets on sale: very soon!
  • Early-bird deadline and speakers announced: February (all speakers are eligible for a free ticket, and anyone who submits a session that is not accepted will be eligible for early-bird pricing even after it closes)

Sponsors Get Early, Exclusive Access

Sponsors make MidCamp possible so we want to return the favor by helping your organization grow within the community and save you time.  Get access to new talent and customers as a sponsor of MidCamp.

With packages starting at just $600, organizations can target their jobs to a select group of experienced Drupal talent, maximize exposure by sharing space with dozens of jobs instead of millions, and have three days of being face-to-face with applicants.

Our sponsorship packages are designed to showcase your organization as a supporter of the Drupal community and provide opportunities to:

  • grow your brand,
  • generate leads,
  • and recruit Drupal talent.

Check out the sponsorship packages here, we look forward to working with you to get your organization involved for 2024!

Stay In The Loop

Please feel free to ask on the MidCamp Slack and come hang out with the community online. We will be making announcements there from time to time. We’re also on Twitter and Mastodon.

Keep your eyes peeled in the new year, we will be sharing more information with venue details, hotel and travel options, fun social events, speaker announcements, and more!


The MidCamp Team

ImageX: Accessibility Elements, Part 2: Semantic HTML and WAI-ARIA in Drupal

Authored by: Nadiia Nykolaichuk and Dave Bezuidenhout.

Websites are complex systems, and navigating them with assistive tools like screen readers is not an easy task. Luckily, if a website follows the accessibility guidelines, the user journey becomes much more seamless thanks to useful “road signs.” They are contained in the HTML code of accessible web pages and announced to the user by screen readers.

CKEditor: Drupal CKEditor 4 LTS

This is a comprehensive guide for the Drupal CKEditor 4 End of Life. In addition to discussing the specifics of how and when CKEditor 4 support will end, this article also offers options for secure, continued use of CKEditor 4 in Drupal 7 and Drupal 10+. From January 1, 2024 and onwards, CKEditor 4 will no longer receive open source security updates in the Drupal ecosystem, as CKEditor 4 has reached its end of life period. However, extended CKEditor 4 support will be available until the end of 2026, with an accompanying module. This allows more time for integrators before they eventually upgrade to its successor, CKEditor 5, which is a core module in Drupal 10.